Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"I swear to God!"

It's in the movies, it is written in stories and maybe you've heard it said in real life or even said it yourself:

".... I swear to God ...." 

It seems to be something said by folks who think it gives absolute proof that they are telling the truth. In several cases that I have witnessed the truth is not always being told.  Some who use the phrase and are in fact telling the truth seem to lack conviction and expect God to stand up for them.


In Jeremiah 4 we read that Yahweh told His people:
If you return to Me.... If you remove your abominations from My presence and do not waver, and swear "As Yah lives" in sincerity, justice and righteousness (you shall be a blessing to others).  

He tells us we should not plant seeds among thorns and to open our hearts to Him.

He has also told us not to take His Name in vain and, just maybe, carelessly saying, 'I swear to God' is part of that bringing Him to nothingness. We are to let our 'yes' be yes and our 'no' be no. If we swear an oath to another let it be in His Name, Yahweh the living Elohim, and mean it sincerely, in all justice and righteousness.
Exodus 20:7 ... do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.

Just another thought to ponder as we travel His Path of Righteousness.

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