Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Meat as Food

Food was plant based in the beginning and by Genesis 9 Yah gave the go ahead to eat meats after Noah and his family left the ark, according to Yah's menu of what and what not to eat of.  Later, too, we get a better understanding:
Deuteronomy 12:13 ~ Take care not to sacrifice your burnt offerings in any place you like, but in the place that YHWH will choose in one of your tribal territories (which became Jerusalem). Verse 15 ~ BUT whenever you desire, you may slaughter and eat meat in any of your settlements, according to the blessing that YHWH your Elohim has granted you. But do not partake of the blood, pour it out on the ground.....
There were animals designated for sacrifice and animals to use as food at home. And His people knew how to kill an animal with care. Abraham was aware of Yah's teachings, knew the difference between what could be simply eaten and what was intended as burnt offerings. He had great wealth in animals: sheep, oxen, asses and camels as well as cattle. He was the model of hospitality when he offers rest and a meal in Genesis 18, having Sarah prepare cakes and the servant boy prepare a calf.

Time goes by and the rules and regulations about burnt offerings become associated with food and taking care of the servants of Elohim: 
Numbers 18:21: And to the Levites I hereby give all the tithes (mostly from the field, the herd, and the flock) in Israel as the share in return for the services that they (the priests from the tribe of Levi) perform, the services of the Tent of Meeting... :24 for it is the tithes set aside by the Israelites As A Gift to Elohim that I give to the Levites (for they have no territorial share among the Israelites) :26 Speak to the Levites and say to them, When you receive from the Israelites their tithes, which I have assigned to you as your share, you shall set aside from them one-tenth of the tithe as a Gift to YHWH... (the best of the best of the best always goes to the Creator) :29 You (the priests) shall set aside (one-tenth of) all Gifts due to Elohim from everything that is Donated to you, from each thing the Best portion :31 You and your households may eat it anywhere for it is your recompense for your Services in the Tent of Meeting
Not all animals and birds and fish were designated as burnt offerings or intended as food for human consumption. Some predators and scavengers are not to be eaten because they are part of the clean up crew. Take a look at our polluted oceans from which commercial fisheries have raked out lobsters, crabs and other bottom feeders who were not intended as food for us but are Yah's garbage collectors of the deep. Clams, mussels and shrimp are also on the Do Not Eat list. (click here for more on this subject)  (And Here)

I think part of the lesson is not to make a big deal about food and that means don't take pictures of it and post them to your facebook page "Yum". We should simplify what we eat as we continue to walk His Path and abide by His rules. I think it is very important to abstain from the 'food industry' and their methods of mass breeding and slaughtering birds and animals. All the injections, hormones, antibiotics and other additives have really made our choices limited. So, without distorting Yah's Instructions for His creation, we can choose a healthier lifestyle by not buying commercial meats and dairy, cutting back on all pre-made packaged foods etc.... and start cleaning up this temple of ours. I say these things because my husband and I are on this path and have aligned our food choices with His Menu. My latest is to avoid all genetically modified foods and hybrid varieties. We are the physical and spiritual result of the choices we make and they aren't always easy, but once we commit ourselves to our Creator it gets easier to move forward, one stepping stone at a time.

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