Monday, October 8, 2018

End Times Prophecies

Jeremiah 15
Those destined for the plague, to the plague they go
Those destined for the sword (wars), to the sword they go
Those destined for famine, to famine
Those destined for captivity, to captivity.....

Matthew 24
You will hear of revolutions, wars and rumors of war. 
Nations and kingdoms will rise up against each other, fight each other. 
There will be famine, food shortages, plagues, diseases. These are the beginning of sorrows.

Then we will be hated, delivered to afflictions and killed because we believe in Y'shua, Son of Elohim. Many stumble, hate each other and will report 'believers' to the authorities to save their own lives. 

Revelation 2:10
Do not be terrified at the things you are to suffer. The Accuser will throw some of you in prison (captivity), and you will be tried; there will be trouble for you for ten days - be faithful until death.

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