Monday, April 23, 2018

One Path

Let me dive deeper into excuse folks use when saying "we're all on a different part of the path." What do they mean by that?  Who taught them the idea that the path is divided into parts? I admit it is a learning process when one begins to come out of that old time religion mindset, but there is only one path and it is continuous. 

It is the path YHWH established for us and it is unmistakable: 
Isaiah 43:16 ~ Thus said YHWH who made a road through the sea and a path through mighty waters...  
Proverbs 4:18 ~ The path of the righteous is like radiant sunlight, ever brightening until noon.
The path began when the mixed multitude along with the Hebrews left Egypt. Nearly a million men, women and children followed Moses and Aaron out of Egypt and into the desert wilderness: Destination = The Land of Canaan. That's a lot of feet traveling His Path.  Yah showed Moses the way to go and by faith he obeyed. Those leading the way clearly marked the path after about the first 20 or 30 people trampled the ground. Yes, there is a beginning and an end but no one was left on any other part of that path and each time they stopped they were together as one people. By faith they chose to take the path when they painted the blood of the lamb on their doorposts as a sign to YHWH. We choose to get on that same path when we accept the fact that the Son of Elohim laid down his life for us.

More often than not, the phrase "we're all on different parts of the path" is used as a mild defense tactic to end the discussion at hand in order to change the subject. My interpretation of what folks mean when they use it is that those parts of the path are personal comfort zones: places to feel safe and be non-committal; places to spend time trying to decide whether or not to continue on His Path, unsure of what's ahead; a place that won't offend family and friends who would be left behind if one chose to continue on His Path; a place to hide from the truth that is waiting to be revealed, ready or not.  It's a place where one can continue sitting on the fence, and not make a decision nor take responsibilities for decisions; sitting there remaining open minded to all opinions of man instead of trusting our Creator.

So, if it's not simply a learning curve one is struggling with, lets call it what it is: Lack of faith. When Y'shua called out to those men who were to become his Apostles, none of them hesitated to drop what they were doing and follow him. They knew enough about Scriptures to recognize Y'shua and wasted no time deciding whether or not they should leave their family and friends behind.  

Y'shua was continuing on the path Moses set foot upon.
From 1 Corinthians 10... all our fathers were under the cloud, and they passed through the sea, and they were all immersed by Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink... from the spiritual rock that attended them and that rock was the Mashiyach. (They were all on the path, the same part of the path) But with a multitude of them, Elohim was not pleased. These things are an example for us so that we won't covet after evil things as they did. Neither should we serve idols as some of them did nor commit sexual sin. Neither let us tempt the Mashiyach as some of them tempted and serpents destroyed them. (Numbers 21:4) Nor should we complain as some of them did and they perished by the destroyer. All these things that befell them were for an example to us and they are written for our instruction on whom the end of the world has come; Flee from idolatry... do not associate with demons... we cannot partake at the table of our Master Y'shua and sit at the table of demons."
This path of righteousness exists because of the many who have faithfully walked before us, and it leads to the narrow gate; few will find it. If one is not moving beyond their perceived comfort zone then their thoughts become blurred by confusion stirred up by Satan, and many rabbit trails and stumbling blocks appear, opening the door for 'doubt' to enter. 
Isaiah 26:7 ~ The path is level for the righteous man; O Just One, You make smooth the course of the righteous.
Just as those who traveled the wilderness for 40 years, our Creator is testing us to reveal what is in our hearts, whether we will obey Him or not. That sort of puts an end to another comfort zone excuse used by some folks to justify their behavior when they do as they please, regardless of the Word of Elohim, defending their actions by saying: He knows what's in my heart.

The Apostles knew Torah, had faith in Yahweh, and trusted the writings of the prophets which is why they were expecting Yahshua and were able to recognize him in person. They did not hesitate to follow when he called. If we are full of the knowledge of Scriptures then we, too, are capable of discerning the truth by allowing His Spirit to lead us as we follow their examples, who followed the example set by Moses. We are all on the same part of the path, by faith.  It is the lack of knowledge that becomes a stumbling block, or worse, a mill stone, that will destroy His people. They won't be on a different part of the path, but removed from the path altogether.

If you get the feeling that you're not on the same part of the path, or you make the excuse for others, there's a reason for it. Take into consideration the conversation at hand. Study it out for yourself and overcome whatever obstacle is in the way. Have faith that His Spirit will comfort you with the truth. Pick up your copy of Scriptures and start reading from the beginning. Make the choice - choose life and receive His Blessing. We do this because we have Faith. We are committed to our Creator and that puts us on His Path. In all of this we will recognize the Good Shepherd's voice.

Remember: division is a tactic used by Satan.

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