Saturday, November 25, 2017

Become Like A Kid Again

What did Messiah mean by saying we must become as little children in order to enter The Kingdom?
Matthew 18
At that moment, the disciples drew near to Y'shua and said,
"Who indeed is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?"
And Y'shua called a child and made him stand in their midst, and said,
"Truly I say to you, that unless you change and become like children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. He therefore who humbles himself like this child, he will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven. And he who receives one like this child in my name receives me.
Anyone who harms one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him that the millstone of a donkey would be hung of his neck and he be sunk into the depths of the sea.
Woe to the world because of offenses. (Although) It is necessary for offenses that should come, but woe to the man by whose hand the offenses come."
It is up to us to change, our attitudes, for one thing; to humble ourselves as suggested by Y'shua. We are not to be proud or haughty, nor be arrogant or assertive. Most children have not learned these attributes of adulthood. These attributes get in the way of trusting the Creator and having faith in His Son. In becoming as a child again, we willingly submit to the Father and obey His Instructions because we realize how small we are in comparison....

As we have been learning the Truth of His Word and march along His Path of Righteousness we begin to fill up with self esteem and pride in the fact that 'we see the truth' and are coming out of Babylon. We speak out and share these facts with family and friends, most times mowing them over with stuff they just don't understand. We begin to get an attitude of superiority and lose patience with those still struggling to come to terms with Yahweh. Some become overbearing and lose sight of the simplicity of Scriptures while they arm themselves with Strong's Concordance, Greek interpretations and Jewish traditions along with mysticism. I understand the excitement and zeal that bursts forth at the first taste of freedom, but we must not lose site of who we are, who our Creator is and the small part we play in the Big Picture.

It's all about Love: Love Yahweh first and foremost, then we are able to love one another as we love our selves.  In this mindset of love we can easily follow His Instructions in righteous living.

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