Monday, April 24, 2017

Love Our Enemies

In the beginning was the Word...

We read in Matthew 5 about Y'shua teaching from the mountain. Remember the first time teaching came from the mountain? Moses brought the Word of Elohim down to the people. This time the Son of Yahweh is teaching and defining the same Word.

Y'shua did not come to do away with the Instructions established by our Creator, nor the writings of prophets of old. He did, however, bring to realization and perform his duty by obeying those Instructions of the Father. Not only that, he expanded and clarified the definition of the Commandments.

Matthew 5:21- You have heard 'you shall not kill' (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) but I say if you even provoke to anger anyone, without cause, you are condemned to the Gehenna of fire. 5:27- You have heard you should not commit adultery but I say if you even think about it, you have committed adultery in your heart 5:38- You have heard it said "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth" (this Hebrew idiom refers to fair restitution = the amount to be restored is equal to the loss, not crime for a crime.) 5:43- You have heard it said to "love your neighbor and hate your enemy" (oral law) But I say to you to love your enemies and bless those that curse you and do that which is pleasing to those who hate you. (loving the enemy would be not to avenge or bear a grudge against them - nor to run out and give 'em a hug - its not that kind of love) Here is the reason=> 5:46- If you love only those who love you, what reward have you? Even the publicans do this. And if you greet in peace only your brothers, what more are you doing? Even the publicans do this. 5:48- You therefore be perfect as your Father in heaven who is perfect. (Yah told us to be Set Apart because He is Set Apart)
Note: When Y'shua says 'you have heard' or 'you have heard it said', he is referring to 'oral Torah' as taught by the Pharisees:
Quote - Among the Pharisaic proto-rabbis, “building fences around the Torah” was a common practice. Unlike their primary opponents, the Sadducees, the Pharisees observed a long tradition of oral interpretation of and commentary on Torah, going back to the early sages. This “oral Torah” (traditions of the elders) was passed down from teacher to student through the generations (and became the predominant expression of Judaism after the Jerusalem Temple’s destruction in 70 CE, when the religion had to be re-formulated without temple worship). An essential component of “oral Torah” was the practice of “building fences” around the commandments – formulating additional observations and practices in order to preserve the commandment itself. (end quote)
It is possible that this Pharisaic tradition originated during the seventy years of 'captivity' in Babylon where many bad habits were picked up (including giving names to days and months).  Y'shua was pointing out this error by teaching the Word of Elohim in its purity. People had forgotten Yah's Instructions to the point of even forgetting His Name. Judaism is the result of tradition, man's imagination and placing his own opinion above Yah's Instructions. Man created religion.

We know that Yahweh will destroy our enemies so it is not necessary to waste our emotions on them. We are not to rejoice in the defeat or downfall of our enemies, nor are we to hold a grudge against them or seek revenge. These are they we are to simply disassociate with. It has nothing to do with hating our enemies nor are we to embrace them. We can forgive them because they just don't know what they are doing and patiently wait for the Day of Yah's Wrath. 

Luke 6:35 - Love your enemies and do good to them and lend a hand and do not cut off the hope of man. Be merciful as your Father is merciful... for the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you. Take the beam out of your own eye then you will be able to see to take out the straw that is in the eye of your brother.

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