Sunday, May 19, 2013

Metaphors and Realities

A friend offered a quote that raised me eyebrow-
"There is no personal relationship with Yeshua...outside the body of Messiah."

I thought, how can that be? So onward with another study and here's what I have found: people over-emphasize the metaphors and lose sight of the spiritual reality.

Paul writes in Romans that 'the hidden things of Elohim are in our minds.' I believe these hidden things to be His signature showing we are created in His Image, a part of Him is in us. It's the 'cause' that puts us on the path back home. His calling is in our minds, in our thoughts - this explains why we are drawn to finding Truth - we think, ponder, question and search for answers... we 'feel' there is more to life than meets the eye because He has put it there within us. "Those who love Elohim are those whom He called from before our beginning according to His purpose" (also in Romans) So, to say there's no personal relationship with Y'shua outside of Y'shua Messiah is very misleading as Paul reveals our relationship began with YHWH and His Mashiyach way back then - before we were born, before we knew we were part of his body (of believers in Torah and the faith once delivered)... We have been in a continual process (the walk?) of being made righteous by Faith from the day we were physically born.

To say that 'no part of the body can function by itself' is also misleading. We've been functioning since birth, as He called us prior to that, so we have always been part of the body.

"When we find others who have harmony with Y'shua and Torah, we automatically become One People because of the common lifestyle and goals we have in Mashiyach."   In Ephesians it is written when we are bonded in peace we are united by the Ruach haKodesh, as one body and one spirit... I believe prior to being united we are individual bodies, functioning on the path to oneness -- believers find each other everyday! We are not isolated beings, bodiless, without Mashiyach, until then. Y'shua has always been the head -- we, the chosen people, have always been part of the body.

The further we come out of Babylon the better we hear His voice, the Spirit has more room to move within us as he reveals YHWH knew us before we were born, so we must have known Him before creation - think about that for a moment :-) Gee but it's great to be back home! I believe this is the definition of The Kingdom is Near -- The Kingdom is Within -- and what it means to be the spiritual temple of today. We will have peace with Elohim through Y'shua the Anointed One by whom we are brought by faith into His grace.

The love of Elohim is diffused in our hearts by the Ruach haKodesh who is given to us - we have a connection!
"All who put their faith in YHWH are being called into righteousness to walk as Y'shua walked." Andrew Roth

We are many persons in one body (Mashiyach) and naturally members of each other - we have different attributes/gifts according to the grace given us - I understand this and the need to share and reinforce one another. I do not think anyone can do this alone nor is anyone capable of being a body unto themselves unless deceived by Satan - then he becomes the head - YUCK!

Y'shua, according to Matthew, speaks more about what the Kingdom of Heaven is like than any body of believers or his spiritual body.

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