Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Walid Shoebat's view on our Sister Holiday

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As a “right wing Jewish extremist” as many of my fellow Jews might describe me, so as to isolate me from the “lamestream” I have a question as to why Jewish Liberals find the celebration of Chanukah as the most important of all Jewish festivals to actively and proudly celebrate in America.  Passover, Tabernacles and Pentecost are more important but most reform synagogues are closed, go figure!

Chanukah is not a Biblical festival, not commanded to be celebrated by G-d but what it is a celebration on par with the July 4th celebration commemorating freedom from persecution and independence of Israel. The Macabbees who lead the revolt against the Hellenist Greeks were right wing extremist zealots like me, who believed in a free undivided land of Israel, not a solution that might bring “peace.” Liberal Jews like the Hellenists support abortion “pro choice,” a pc word for murder, homosexuality, euthanasia and a shared land of Israel the size of Delaware instead of New Jersey, while the Maccabees would frown at such affronts to G-d’s natural laws and promises.

It is hard to believe that liberal Jews could embrace such a festival or concept called Chanukah based on the historic and miraculous reason it is celebrated.

I as a supporter of the Maccabee cause wish to free Israel, all Israel, of the affront of Islamic domination. Today I am called an extremist and hatemonger.  If I lived 2500 years ago I would be a hero and commemorated by liberals later (today) as such, yet today based on the same issues repeated in front of our eyes, to a liberal I would be a “hatemonger” promoting “hate speech.”

The real reason liberal Jews celebrate Chanukah is because it is close to the festival of Christmas and multicultural competition.  The date of Dec 25th is based on a pagan holiday. I do not say this to disparage Christians but based on historical fact that December the 25th was a pagan holiday during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine who used the pagan date to change it to a Christian holiday. All Biblical historians know that Jesus could not have been born at this time based on the season described in the Bible. No one knows the date but it was some time from the end of August till October. Easter itself is named after a pagan deity Estor because it happened to fall at the same time as the crucifixion of Jesus and Constantine used this to turn pagans to Christianity but removed the Jewish essence that is inherent to the faith but now pretty much separated or forgotten.

Secularism, traditions of man turning them to religion, and multi-culturism have infected and diluted the truth concerning how G-d wished us to conduct ourselves based on the text of the Bible. Orthodox Jews, Reform Jews and Christians have all twisted the word of G-d with false traditions and made them gospel truth.    The Bible is the word of G-d not the Talmud or Mishna, the traditions of Constantine and the destruction by Christians of the Hebrew roots of their faith is also an affront. Both Jews and Christians need to take a good look at them-selves in the mirror before they critique each other.

As for our Muslim cousins, they just remained pagan and deceived themselves that G-d is Allah when he is plain and simply Satan. Here come the Fatwas!

The prophets of Israel give us a clear literal picture of the end of days and they explain the exact things that are playing out in front of our eyes.    Yet Jewish, Christian scholars and leaders from both introduce allegory and wishful notions of fantasy to explain everything but the truth. The false prophets, weak leaders and evil ones also are clearly pointed out in the prophecies.  To the truth seekers - read and study the prophets of Israel, for the Day of the Lord is not far off.

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