Thursday, February 25, 2021

What Happened?

Genesis 1:3 
Our Creator said "Let there be light."
He separated the light (Day) from the darkness (Night) 
and there was evening and there was morning, a first day.  
Yahweh existed in the 'spiritual realm' long before He spoke creation into this physical realm. In the beginning all was good until Satan threw a monkey wrench into the mix.
What we know of this earth is that it was reshaped by The Flood, a cleansing long ago which took place because man's thoughts were constantly evil (among other things).  
When we look up, what we see as the sky is the whole heavenly host.
Astrology is not the same as Astronomy which is why we are given this warning in Deuteronomy 4:19~
​​"And when you look up to the sky and behold the sun and the moon and the stars, the whole heavenly host, you must not be lured into bowing down to them or serving them. These Yahweh your Creator allotted to other peoples everywhere under heaven; but you He took out of Egypt... to be His very own people."

Yahweh included mankind in His creation and provided a Set of Instructions, an Owner's Manual, to be used in daily affairs as well as spiritual matters.  In following these Instructions mankind would do well, live long and eventually inherit the promised land.  Instead, mankind throws out the first half of the Owner's Manual because he thinks he is smart enough and can do it all by himself now and uses the second half of the Owner's Manual to his advantage once he realized he could control other people who haven't studied the Set of Instructions for themselves.  Therein is the basis for all the assorted religions, beliefs, churches and cults.  Throw out the Instructions and folks will believe anyone who looks like the know what they're doing.  Satan is very clever.
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Outer Space was big food for my young imagination! There were plenty of TV shows that kept me hooked - The Time Tunnel; Lost in Space; The Jetsons; The Thunderbirds; Superman; My Favorite Martian and many more.  Life on other planets beyond our galaxy was real to me.  I would stare out into the sky trying to see as deep into space as I could, both daylight hours and nighttime, wishing a starship would come and take me away. I used to draw pictures of flying saucers, beaming down a ray of light that would levitate frightened young girls, still in their night gowns, taking them up into their ships. I had come to believe that aliens came to earth, genetically impregnated the apes mixing their DNAs and created man, the man of evolution stature. Of course, at that time, I had no idea I was standing at the doorway and peering into the void - a world without God the Creator; and this is another successful tool of mass distraction used by Satan.
Now lets take into consideration the original City of Babylon.  Genesis 11 is a short reference to this city, but sets the ground work:
Everyone on earth had the same language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said, "Let us make hard bricks and build a city and a tower with its top in the sky, to make a name for ourselves..." When Yah came down to take a look, He said, "If these people of one language can come up with an idea like this, then there is nothing that they set their mind to that will be out of reach. Lets go down and confound their speech so they won't be able to understand each other" (thus putting an end to such behavior). Yah scattered them over the face of the earth and they stopped building the city. It is called Babel (Babylon) because it was there Yah confounded their speech and scattered them.
Out of their pride and arrogance they came together for the sake of their own glory - they wanted to make a name for themselves. Not only did Yahweh confound their speech but He scattered them. Years later the House of Israel was scattered, part of which was exiled to Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar's day. During those seventy years living among the Babylonians many bad habits were picked up by those dispersed Israelites which they brought back with them when allowed to return to Judea. During this timeline is when the new religion of Judaism became woven with mysticism and man's own pride and arrogance, the Babylonian Mindset.
Our Faith is our commitment to Yahweh; we trust and abide by His Instructions. We should not let our pride and arrogance get in the way of His Truth.
Some time after The Flood is when Nimrod rose to power and wanted a city built, a place for his palace to be built, and that place was Shinar.  The famed tower was an attempt to reach the sky, the spiritual realm, without the need for Yahweh.  The Creator wasn't happy with their attempt to reach the heavens, so the question on my mind is: why would we think that space travel is acceptable? 
What inspired modern man to want to reach the stars in the first place, in effect making a name for themselves? Is it the same Babylonian mindset?
Why does modern man think space travel is important?
NASA says:
Humanity's interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries.
Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system. Through addressing the challenges related to human space exploration we expand technology, create new industries, and help to foster a peaceful connection with other nations. Curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit and accepting the challenge of going deeper into space will invite the citizens of the world today and the generations of tomorrow to join NASA on this exciting journey.
Scientific Communities say:
Space exploration is the future. It satisfies the human urge to explore and to travel, and in the years and decades to come it could even provide our species with new places to call home - especially relevant now, as Earth becomes increasingly crowded.
Scripture Says
May you be blessed by Yahweh, Maker of heaven and earth. The heavens belong to Yahweh but the earth He gave over to man. (Psalm 115:15, 16

The heavens are the spiritual realm and the earth is the physical realm, which is where man was placed and should remain until the return of Messiah.  Man was made a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:6) the difference being that angels are of the spiritual realm and man is of the physical realm.  We have no business attempting to leave earth before the appointed time.
Psalm 147:4
He reckoned the number of the stars;
to each He gave its name.
Great is our Father and full of power,
His wisdom is beyond reckoning.

Folks who do not believe in the Word of Yahweh will consider the words of Satan as a basis for truth.  Satan caused Eve to doubt the Word of God and y'all know what happened next - bye bye paradise.  This is the biggest reason I continue to remind you to read Scriptures for yourself.  Study them out and find other truth seeking believers who are not afraid to stand in the faith once delivered as set apart believers in the one true living God.

NASA and scientific communities do not believe in the Word of God but they do believe in the money accrued as funding to further their love of science-fiction.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 2021

It seems that our govt has been officially handed over to Satan with a swearing in ceremony. Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) offered a prayer to open the 117th Congress and this is how he ended it:
“We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths.... Amen … and A-woman."

Emanuel Cleaver is also a pastor at St. James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri (he definitely falls under the 'False Teacher' category). The word 'Amen' is commonly used to "express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion)", and has nothing to do with gender! and what does he mean by A Woman? Is he suggesting Kamala Devi Harris-Emhoff? 
The false god Brahma is the highest god of Hinduism and "Kamala" is one of the names for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi who was married to Vishnu. "Devi" is Sanskrit for goddess.
Quote: Brahma is the Hindu creator god. He is also known as the Grandfather and as a later equivalent of Prajapati, the primeval first god. In early Hindu sources such as the Mahabharata, Brahma is supreme in the triad of great Hindu gods which includes Shiva and Vishnu."
So when Cleaver says Brahma is the monotheistic god he is in error because Brahma is one of many Hindu gods.  Even the pope once claimed that all 'gods' had different names but were the same "God" and this simply is not true. It is a push for the one world religion which will rise up and convince sheeple to worship the beast and take its mark.
Do not believe all spirits but learn to recognize the difference among them, whether they are from Yah (God the Father) or not, for many false teachers have gone out into the world.
(First John Chapter 4)
Just to be clear, there is only One Living 'God' and His Name is Yahweh. His Instructions go with His Creation which includes all humanity. We choose to either follow His Instructions or not. Satan has been at war against this plan designed for our health, well being and salvation from the beginning. The first weapon he used was 'doubt' and it spread from there. If we truly trusted our Creator and understood His Instructions in Righteousness, there would be no religions, cults, denominations or 'break-away' churches.

Later, the same day, I recalled that there is statue representing Shiva at the underground collider facility CERN. Shiva is called the 'destroyer' and is part of the 'godhead' Hindu trinity, along with Vishnu and Brahma. Again I point out that the name 'Kamala' is one of the names of the goddess who was married to Vishnu.

This can't be a coincident and I am trying to hold back from speculating what this could mean.... other than just another sign of the times as to how far from Yahweh this world has strayed, ready to worship nothing but a bunch of dung hill deities, no-gods holding sway over mankind's imagination. Yet, here it is a month later from when I first made these notes and I can still see this as a possibility.
Consider this:

1. Shiva is worshiped at CERN
2. Brahma was 'worshiped' at the 117th Congress
3. Is Vishnu waiting to be reunited with Kamala?

To follow up on my speculation 😳 and to tie this in with the recent 180 days deadline (June 1st, 2021) until all UFO information is declassified, the possible appearance of Vishnu could be a staged ET event.  Vishnu by any other name would be presented to the world as its savior.

China Joe Biden once said he could invent a disease scenario and step down so that Kamala becomes prez. She could then stand with her new ET false-god demon-friend, Vishnu, who could become the famed end times world leader who stops WWIII from breaking out.  The optional role for this Vishnu ET character would be the end times false prophet whom most think is the pope.

The End Time Beasts

The beast that rises from the sea (ten horns, seven heads with names of blasphemy, ten crowns) is a system of ten 'nations' with ten leaders; one will seem to have had a fatal head wound that was healed and three will be removed (leaving seven heads/leaders) to make room for the last one, the eighth king. This 'beast from the sea' has attributes like a leopard, a wolf and a lion and its power, authority and throne are given to it by Satan. The people of the world respect and admire this beast for they believe no one would attempt to wage war against it. Now people are deluded into thinking they have peace and security.  

This 'second' beast we read about 'comes out of the earth'; it will appear to us as a spiritual leader but ends up speaking for Satan, the Dragon. He has all the authority as the first beast (he is government sponsored) and will perform great signs, even to bring fire down from heaven to earth (he has a demonic spirit working in him). This false prophet/religious leader will convince people to make an image, a statue, of the first beast. After they do, this religious leader will appear to have given life to the Image and command all to worship it. Those who refuse will be killed. It is during this time that the Law to be Marked (in order to buy or sell, conduct commerce) will be enforced. Everyone will be required to have this mark on their right hand or upon their forehead in order to shop or sell goods (groceries, gas, clothing, travel, pay bills etc...)

May 2021 update:
Guess what? Kamala Devi has been made head of the National Space Council.


December 2022 Update:
FILE - President Joe Biden signs an executive order at an event to celebrate Pride Month in the East Room of the White House, June 15, 2022, in Washington. Biden plans to sign legislation this coming week that will protect gay unions even if the Supreme Court revisits its ruling supporting a nationwide right of same-sex couples to marry. It's the latest part of Biden's legacy on gay rights, which includes his unexpected endorsement of marriage equality on national television a decade ago when he was vice president. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File) 
Marti G. Cummings was among the guests who attended Joe Biden's signing of the Respect for Marriage Act on Tuesday, a landmark piece of legislation protecting same-sex marriage rights.

Cummings, a New York City-based, non-binary political activist, was one of two drag performers at the White House ceremony on Tuesday, together with drag queen Brita Filter, best known for appearing in Season 12 of RuPaul's Drag Race.

As a prominent member of the community, Cummings was at the White House to witness and celebrate a massive win for LGBTQ rights.

Cummings described a “Drag Brunch” they performed at, during which kids as young as two years old were in attendance, the drag performer pointed out.

So, a lot of times, families come to the brunch because they’re not able to go to a regular drag show late at night and it’s a time that kids can experience drag,” Cummings said ....

We've been told, as it is written, that it will be like the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah before the Son of Yahweh returns.  There is so much going on in today's world which can be connected together being part of the grand delusion we have also been warned about.  I share links below to previous studies I have done related to this particular post.

I am merely trying to show you that which has been happening over the years is what Yahweh said would happen, both according to the writings in the old testament as well as what is recorded in the new testament.  The Father Yah-weh gave His Name to His Son, Yah-shua, and the Son is our key to understanding Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.  This is how we know what was, what is and what is to come.

Apostles called out from the Disciples

This map shows the approximate boundaries of the promised land, Canaan, which was divided among the descendants of Jacob (
whose name was later changed to 'Israel' by Yahweh).  Here we can see the tribal territories that surround the Sea of Galilee: Napthali, Manasseh to the east, the northern bit of Gad, Issachar and Zebulun to the west.  This area referred to as Galilee is quite a bit north of the territory of Judah.  None of the Apostles were 'Jews' meaning residents of Judah.

The men who were called by Yahshua to follow him were from this region called Galilee. In Matthew Chapter 4 we read of Yahshua telling them instead of fishing the Sea of Galilee he would make them fishers of men - men caught up to Life unlike fish which are caught and die.
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Prior to his ministry Yahshua was immersed by John his cousin son of Zachariah and Elizabeth who were Levites*. It was then that he became fully filled with the Set Apart Spirit of his Father. Afterwards, he spent 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan the Accuser. Thereafter, Messengers (angels) tended to him. Later he heard that his cousin John had been arrested which is when he went to Galilee. He left Nazareth and stayed in Capernaum on the northwest side of the Sea of Galilee. In his outings he called those who were to become his Apostles: the Shlichim (Sent Ones; Emissaries) who would be taught during the following three years by Master Yahshua, being made ready to go out and proclaim the Kingdom to come, after receiving the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh (Acts Chapter 2).
Acts 2:7 .... These, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans.
In conducting this study on the Apostles I have come across the different names relating to the same man which gave me a bit of a struggle in connecting who's who.  I use the Aramaic English New Testament at home which includes Hebrew names for the twelve.  Then I use Bible Hub online to check the various 'Bible' versions for the common names used in our times.  In various versions of Scriptures, which ignore the Hebrew origins, you will find not only Greek names but sainthood given where is does not belong.  With that said, where information seems to be lacking it is because not much was available per The Written Word.
*The mother of Yahshua, Maryam, was a cousin to Elizabeth. They were of the tribe of Levi.
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It is recorded that Peter and his brother Andrew were the first ones Yahshua called out to follow him. They are sons of Jonah and from Bethsaida. They had knowledge of Scriptures (Torah, the prophets and the writings) having been taught by John son of Zachariah a Levite priest, and aware of the prophecies, they immediately recognized who Yahshua was. Without hesitation they dropped their nets and went after him. Later, Yahshua saw two other brothers, James and John, who were in a boat with their father Zebedee fixing their nets when he called to them. They, being followers of John, were also aware of the prophecies and dropped what they were doing to follow Yahshua. Thus began Yahshua's ministry in all of Galilee. He preached the Hope of the Kingdom and healed every disease and sickness among the people. His fame became know in all Syria. A great many began to follow him, those from Galilee and from the Ten Cites and from Jerusalem and from Judah across the Jordan.
The Ten Cities were in the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire (aka The Decapolis) in the first centuries BC and AD. They formed a group because of their language, culture, location, and political status each functioned as a city-state dependent on Rome. 

The Sea of Galilee was famous for its fishing industry. The town of Magdala had a reputation for the best dried fish in the area. Mary of Magdala came from a family in the fish business which is where her wealth came from. Four of the apostles had been brought up as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee: Peter and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John sons of Zebedee, whom Yahshua called the Sons of Thunder.

Yahshua had many disciples and gained crowds of followers.  In Luke Chapter 6 we read he went out to a mountain to pray and spent the night in divine communication with his Father.  When day broke he called his disciples together and from them he chose those he called his Shlichim - Sent Ones - aka the Apostles.
Peter; Andrew; James; John; Philip; Nathaniel son of Tulmay (aka Bartholomew); Levi (aka Matthew); Thomas; James son of Alphaeus; Simon the Canaanite; Judas son of James (aka Thaddeus) and Judas Iscariot.
Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen from Bethsaida on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee which puts it in the territory of Naphtali very near the Manasseh border. Capernaum is where Yahshua was staying, which is in the territory of Naphtali, but his outings took him various places in the area.
James and his brother John were sons of Zebedee and they were all in the fishing business.  It seems Yahshua found them not long after calling to Peter and Andrew to follow him. 

Philip was also from Bethsaida and when he came upon Bartholomew he was excited to share the news:
".... he whom Moses wrote about in Torah and the prophets, we have found him! He is Yahshua, the son of Joseph of Nazareth!" Bartholomew doubted anything good could come from Nazareth, but after meeting Yahshua he knew for certain that he was the one written about.
Levi (aka Matti; Matthew, the son of Khalpai/Alphaeus, Mark 2:14) and was sitting at the house of customs when Yahshua called to him. He, too, simply left everything to follow him.  Matthew ended up making a great feast for Yahshua at his house and there was a large crowd of publicans and others reclining with them.  This irritated the scribes and Pharisees so much that they asked Yahshua why he was eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners.  He told them that he did not come to call the righteous, but to call the sinners to repentance.
The “taxman” was called a “publicanus” meaning “public revenue.” Publicans bid at the Roman Senate open auctions for the right to collect taxes for a certain city or area under Rome’s rule. The publican’s bid was commensurate with what was thought to be the possible income from that place. If he bid on Jerusalem, the income would be high and his bid was high. If he bid on the small fishing village of Portofino, the incoming revenue would be small and his bid would be small. He made his money by making sure the expected revenue exceeded his bid. He paid the government the bid and pocketed the rest.
Thomas, whose name in Hebrew is 'Tooma' and means 'Thyme', was later nicknamed 'the Twin'.  He is also known as 'Doubting Thomas' because he wanted to see the resurrected Son of God for himself instead of taking others word for it.  When he did witness his resurrected friend and teacher Yahshua said to him: "Now that you have seen me you have believed. Blessed are those who do not see me and believe." (John 20:29)
James son of Alphaeus (Matthew 10). Although James and Matthew's fathers' names are the same, the boys are never referred to as 'brothers' as Peter and Andrew sons of Jonah or James and John sons of Zebedee are, so it is safe to say they are not related.
Simon (the Canaanite - Matthew 10). 'Canaan' means subdue or humble.  It can also mean a merchant who carries a heavy load, and is brought low by it.  In other places he is called Simon the Zealot. A zealot is devoted to a cause, which this Simon was.
Judas son of James (aka Yehuda Luke 6:16) aka Levi who is called Taddi (aka Thaddeus, Matthew 10:3).  I just don't have any more information to share about this Apostle at this time.
Judas Iscariot, the treasurer.  Money ended up being his downfall. The temptation of 30 pieces of silver caused him to betray Yahshua, which he regretted so badly that he committed suicide.  (Afterwards he was replaced by Matthias, Acts 1:26
Acts 2:7 .... These, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans.
Some time after Judas (Yehuda) committed suicide the remaining eleven Apostles prayed asking Yah to reveal one of two men, Joseph Bar Shaba and Matthias who was named Yostos, as to who was to replace Judas.  These two men had been disciples with the rest of them from the beginning, when Yahshua was immersed by John until his resurrection.  
Acts 1:24 ~~ You Master Yahweh know that which is in the hearts of all. Reveal one, the one that You have chosen from these, the two of them, that he might receive a portion of the ministry and the office of emissary from which Yehuda departed, that he might take his place.
They cast lots and Matthias was chosen.
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In Mark 6 verses 1 and 2 Yahshua has been teaching the assembly. Many were amazed at his knowledge and wisdom and miracles. In verse 3 they ask: "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Maryam and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? and aren't even his sisters here with us?"
His half-brothers are not to be confused with the Apostles: neither one of the James - one the son of Zebedee, the other the son of Alphaeus; Judas son of James nor Simon.  Joseph and Mary had children together some time after Yahshua was born.
In Acts Chapter 12 we read that James, brother of John, was killed by King Herod who was also known as Agrippa.  When he saw that this pleased the Yehudeans he sent word out to capture Peter.  It was during the days of Unleavened Bread when Peter was kept in prison and a Messenger sent by Yah freed Peter from being chained in prison and led him to safety. The next morning there was quite an uproar among the soldiers who had been guarding Peter.
We have read in the book of Matthew that Messiah said the 12 Apostles will be given positions at his return so they may judge. Here we get a peek at our Messiah's government taking shape.  Matthew 19:28 ~ Truly I say to you, that you who have come to follow me in this world, when the Son of man sits new upon the throne of his glory, you will also sit upon twelve seats and you will judge the twelve tribes of Israel."

Acts 1
•Petros (Peter whom Yahshua named The Rock and has nothing to do with a church).
•Yochanan (John, Peter's brother)
•Ya'akov (James)
•Andraus (Andrew, James' brother who Yahshua called Sons of Thunder)
•Peleepos (Philip)
•Tooma (Thomas)
•Mattai (Matthew)
•Bar-Tulmay (Bartholmew)
•Ya'akov Bar-Khalpai (James son of Alphaeus)
•Shimon the zealot (Simon the Canaanite)
•Yehud Bar-Ya'akov (Judas son of James)
Matya (Matthias) replaces Judas Iscariot 

Later on Saul (Paul) joins the twelve, three years after his meeting with Yahshua on the road to Damascus.

There are many lessons for us to learn from what is written in Scriptures including the struggles and challenges the Apostles faced.  We deal with similar scenarios as we continue along Yah's Path of Righteousness. For example, in Luke 22 we read that Peter denied knowing Yahshua three different times after the arrest of Yahshua while being taken to the house of the high priest. Yahshua even told this to Peter beforehand and he couldn't believe he would do such a thing.  But it happened. 

Regardless of the shortcomings the Apostles may have had, even after three years of being taught by the Son of God, once they were filled with the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh (at Shavuot aka Pentecost) they became truly empowered as emissaries of Yahshua and teachers of The Word. Just as Yahshua was immersed by John and the Spirit of Yahweh came to him, so did he give this same Spirit to his Apostles. 

In Acts Chapter 2 we read, "From that day onward they (the Apostles) were all steadfast in their teaching and were in fellowship in prayer and breaking of bread. Signs and mighty deeds were performed by the Apostles in Jerusalem. And all those who had believed shared everything they owned with one another. Those who had a possession would sell it and divide evenly to each according to their needs. Every day they were steadfast in the temple as one soul. While they received food and rejoiced in the simplicity of their hearts, they were praising Yahweh and finding favor with the people."

It is this same Spirit we receive when made ready through the study of His Word, reading Scriptures. It is the Comforter, this Spirit of Truth, that teaches us if we allow it.  It is this same Spirit by which we are born again.

Keep the Apostles in mind whenever you feel you're not worthy or that you have fallen short.  Our Father may know what is in our hearts but He tests us, and it is up to us to show him our intentions are true.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Dec 2020 Conjunction

Nibiru - Blood Moon - Revelation 12 Sign -
and now....

the Star of Bethlehem

C'mon man!


Deuteronomy 4:19--
​​"And when you look up to the sky and behold the sun and the moon and the stars, the whole heavenly host, you must not be lured into bowing down to them or serving them. These Yahweh your Creator allotted to other peoples everywhere under heaven; but you He took out of Egypt... to be His very own people.

The Astronomical Event
Quote from Time and Date:
Generally speaking, a conjunction is when two objects appear close to each other in the sky. A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn—which only happens about once every 20 years—is called a great conjunction.
Since September 2020, Jupiter has been moving closer and closer to Saturn in the early evening sky. Wherever you are in the world—even in light-polluted urban environments—the two planets are an impressive sight, and easy to find after sunset. On Dec. 21st the pair of planets will become visible at twilight, close to the southwestern horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, or the western horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the closest great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 397 years.
(end quote)
Some folks call this conjunction the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem” which is meaningless since the Son of our Creator was not born in December, let alone on the 25th day of the month. In addition, Yahshua was near two years old by the time the Magi arrived at the house.  
The Star was not present at the 'babe in the manger' scene and neither were the 'wise men'.
There are always folks who get excited about current day events and try to force them to fit Scriptures in an attempt to prove a prophecy or two. While some may have good intentions in their quest, many rise to the top with their theories passing them off as the truth to anyone who will listen. The way we discern the truth is to read the Word of our Creator for ourselves. He has told us these things beforehand so we would know the times we are in.

The Birth of Yahshua
We read in Luke Chapter 2 that the reason Joseph and Mary, who was pregnant, traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem in the first place was because Augustus Caesar decided to have a census taken of all the people in his dominion.  Each man went to the city of his clan to be registered. Joseph was of the house of Ephrath (Bethlehem), least among the clans of Judah.  During their time in Bethlehem is when Mary gave birth.  Because of the census underway there were many people in town and all the usual lodging places were booked up, so she ended up laying her newborn son in a manger.  A messenger of Yahweh appeared to the shepherds who were out that night watching over their flocks and told them about the birth of the Savior and where to find him.  The sign they were told to look for was that they would find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.  The messenger went back up to heaven and the shepherds made haste to get to town to see this thing they were told about.  Two years go by before the 'wise men' from the east show up.
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In order to get to the general time of conception for Yahshua, one must look to the time of Zachariah’s ministry. In my studies I have learned the priests were divided into 24 classes and each class officiated at the Temple in turn for a week. With further research we learn the time each of the priests officiated and then can trace the time of the succession of courses.  This process is how we learn of Zachariah's time at the Temple and the clue is revealed when we learn  Zechariah's course was called "Abia".
In reading the good news according to Luke we learn that Mary's cousin Elizabeth was married to Zechariah who was a priest during the course of Abia. While on duty he was visited by an angel and told him that his wife was to have a son to be named John (who later became known as John the baptist). After his obligations to the ministry ended, he departed to his house. Shortly thereafter he and Elizabeth conceived a child.

During Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy (4th week of December), the angel Gabriel visited Mary and informed her that she was going to have a son to be named Yahshua. Mary goes to visit her cousin and stayed with Elizabeth about three months.

Using these facts: Zachariah’s time of ministry, Elizabeth’s pregnancy and Mary’s visit at the start of Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, we discover the spiritual conception of Yahshua would have been in the last week of December and his birth occurring sometime in September.

 The Star
By reading Matthew Chapter 2 we learn of the Magi who came from the east to Jerusalem.  They ask: 
"Where is he who has been born the king of the Yehudeans? For we saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
The Magi were astrologers/astronomers from Babylon who were originally taught by Daniel during the time of the exile and that knowledge had been passed down.  These Magi were believers in Yahweh and were aware of the prophecies telling of the birth of His Son, so when they saw 'this star' they recognized 'the sign' and traveled following this sign, bringing gifts worthy of a king, and to bring the good news back to their homeland.
There are many prophecies in the Old Testament in regards to the Son of the Creator, and here are a couple that the Magi recognized: The Star and the territory of Judah.
The prophecy of Balaam, Numbers 24:
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.
A star will come forth from Jacob (Israel),
and a scepter (king) will arise from Israel.
The prophecy in Micah 5:
And you, Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, 
from you one shall come forth to rule Israel for Me

Hence they began their journey from their homeland traveling west towards Jerusalem, following 'the star'.
🐪 🐫 🐪 
Herod wasn't too pleased to hear about a king being born since he already was the king.  He gathered all the chief priests and scribes in Jerusalem and was asking the people where this Anointed One would be born.  They let him know it would be in Bethlehem, quoting prophecy. Afterwards he secretly met with the Magi and learned when the star appeared to them. He let them continue to Bethlehem but asked them to carefully inquire about the boy and come back and tell him where he was. Herod lied and told them he, too, would go and worship him. During this time 'the star' was not visible but reappeared and led the Magi to Bethlehem. It stopped and was above the house where the boy was. They entered the house and saw the boy with Maryam, his mother. They rejoiced and worshipped him and offered their gifts of gold, myrrh and incense.
The magi traveled from 'the east', the area of Babylon (in modern day Iraq) and that would be around 800 miles east of Jerusalem. They stopped in Jerusalem asking about the 'king', and then they traveled southward, another 7 miles or so, to Bethlehem. The 'star' they had been following showed up again after their time in Jerusalem, and led them south to Bethlehem where it stopped over the house where Mary, Joseph and their boy were staying.

As for Herod finding out when the Magi first saw the 'star' (that time not precisely recorded in Scriptures) we follow the clue that Herod ordered all boys in Bethlehem and its surrounding area be killed who were two years of age and younger; he wasn't taking any chances.  This tells us the Magi first saw this star two years before they arrived in Jerusalem which means Yahshua was near two years old by the time they came to Bethlehem.  After the Magi left Bethlehem, Yahweh told Joseph in a dream to get up and take the boy and his mother to Egypt because of Herod's plan to kill the boy.  Joseph got up and fled with his family that night.

We often read in Scriptures of situations that do not fit what we know of the world (physical realm), so we must be careful not to carry our own imagination and assumptions into what is written. The 'star' seen by the Magi was a sign given by Yah (spiritual realm). What they had learned from Daniel was becoming a reality and they traveled to bear witness to this 'king' and bring the good news back to their homeland. After first seeing 'the star' they made plans and prepared for the journey, to follow the star by faith and see the boy who would become a future king.

Note: None of this describes a planetary conjunction.

Interestingly enough, Saturn is mentioned in Scriptures, but not in a good way.
Acts 7:43 ~ But you have taken the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of the deity of Rephan that you made images to be worshipped.
Amos 5:26 ~ And you shall carry off your "king" - Sikkuth and Kiyyun - the images you have made for yourself of your astral deity...
Sikkuth and Kiyyun are two Akkadian names applied to Saturn which was worshiped as an astral deity. The six pointed star symbol (hexagram) is called the 'talisman of Saturn' which became known as the Seal of Solomon. 'Akkadian' was a semitic language spoken in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Syria) between about 2,800 BC and 500 AD.

David's shield, and ours, is The Creator.
Remphan's star is an astral deity, a pagan god.
Solomon's Seal is the talisman of Saturn, a pagan god.
Yahweh has used the spiritual realm more than once to get His peoples attention.  He went before them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night leading them along the way after leaving Egypt. Paul of Tarsus was thrown on the ground when a light from heaven shown on him.  Yahshua spoke with him but Paul's traveling companions only heard a sound but did not see the man nor the light.  In Revelation a star fell from heaven and he was given the key to the abyss.  The star seen and followed by the Magi most probably was a messenger from the Most High and intended for the Magi to see and understand as no one else is recorded as seeing it. 
As always, don't take my word for it but read your copy of Scriptures for a more in-depth study of the topics I share to verify the truth of the matter.  I had never given the traditional nativity scene much thought until now and look what the Word of Yah has revealed.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Scripture Interprets Itself

We are most capable of understanding the instructions left for us by our Creator and should shun the temptation of 'discovering deeper meanings'.  He does expect us to make an effort, such as reading Scriptures and studying in fellowship with other Set Apart believers. When we show Him our intent and abide by His Instructions, best we can in this day and age, He gives us understanding as we are comforted with the truth revealed to us by His Set Apart Spirit. This would be akin to Y'shua explaining to his Apostles the gist of the parables wherein they gained a better understanding. 

Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, rabbis, preachers and all the church fathers lose their perceived power, importance, money and control over the common folk when the common folk start reading Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, Yah's Instructions in Righteous Living, for themselves.

'Types and Shadows' are not deeper things. They are examples written of (foretold) in the OT and usually revealed (fulfilled) in the NT, or yet to be fulfilled - this would be an example of Scripture interpreting itself and why we need to read The Book as a whole. There is much written in the 'Old Testament' that offers explanations for what is written in the 'New Testament'.  Also, the rule of thumb mentioned throughout Scriptures, the 'Two or Three Rule', is a key to better understanding. It is nice and comforting to say "wherever two or three are gathered Messiah is there too" but that's not the end of it.

Second Corinthians 13, Paul says:  "This is the third time that I have prepared to come to you; that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established." (The Corinthians wanted proof that Paul was teaching The Way of Y'shua.). First Timothy 5:19 we read the instruction pertaining to a complaint against an elder of the assembly that there needs be two or three witnesses supporting this complaint.  And in Matthew 18:20 Y'shua says: "Wherefore two or three are assembled in my Name* there I am also among them."

Here are more references to support the Two or Three Rule:

1 Corinthians 14:27, 29:
If any speak in a foreign language, let two speak or at most three and let them speak one by one; and let someone interpret.  If there is no one to interpret, let he who speaks be silent in the assembly, but let him speak to himself and Yahweh.  And as to prophets, let two or three speak and let the rest judge.
In the studies of Andrew G. Roth I have read: A Torah principle for establishing a House of Judges requires that two or more parties petition Yahweh to obtain His Judgment rather than following man's judgment.  This is a legal requirement which ensures that the Will of Yah is being sought and followed to bring perfect unity. 
Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6 ~ The death sentence can be executed only on the evidence of witnesses; the testimony of a single witness shall not suffice for a sentence of death.  

Deuteronomy 19:15 ~ A single witness may not validate against a person any guilt or blame for any offense that may be committed; a case can be valid only on the testimony of two witnesses or more.  
Several times in my studies I have come across two or three verses scattered throughout Scriptures that witness to the same 'idea' or lesson and relate to the same instructions. These are those "Ah-Hah!" moments when The Light goes on and it all makes sense. This is evidence of His Set Apart Spirit revealing Truth which Comforts me. This is the Two or Three Rule in action.

In our day to day affairs there will be times when we need to make difficult decisions.  Just remember to address the decision making process by searching out two or three other guidelines found in Scriptures or consulting with a couple of trusted Set Apart Believers. This makes me think of Moses ruling the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt.  Eventually he set up reliable men to handle the day-to-day problems and challenges of the people, while anything that went beyond their abilities was brought before him.  It also brings to mind the purpose of the Urim and Thummin as the instrument of decision:
Exodus 28:30 ~ Inside the breast piece of decision you shall place the Urim and Thummim so that they are over Aaron's heart when he comes before YHWH. Thus Aaron shall carry the instrument of decision for Yah's People over his heart at all times.

There are many things that we handle day by day, some tougher than others, but most times we can handle it and make the proper decisions if we are Scripture Smart.  Other things need to be handed off to those more qualified than ourselves to help make the decision. Regardless, in the end, our Father in heaven gives the final answer to all things. Since we no longer have a high priest on earth, we still rely on Yahweh to tell us 'yes or no' via His Set Apart Spirit.  Scriptures have temporarily replace the Urim and Thummin as our instrument of decision until the day that Y'shua takes his place as our king and high priest.

*We gather together in His Name:  Yah-weh the Father is the Most High, Almighty, our Creator whose name He gave to His Son.  Yah-shua is His Son and it is by his Name we pray; it is in his Name two or three can gather together and he is there via Yah's Spirit. Y'shua called this Spirit another Redeemer, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.   It is a harmonious connection of Oneness.

Yah's Choice of Leaders

Judges 3:12 ~
Once again the Israelites did evil in the sight of Yah so He gave Eglon king of Moab power over Israel because they had done evil in His sight.
Daniel 2:21 ~
Our Creator changes the times and season; He removed kings and establishes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

Folks seem to overlook the reason our Creator puts certain rulers in place - it is because we the people have done evil in His sight. Back when Samuel was the leader of the Israelites he had to face the facts:
1 Samuel 8:7 ~ Yah replied to Samuel, "Heed the demand of the people in everything they say to you. It is not you they have rejected, it is Me they have rejected as their King. Like everything else they have done ever since I brought them out of Egypt, to this day - forsaking Me and worshiping other gods - they are doing to you. Heed their demands but warn them solemnly, and tell them about the practices of any king who will rule over them."
Ever since mankind turned his back on God we have been in a downward spiral, which is evident in today's world. Man gave up his "God Given Rights" when he turned his back on Him and started ruling for himself. The rights we read of in Scriptures never really made it into the Declaration of Independence: words which were not combined with deeds resulted in the death of faith.
Isaiah 5:20
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”



Saturday, August 15, 2020

Put God First

My Reasoning for Choosing to vote, or not to vote,
in this upcoming election or on any matter put before us

Psalm 1:1 ~ Happy is the man who has not followed the counsel of the wicked, or taken the path of sinners, or joined the company of the insolent; rather the teaching of Yahweh Elohim is his delight, and he studies that teaching day and night.
Exodus 18:21 ~ You should seek out from among all the people capable men who fear God, trustworthy men who spurn ill-gotten gain.
2 Chronicles 19:2 ~ Should one give aid to the wicked and befriend those who hate YHWH?
2 Corinthians 6:14 ~ Do not be yoked with those who do not believe; for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity or what fellowship has light with darkness? 
So, tell me how all God-fearing Bible-believing people can actually cast a vote come November? I could vote in this election IF I were to set our Creator and His Instructions aside and ignore all His teachings, rules and regulations - basically forget everything I have learned from reading Scriptures. 
I refuse to vote for the 'lesser of two evils'. 
I was told by a couple of different folks that we weren't voting between "Jesus" and the other guy. That is somewhat true but with more folks suggesting to 'vote for values' it seems the available candidates are lacking in all righteous values. I choose to keep our heavenly Father first and foremost in my life. I choose Good over Evil, and who is good but He who created us? He puts leaders in place and removes them to accomplish His Plan and clearly - Clearly - this country, if not the entire world, is coming up for review.
The Hebrew word 'yirah' means 'fear' as in 'awesome and/or terrifying' contrary to the popular teachings that the "Fear of God" is not really fear but 'love and respect'. Our God IS awesome AND terrifying which garners my love, respect and obedience.
I've been thinking that all professed believers in the God of this Universe should turn their backs on all aspects of this election process and prepare for the communist take over of this country. Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, it will be the end of the world as we know it. Things are ugly now but just wait until November rolls around - no matter who you vote for, no matter who wins - the response will be violent, hateful and dramatic. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN troops were brought in at that time to usher us into the NWO.