Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Prayer in School

A FB post stayed on my mind for awhile making me think about praying and schools and who's responsible for teaching children to begin with.  I was in public school from 1960 to 1973 and we never had a set apart time specifically for praying. Did any of you (other than you Catholic folks who went to your own school)? Times were modest back then. Girls wore just below-the-knee length skirts or dresses and boys kept their hair trimmed to above collar length. There were those whose dads or barbers gave them butch (flat top) hair cuts.

Things started to change when I was in 9th grade, if I remember correctly, and gals were allowed to wear pants - most of us wore jeans - and the skirt length went to finger-tip. We'd stand straight with our arms at our sides, hands straight down and the hem line best not be above that measurement. Do that now and man! that is short! Long hair on the boys was being allowed, but maybe shoulder length was the maximum. 

By the time I was in 10th grade drugs were becoming evident, especially marijuana. The drug culture grew through the years in the town I grew up in. It wasn't that anyone stopped God from being there, but no one, no adult, stood up against the drugs and drinking because by then the teachers who went through college during the Vietnam era were pot smokers and peace freaks drinking Annie Green Springs and Boone's Farm. Some of them quietly promoted the rebellious spirit in their students.

I've never really put a lot of thought into this before, but sex, drugs and rock-n-roll pushed any hint of God right out the door and down the highway. The 60's ushered in a psychedelic way of thinking and viewing this country and the world. Music really influenced that generation (which I was a small part of) and most of that music was influenced by drugs. 

It seems really clear to me now, in my mature years and with eyes to see, that prayer should not be part of the school's schedule. Kids are supposed to be taught about God at home by their parents; they should be reading Scriptures and in study of His Word as we read those instructions in Deuteronomy 11:18. 

Personally, I was not raised up as a God Fearing child. I didn't stand a chance against the many temptations that came my way because I had no real knowledge of God, never read the Bible; I was not taught the truth by my parents because they did not know it, either. I don't blame them, it was just the way things were; we inherited the lies. How can we know sin if we are not taught our Creator's Instructions before our folks hand us off to the world?
Deuteronomy 11:18 ~ Therefore impress these My Words upon your very heart; bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and Teach Them to your Children reciting them when you stay at home and when your away, when you lie down and when you get up; and inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates to the end that you and your children may endure in the land that Yah swore to your fathers, to assign them as long as there is a heaven over the earth.
Prayer is not something that should be repetitive or expected to be done at certain times of the day. Prayer is not something one needs to do in public and it is quite acceptable to our Creator to pray quietly by our selves... the key is for prayer to part of everyday life.

My conclusion would be that a child who was raised and taught the Word of Elohim would know about prayer, when to pray and how to pray without paid government workers telling them when, where or how.  They would be better equipped to recognize sin, discerning good from evil, and make the choice to resist temptation. The devil will flee from those kids.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Five Years to Build the Ark


I always thought it took at least one hundred years, maybe even 120 years - that's what the Bible says.

Yeah, but, wait.... there's more. 

We read in Genesis 5:28 that Lamech was 182 years old when his son Noah was born and that he died 595 years later.

In the writings found in the book of Jasher, page 14, we read that Noah was 595 years old when Lamech, his father died. It was then that Yah said to Noah and Methuselah to remind all people of everything He had spoken to them in the days gone by and to turn from their evil ways, but the people did not listen. That is when Yah told Noah that the end of all flesh has come before Him on account of their evil deeds and He would destroy the earth. He instructed Noah how to and where to build a large ark; what to use and how to store provisions etc.... By this time Noah's sons are grown and willing and able to help fulfill this command of Yah.  

Genesis 6:3 ~ Yah said, My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh, let the days allowed him be one hundred and twenty years.

This is when Yah started the 120 year countdown to the Flood.  Noah started building the ark 115 years later, after his father died, and finishing when he was 600 years old. In Genesis 7:6 we read that Noah was 600 years old when the Flood came. He had the ark built and provisioned during those remaining five years.

Noah was in his 500th year when he began children and lived another 350 years after the flood (all the days of Noah came to 950 years then he died - Genesis 9:29). He was 502 years old when Shem was born.

In Genesis 11:10 we read that Shem was 100 years old when he begat a son, and this was two years after the flood... that would make him 97 years old when he boarded the ark. Japheth was Noah's first born, a year or two older than Shem and Ham was the youngest.
Genesis 9:24 ~ When Noah woke up from his wine and learned what his youngest son had done to him.... (Ham saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers)
The call from Yah to repent went out 120 years prior to the flood gates opening. With the onset of the final 5 years those same unrepentant ones watched the building of the ark and still didn't get it ... and none of them turned from their evil ways. Oh, but when the rains started falling and the springs started flowing and the waters started rising - all things they had been told beforehand - now they start crying out to Noah to let them come into the ark, after Yah had already closed and sealed the door. It was too late for them to be saved.

Does this ring a bell with any of you? We too have been told the signs of the time of the end. We have been invited to the feast and we best be prepared to arrive before the doors are shut and locked, because then it will be too late to be saved. There will be those crying out to Messiah who will say, go away from me - I never knew you.

It dawned on me that Noah and Methuselah were the two end time witnesses of their day. They gave testimony for 120 years prior to the end of life as they knew it, preaching the Word of Yahweh and reminding people of what was and what was to be.

The Days of Unleavened Bread

Exodus 12:3 ~ ... on the tenth of this month each family shall take a lamb into their household... a lamb without blemish, a yearling male from either the sheep or the goats. Keep watch over it until the 14th day; and then all the assembled congregation of (Set Apart believers) shall slaughter them at twilight. They shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they are to eat it. They shall eat it the same night, roasted over the fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs. Do not leave anything left over until morning, but if there are leftovers, burn them. Be fully dressed and ready to leave before you eat and eat quickly: it is a passover offering to YHWH as protection, because that night He will go through the land of Egypt and strike down every first born, both man and beast; and He will mete out punishments to all the 'gods' of Egypt because He alone is Elohim. The blood on the houses shall be a sign for you: when Yah sees it He will pass over you so that no plague will destroy you when He strikes the land of Egypt.
Exodus 12:15 ~ Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread... on the very 1st day (of the 7 days) you shall remove leaven from your houses... The first day and the seventh day are sacred occasions and no work is to be done, only whatever is to be eaten may be prepared.
Exodus 12:17 ~ You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread for on this very day (the 15th day of the 1st month) I brought you out of Egypt, to be observed throughout the ages as an institution for all time. 
Exodus 12:18 ~ In the first month from the 14th day at evening you shall eat unleavened bread until the 21st day of the month at evening. No leaven is to be found in your houses - whether one is a stranger or a citizen of the country you shall eat nothing leavened.
Exodus 12:24 ~ You shall observe this as an institution for all time, for you and for your descendants. And when you enter the land that I will give you, as I promised, you shall observe this rite... And when your children ask why and what does it mean, you shall say, 'It is the passover sacrifice to YHWH Elohim because He passed over the houses of the (descendants of Jacob and the mixed multitude) in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians, but saved our houses'.

In Leviticus we are reminded:
Leviticus 23:4 ~ These are the set times of YHWH, the sacred occasions, which you shall celebrate each at its appointed time: In the first month, on the 14th day of the month, at twilight, there shall be a passover offering to YHWH and on the 15th day of that month YHWH's Feast of Unleavened Bread... for seven days.
And again in Deuteronomy 16 we read that a passover offering is made to YHWH and slaughtered in the place Elohim will choose to establish His Name - For 7 days no leaven shall be found among you. You cannot slaughter the sacrifice wherever you choose but only at the place YHWH chooses to establish His Name. In the morning you may start back home - on the 7th day of Unleavened Bread hold a solemn gathering, do no work. 

His people are instructed to do this so they remember the day of their departure from the land of Egypt for as long as they live. The blood of the lamb was a sign to YHWH and saved them from death - they were set free from being slaves to Pharaoh. In modern times our acceptance of the shed blood of His Son is also a sign to YHWH, and sets us free from our old sin-nature, saving us from death eternal. 

These quotes from Scripture establish the fixed time of when to observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins immediately after the the twilight meal of the roasted lamb: the passover offering. That is how it was done originally and for the purpose of being set free from Pharaoh. The blood of the lamb was the sign and anyone gathered together to eat in a household whose lintel and doorposts were painted with this blood were passed over by the Angel of Death. The Hebrew descendants of Jacob along with a mixed multitude who chose YHWH as their "God" left the next day. We, however, in today's world are no longer required to make a "passover offering" to YHWH because the death of His Son supplanted that rite. We should not imagine that we are to substitute any other behaviors on the evening of the 14th day of the first month.

In Numbers Chapter 9 we learn of an exception added by YHWH concerning those who might be unclean because of handling a dead body or might be traveling.  Under these two circumstances one was allowed to make a passover offering during the second month.
Numbers 9:9 ~ Yah said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites: When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a dead body, or is away on a journey, he may still observe the Passover. Such people are to observe it at twilight on the fourteenth day of the second month. They must observe the Passover according to all its statutes. But the man who is ceremonially clean, is not on a journey, and still fails to observe the Passover, is to be cut off from his people, because he did not present Yah’s offering at its appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.  If a foreigner dwelling among you wants to observe the Passover offering to YHWH, he is to do so according to the Passover statute and its ordinances. You are to apply the same statute to both the foreigner and the native of the land.”
Again I point out that the passover offering is no longer required, so one being unclean or traveling during the 14th day of the first month would not need to observe 'passover' a month later.  Remember: Yah said this offering was brought to and slaughtered in the place He will choose to establish His Name - You cannot slaughter the sacrifice wherever you choose but only at the place YHWH chooses to establish His Name.  The last place He chose to establish His Name was Jerusalem in general and at the temple specifically where the priest would handle offerings etc.... and as we know none of that exists today but it is still the last place we know of where our Creator established His Name.

For us to observe this Set Apart time of Yah's in today's world, we simply remember that with a mighty hand YHWH frees us from bondage to sin, that hand being His Son who shed his blood for our sake. The following seven days we can choose not to eat anything that has been leavened; symbolically recognizing the true bread from heaven, Y'shua the Anointed One in which no leaven (sin) was found, The Lamb without blemish. We keep the first day and the seventh day as sacred occasions, which means the 14th day is a regular day of rest followed by the 15th day which is the first day of unleavened bread, and then the 21st day which is a double: regular seven day count for the day of rest and the last day of Unleavened Bread.  We do this to remember what our Creator did to set His people free back in the day and what He did to set us free in the renewed covenant.  If we accept the shed blood of Yahshua as a covering for our old sin nature which releases us from bondage to sin, we will be protected from eternal death. We will be gathered together and saved from the final 7 plagues to be poured out upon the earth.  As it was in the beginning, so shall it be at the end:
He will go through the (whole earth) .... and He will mete out punishments to all the 'gods' of (the world) because He alone is Eloah. The blood (of His Son) shall be a sign for you: when Yah sees it (on our hearts) He will pass over you so that no plague will destroy you (after Y'shua returns at the sounding of the 7th trumpet).
 Hebrews 10 (lightly paraphrased- Dusty) 
We choose to accept Y'shua as our High Priest who offered a one time sacrifice for sins, who sits forever at the right hand of the Father where he waits until his foes are placed as a footstool under his feet. For, by one offering (himself), he has perfected forever them who are sanctified (set apart) by him. And the Set Apart Spirit also testifies to us by saying: This is the covenant which I will give them after those days, says Master YHWH: I will put my Instructions into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and their sins I will not remember against them. Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded. We have therefore my Brothers assurance of entering into the sanctuary by the blood of Yahshua and by a path of life.

Urim and Thummim: the Instrument of Decision

Exodus 28:30 ~ Inside the breastpiece of decision you shall place the Urim and Thummim so that they are over Aaron's heart when he comes before YHWH. Thus Aaron shall carry the instrument of decision for Yah's People over his heart at all times.

The breastpiece was held in place by a cord of blue from its rings to the rings of the ephod so that the breastpiece rested on the decorated band and won't come loose from the ephod. Aaron carried the names of the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel on the breastpiece of decision over his heart for remembrance before YHWH at all times.
Does that ring a bell? Numbers 15:38 we find the instructions to make fringes on the corners of a garment and to attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner. These fringed corners with an attached cord of blue served to help one remember all the commandments of YHWH, to live by them and not follow after our own heart and eyes in lustful urges.
Exodus 28:15 ~ You shall make a breastpiece of decision worked into a design made in the style of the ephod: make it of gold, blue, purple and crimson yarns of fine twisted linen. It shall be square and doubled, a span in length and a span in width. Set in it mounted stones, in four rows: 
  1. carnelian, chrysolite, emerald
  2. turquoise, sapphire, amethyst
  3. jacinth, agate, crystal 
  4. beryl, lapis lazuli, jasper
They shall be framed with gold in their mountings. The stones shall correspond in number to the names of the sons of Israel; twelve corresponding to their names, engraved like seals, each with its name for the twelve tribes.
A Span is approximately 9 inches measured as a man's hand, fingers spread and the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinky finger
Leviticus 8:6 ~ Then Moses brought Aaron and his sons forward and washed them with water. He put the tunic on Aaron, girded him with the sash, clothed him with the robe and put the ephod on him, girding him with the decorated band with which he tied to him. He put the breastpiece on him and placed inside the breastpiece the Urim and the Thummim. And he set the headdress on his head and on the front of the headdress he put the gold frontlet, the Set Apart diadem as YHWH had commanded.

Numbers 27:12 ~ Yahweh says to Moses, "Ascend these heights of Abarim and view the land that I have given to the Israelite people. When you have seen it you too shall be gathered to your kin, just as your brother Aaron was. For in the wilderness of Zin when the community was contentious, you disobeyed My command to uphold My sanctity in their sight by means of the water.' Those are the Waters of Meribath-kadesh. Moses says to YHWH Elohim, "Let You, the Source of the breath of all flesh, appoint someone over the community who shall (lead them in all matters and whom they shall follow in all matters) so that Your community shall not be like sheep without a shepherd. YHWH answers Moses telling him to single out Joshua son of Nun who is an inspired man, to lay his hand on him to commission him, and have him stand before Eleazar the priest and in sight of the whole community. Invest in him with some of your authority so that the whole Israelite community may obey him. He will present himself to Eleazar the priest who shall on his behalf seek the decision of the Urim before Me."

This is part of the blessings that Moses, the man of YHWH, said to the Israelites as he bid farewell before he died. Deuteronomy 33:8 ~ And of Levi Moses said: Let Your Thummim and Urim be with Your faithful one (Moses), whom You tested at Massah, challenged at the waters of Meribah; who said of his father and mother, 'I consider them not'. His brothers he disregarded, ignored his own children. Your precepts alone they observed and kept Your covenant. They shall teach Your laws to Jacob and Your instructions to Israel. They shall offer You incense to savor and whole offerings on Your altar. Bless O Yahweh his substance, and favor his undertakings. Smite the loins of his foes; let his enemies rise not more.

We are not given a description of the Urim and Thummin other than they are placed inside the breast piece in order that they are over the heart of the High Priest and used in making decisions.

In the book of Nehemiah we read about Jerusalem's walls full of breaches and its gates had been destroyed by fire. The 'remnant' living there were in dire straights and disgrace and this grieved Nehemiah greatly. He was the king's cupbearer at the time and the king took notice of his troubled looks. King Artaxerxes allowed Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to have it rebuilt.  When we get to Chapter 7 Verse 63 it repeats what was written in Ezra 2:61 about the priests not being able to prove their bloodline qualifying them to indeed be priests - none of them could find their genealogical records so they were disqualified for the priesthood. The Tirshatha (a Persian title meaning 'governor') ordered them not to eat of the 'most holy things' until a priest with Urim and Thummim should appear. 

Hebrews Chapter 1 ~ In many ways and many forms, Elohim anciently conversed with our fathers by the prophets. But in these latter days He has conversed with us by His Son whom He has constituted heir of all things, and by whom He made the worlds; who is the splendor of His glory and the exact image of His nature, and upholds all by the power of His Word; and by his Qnoma (singular Divine Nature) he made a purification of sins and sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Our Creator stopped talking to man when His Son took the scene. I have heard many who claim that God talks to them or they have heard His voice. There is even a book titled Conversations with God. This just can't be so if we understand what is being said in Hebrews Chapter 1. For Set Apart believers it is Yah's Ruach haKodesh that guides us and comforts us with the truth. This is the same Spirit Y'shua gave his twelve Apostles who later passed it on to others ready to receive it. We have been born of water physically but if we are not born again spiritually we will miss the connection here.

There are many things that we handle day by day, some tougher than others, but most times we can handle it and make the proper decisions if we are Scripture Smart.  Other things need to be handed off to those more qualified than ourselves to help make the decision. Regardless, in the end, our Father in heaven gives the final answer to all things. Since we no longer have a high priest on earth, we still rely on YHWH Elohim to tell us 'yes or no' via His Set Apart Spirit.  Scriptures have temporarily replace the Urim and Thummin as our instrument of decision until the day that Y'shua takes his place as our king and high priest.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Delusion of Religion

I share this information for your further research and study as we begin to see the puzzle pieces coming together to fit with the end times prophecies ~ Candus

After Signing One-World Religion Covenant, Pope Francis Makes His Next Push -  2/13/2019 MICHAEL SNYDERPope Francis arrives to hold a Mass at Zayed Sports City Stadium in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (REUTERS/Tony Gentile/File Photo)

Just days after the pope signed the most important interfaith document in history, he had the opportunity to address global political leaders by video at the World Government Summit in Dubai. During his remarks he once again stressed the need for global unity, and he encouraged those attending to embrace "sustainable development", but he also stressed that sustainable development will never succeed without "solidarity".

Of course most Americans don't even know that a "World Government Summit" even exists because the mainstream media in the U.S. doesn't really talk about it, but it is actually a very big deal.

World leaders (met) at the World Government Summit, (which took) place in Dubai from 10-12 February. -- The World Government Summit is an annual event, and it attracts leaders from all over the globe who are interested in a more integrated planet. Here is a little blurb about the summit from Wikipedia:

The World Government Summit is an annual event held in Dubai, UAE. It brings together leaders in government for a global dialogue about governmental process and policies with a focus on the issues of futurism, technology and innovation, as well as other topics. The summit acts as a knowledge exchange hub between government officials, thought leaders, policy makers and private sector leaders, and as an analysis platform for the future trends, issues and opportunities facing humanity. The summit hosts over 90 speakers from 150 participating countries along with over 4000 attendees.

(The pope) emphasized that "we cannot really speak of sustainable development without solidarity." He concluded his message with by thanking those taking part, and with the prayer that the Lord might bless their commitment "for a more just and prosperous world for everyone".

The phrase "sustainable development" has become a shorthand way of referring to the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals. It is a 17-point plan, and if you read the entire thing, you quickly realize that it encompasses just about every realm of human activity that you can possibly imagine.  It is not just a plan to fight climate change. It is actually a comprehensive blueprint for global governance, and it envisions a much larger role for global institutions such as the U.N. in the years ahead.

But in the context of speaking about "sustainable development," the pope once again used the term "solidarity." This is a word that he has been using a lot lately .... he almost always uses this buzzword when speaking of the need for global religious unity.

.... the pope and the highest imam in Sunni Islam signed a covenant which boldly declares that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and that it is God's will that all of the various major religions in the world co-exist peacefully. For much more on this, please see (Micheal Snyder's) previous article entitled "The Pope and Islam's Most Important Imam Just Signed a Covenant That Pushes Us Much Closer to a One-World Religion".

One World

Here is an article I copied to share here as part of putting together the pieces involved in the prophecies of the end times. This is for your continued research and study ~ Candus

Pope meets with Imam 
promoting world peace

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Feb 4, 2019- Catholics, Muslims and all who believe in God must work together to build a culture of love, peace and human fraternity, Pope Francis said in a joint statement he signed with Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar, during an interreligious meeting in Abu Dhabi.

At a conference in Mecca in February 2015, el-Tayeb stressed the importance of education reform, because extremism is the result of a “wrong interpretation of the Koran and Sunna”.
 “The only hope for the Muslim nation to recover unity is to tackle in our schools and universities this tendency to accuse Muslims of being unbelievers.”
The following is a report from a year ago written by Alex Newman,
Feb 2018 ~ 
Top globalists, communists, and Islamists from around the globe gathered this month on the Arabian Peninsula for the World Government Summit   to push for what they called a “new world order.” More than a few speakers made clear that liberty, self-government, and the “America First” agenda were in the crosshairs. On the other hand, Big Government, trans-humanism, and globalism were presented as the solution to basically everything, from alleged man-made “global warming” and health problems to unemployment and even hate. Aside from global governance, one of the key themes of the conference was the merger of man and machine to become “cyborgs.” Artificial Intelligence and “Happiness,” directed by authorities, were also major topics. But while critics ridiculed and slammed the scheming, and most American media outlets completely ignored it, the globalist confab has been helping to advance a planetary agenda that is completely at odds with American traditions of liberty and self-government. And the speakers, organizers, and attendees barely bothered to conceal that fact — probably in part because they knew Americans were unlikely to hear about the antics from the purveyors of “fake news” posing as “mainstream” media.

The truth was plain to see. In an official press release put out by the World Government Summit, the organizers said the event ended with “a plea for institutions to realign with the new world order.” 

Enoch and Elijah

The most likely candidates for the end times two witness scenario are Enoch and Elijah, neither of whom died a physical death, but will be killed after their 42 month testimony.  They are the only humans we read of who were not laid to rest with their ancestors.
Genesis 5:21 ~
When Enoch had lived 65 years, he begot Methuselah. After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with Yah 300 years; and he begot sons and daughters. All the days of Enoch came to 365 years. Enoch walked with Yahweh, then he was no more, for Yah took him.
II Kings 2:11 ~ 
As they kept on walking and talking (Elijah and Elisha), a fiery chariot with fiery horses suddenly appeared and separated them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

The Two Witnesses are described as "the two olive trees and the two menorahs which stand before Master Yahweh. They have the power to stop the rain, to turn water to blood, and to produce all plagues as often as they please. They can send fire out of their mouths and consume who ever attacks them."  And they will be giving testimony for 3-1/2 years = 42 months = 1260 days. Then the Beast that came up from the abyss will make war with them and overcome them. They will leave their bodies in the street for 3-1/2 days while folks celebrate their death. And then Yah will call them up - in that same hour an earthquake destroys part of the city and kills 7,000 people - the rest gave glory to Elohim.

I do not believe that Yah would use someone already dead to fulfill this prophecy as they must die and be 'resurrected' at that time.  Y'shua is our example of one being born, tasted death and was resurrected as the first fruits of the dead.  He now sits at the right hand of his Father. Lazarus died and was brought back to life by Y'shua.  Enoch and Elijah are not dead but were changed in form and in place.  Yah took them because He had a big plan for them to fulfill during the final 3-1/2 years of life as we know it.
1 Kings 17 ~  Elijah the Tishbite who lives in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As Yahweh Lives, the Elohim of Israel whom I serve, there will be no dew or rain except at my bidding." 
Here we read that Elijah has the power to hold back the rain as he sees fits. This is one of the many powers the two end times witnesses have.

And here is the clincher! We read at the end of Malachi:
I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of Yahweh. He shall reconcile parents with children and children with their parents, so that, when I come, I do not strike the whole land with utter destruction. 
This sounds akin to the command to paint the doorposts and lintels with the blood of the lamb so that the Messenger of death would pass over those places. Same goes for us today who accept the shed blood of Y'shua to save us from death and spending eternity in Fire Lake. Elijah, by his testimony, will cause many to cease being enemies with one another and stop rebelling against Yah; the rest will be destroyed with those final cups of wrath.
Hebrews 11:5 ~
By faith Enoch was translated and did not taste death; and he was not found because Elohim had translated him; for, before he translated him, there was testimony of him that he pleased Elohim. But without faith, a man cannot please Elohim.
Translated defined: to bear, remove, or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another; to convey to heaven or to a nontemporal condition without death
Neither Enoch nor Elijah have died.

And to note, we who are His Set Apart believers will be changed when that time comes to be gathered together in the clouds at the return of Y'shua.  We will be changed in form, being made incorruptible.  We shall be incapable of corruption such as no longer subject to decay or dissolution. When we enter the promised land, the earthly kingdom of Y'shua the Anointed One, our 'bodies' will be like that of the Messengers (angels):
Mark 12:25 ~
For when they rise from the dead, they do not marry women nor are women given in marriage to men. Rather, they are like the Messengers who are in heaven. (aka: incorruptible spiritual beings = translated from one form to another.)
If we read from the book of Enoch we learn that he did achieve high standing in the heavenlies to the point I sometimes think he replaced the job opening left by Satan.

Please Note: I recommend one be fully in the Word of Elohim via the study of Scriptures before using other writings such as Enoch and Jasher so that one can discern that which lines up with Scriptures.  I do not substitute anything for the Word of our Creator yet find these sources help describe possible scenarios which are only alluded to in Scriptures.  YHWH is our final word on all things.  And we know, if everything that He did and everything that Y'shua did was written down the earth wouldn't be big enough to store all those books 😉