Tuesday, May 29, 2018

144,000 First Fruits

In Revelation 7 we read about the vision, the sealing of the 144,000 (servants of Elohim from the 12 tribes) which happens after the 6th seal has been opened. The Messengers were commanded not to hurt the earth and the sea, nor the trees until they have sealed the servants of Elohim upon their foreheads. 

As Y'shua was the first fruits of the dead, the 144,000 are the first fruits of the living. Revelation 14 tells us they have been redeemed by Y'shua from among men, the first fruits to Elohim and the Lamb:  they are without fault; have not been defiled by (women) aka: the "harlot and her daughters" = Gnosticism; false traditions; anti-Torah values; paganism - all which has infiltrated the various religions of today.

When we get to Revelation 9 we are told of Woe #1, when the 5th shofar is sounded and the pit is opened, releasing the demon locust. They have been commanded not to hurt the grass of the earth nor any herb, nor any tree, but only to torment the persons who had not been sealed with the seal of Elohim upon their foreheads. When did the remaining believers become sealed? 

The 144,000 are the designated first fruits in the end times scenario, the first of the harvest of all His Set Apart believers. The remaining yet to be sealed in their foreheads happens after the 144,000 are sealed. John records that after those things he saw a great multitude from all kindreds, peoples, tribes and nationalities, crying "Salvation to our Elohim to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb." These are they who have come out of great affliction and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb (All Set Apart believers). The rest were sealed during the time period between the opening of the 6th Seal, after the 144,000 were sealed, and before the 5th trumpet is sounded... before the final harvest of the earth  begins.

Ephesians 4:22 ~ You have learned that you should lay aside your former ways which corrupted you with desires in falsehoods; and that you should be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and put on the new man that is created by Elohim in righteousness and in the separateness of truth. Therefore, put away from you lying and speak the truth, for we are members one of another by His Spirit. Be angry but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath. And give no place to the Accuser (Satan). And those who stole, steal no more; but let him use his hands to work, and do good acts that he may have plenty in order to give to those in need. Let no hateful language be heard from you, but only that which is beautiful and useful for edification that it may convey grace to those who hear you speak. 30 And do not grieve the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh whereby you are sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and danger and wrath and clamoring and reviling be taken from you along with all malice: Be caring towards one another and sympathetic, and forgive one another as Elohim by the Mashiyach has forgiven us.

Salvation is The Way in allowing His Spirit to seal us as we become a new creation in righteousness. We become renewed "in the spirit of our minds" aka: sealed in our foreheads.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Still Learning - Still Teaching

A FB friend became fed up with the "Sacred Namers" and provided a suitable rant worth sharing (by permission) and expanded upon.
Quote:  They seem to have a single agenda which is to promote their form of pronunciation of the Name of our Creator. They have no interest in studying the Hebrew texts. Their only mission is to promote pronunciation with a measure of hate and contempt. No matter what one posts, they come in with their memes and attempt to high jack the post. Most often I simply dismiss them because I understand that we are all at different levels of understanding.... They just don’t seem to be interested in anything other than pronouncing the Name. If you happen to be a Sacred Namer, I don’t mind your brand of pronunciation, but please don’t beat me over the head with it!-- end quote
This is one of many topics of contention among 'believers' as they continue emerging from the Babylonian World System yet cling to the web of man's imagination. And like many of those topics, if those same people would read Scriptures, His Spirit would lead them to the correct understanding about the matter at hand.

I know there are many discussions out there in cyber-land and elsewhere debating the 'spelling of' and 'pronunciation of' these Names. I do not disregard their studies and research but I prefer not to let this be a matter of contention which blinds us to the fact that there is a Name above all names. I remember when I though His Name was "God" and His Son's was "Jesus". In my studies and keeping the ancient Hebrew texts in mind, I personally have come to respectfully call the Father and Son by their names: YHWH (Yah-weh) and Y'shua (Yah-shua) and I am comfortable enough with this as I wait for the return of His Son.  

We know He has a Name and it was caused to be forgotten:
Jeremiah 23:26 (YHWH asks)"How long? Is there anything in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy falsehood, even these prophets of the deception of their own heart, who intend to make My people forget My name by their dreams which they relate to one another, just as their fathers forgot My name because of Baal?
Our Creator also gave a warning about bringing His Name to nothingness: 
Exodus 20:7 ... do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught,  for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.
So let us wait until the sounding of the 7th shofar and the return of Y'shua the Anointed One who will let us know his name, the Father's name and how they are pronounced. Therein lies the patience of the saints. And lets not forget this piece of information:
Revelation 2: 17 ~ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. To the one who is victorious I will give to eat of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white counter upon which is written a new name, known only to the one who receives it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Son is not the Father

There is a fine line between believing that "Jesus is God-in-the-flesh, come to live on earth as a man" and the fact that Y'shua was caused to exist by the Spirit of Yahweh, and was born of a chosen women. Messiah was born of Spirit and Blood (spiritual and physical). We humans have been born of water and blood (physical) but must become born again of His Spirit... do you see the pattern? 

Our Creator did not choose to be born on earth in order to experience the human condition. He was well aware of man's downfall from the beginning, which is why He gave us His Spirit via His Son, Yahshua the Anointed One. The Old Testament tells us in many places of this person to come, but where does YHWH say it is Himself who will dwell on this earth? It is true that His desire is to be in the midst of His people but that's not going to happen again until after the thousand year reign of His Son on this earth.

The Father is not the Son = Y'shua is not God

The Son was caused to exist by the Father 
through His Spirit 
and the water and blood of a woman

The Son is not the Father = Yahweh is not the Messiah

It is by His Son's very life that one can see the glory of the Father in and through him because of YHWH's Ruach haKodesh. His Set Apart Spirit makes them as One - His righteousness is revealed in the flesh.

This same Spirit was given by Y'shua to his twelve Apostles who taught others to become prepared to receive the Ruach haKodesh through salvation, by repentance and immersion. It is this same Spirit we are made ready to receive which makes us One, same as the Father and Son are One. This does not make us gods.
1 Timothy 3:16 ~ The pillar and the foundation of truth, and truly great, is this mystery of righteousness which was revealed in the flesh and righteous in the spirit and seen by Messengers, and proclaimed among the Gentiles, and believed on in the world, and received up into glory.
Yahweh keeps us by His Name (YAH) which He gave to His Son (YAHshua) that we may be One as they are One. When we pray to YHWH in Y'shua's name we are calling on YHWH for Salvation. Y'shua pleads for us because YHWH gave us to him, those who have kept the Word of Elohim. Y'shua is the Word made flesh. As followers of Y'shua we are to walk according to his righteousness, observe the Father's Instructions and walk in the anointing of the Ruach haKodesh as Mashiyach demonstrated for us.

Now, if all this is happening, how could Y'shua possibly be 'God in the flesh'....

Father, sanctify us by your Truth, for Your Word is Truth. 
His Ruach haKodesh is the Spirit of Truth.
John 16:27 ...the Father loves you because you have loved me and you have believed that I have proceeded from the presence of the Father... and have come into the world and will return to the Father.
Matthew 7:21- Not every one that says to me, 'My master, my master', shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven

What is the 'will of the Father'?
John 6:38- For I came down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me... John 6:40- For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day.
What is 'will'? : desire, wish

Our Creator desires we see His Son for what he is. No one is able to come to Y'shua unless the Father who sent him draws them to him. Everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to Y'shua. This brings to mind the writings in the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the many references to Y'shua. We learn from the Father and come to understand Y'shua the Messiah in the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) with the help of the Set Apart Spirit who reveals Truth.
Mark 10:18 ~ Y'shua said Why call me good? There is no one good except Elohim.  
John 10:15 ~ Just as my Father knows me and I know my Father...  
29 ~ For my Father who gave them to me is greater than all .... 
30 ~ I and the Father are one (one by His Spirit, not that Y'shua is God)
Recorded in the book of Matthew, even YHWH says Y'shua is His Son.
"Allow it for now as it is proper for us to fulfill all righteousness" and he was immersed and arose from the water - heaven was opened up to him. And then the Spirit of Elohim descended upon him and a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
His Spirit descended from heaven upon Y'shua, but Yah remained in heaven, from whence His voice was heard.

1 John 4:14 
And we have seen and do testify that the Father has sent His Son, a Redeemer for the world. Whoever confesses Y'shua to be the Son of Elohim, Elohim abides in him and he abides in Elohim. We have believed and known the love which Elohim has towards us: Elohim is Love and whoever abides in love, abides in Elohim. His love is perfected with us so there will be nothing to hide come judgment day.

1 John 5:10 
Whoever believes in the Son of Elohim has this testimony in himself. And whoever believes not, Elohim has made him a liar by not believing the testimony which Elohim has testified concerning His Son. And this is the testimony that Elohim has given to us life eternal and this life is in His Son.

I did a study on this topic a couple of years ago:

Monday, May 21, 2018

Feast of Weeks

Exodus 23:14 ~ Three times a year you shall hold a festival for Me: Feast of Unleavened Bread, eating unleavened bread for seven days. 16 ~ Feast of the Harvest, of the first fruits of what you sow in the field; and Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year.

Exodus 34:22 ~ You shall observe the Feast of Weeks (aka Feast of the Harvest), of the first fruits of the wheat harvest. 26 ~ The choice first fruits of your soil you shall bring to the house of Elohim..

At this time His people had not yet begun farming - they do not raise crops until they settle the promised land. I have learned that both wheat and barley were planted the same time but barley ripens earlier than wheat. Feast of Weeks begins with the barley harvest and ends with the wheat harvest. The sheaf of barley offering is made, and fifty days later the first fruits of the wheat harvest are offered. 

Leviticus 23:9 ~ When you enter the promise land and reap its harvest: you shall bring the first sheaf of your (barley) harvest to the priest who shall elevate the sheaf before YHWH for acceptance. The priest shall elevate it on the day after the sabbath... until that very day when you bring your offering you shall eat no bread or parched grain or fresh ears (of the new crop) 15 ~ From the day on which you bring the sheaf of elevation - the day after the sabbath - you shall count off seven weeks... to day fifty, then bring an offering of new grain (wheat) to YHWH: two loaves of bread as first fruits to Yah.  On that same day (Day 50) you shall hold a celebration, a sacred occasion and you shall not work at your occupations. This is a law for all times throughout your generations.

Numbers 28:26 ~ On the day of the first fruits, your Feast of Weeks, when you bring an offering of new grain (wheat) to YHWH, you shall observe a sacred occasion and do not work at your occupations. 

Feast of Weeks begins with first fruits of the barley harvest (sheaf) and ends with the first fruits of the wheat harvest (new grain).

Deuteronomy 16:9 ~  Count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain. And you shall perform the Festival of Weeks to יהוה your Elohim, according to the voluntary offering from your hand, which you give as יהוה your Elohim blesses you.  And you shall rejoice before יהוה your Elohim, you and your son and your daughter, and your male servant and your female servant, and the Lĕwite who is within your gates, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are in your midst, at the place where יהוה your Elohim chooses to make His Name dwell. And you shall remember that you were a slave in Mitsrayim (Egypt), and you shall guard and do these laws.

Now, Deuteronomy reads that the count begins at the harvest, when the sickle is put to standing grain. Leviticus says the count begins when the priest offers the first sheaf of the barley harvest to Yah, after the sabbath. If I brought my sheaf to the priest on the 5th day, he would wait until after the 7th day to make the offering on my behalf. But when does the counting of days begin? When the sickle is put to standing grain or when the priest makes the offering? I've always gone with Deuteronomy on this matter because it usually clarifies and summarizes all things that came before. Y'shua summarized all things that His Father put in place, even clarified and raised the bar here and there, but never changed anything. Moses is doing the same thing. Y'shua once said if we would have known Moses we would also know him. I suppose we can cycle this around using Y'shua as an example of Torah.
What about translations? That is what made me take a second look at my studies on Yah's moedim. There is a piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls including Deuteronomy 16 translated as: "... begin to number the seven weeks from the time you raised the devoted grain."  And I quote the DDS translator: 
This word חרמש is interesting. The KJV has chosen to translate it as "sickle". While its meaning does include "to be cut off" it also refers to a devoted thing being cut off. In this case the devoted thing which is cut off is the omer that is offered up as a freewill offering. The timing of the count to the Feast of weeks is not from the beginning of the harvest but is after the harvest is complete. We take an omer from that harvest and offer it up as a freewill offering.
I personally stay away from quoting the KJV, but many other versions of Scriptures also use the word 'sickle' in Deuteronomy 16:9.  And I have never considered the offering being taken at the end of the harvest. First means first and anyone could have taken the first sheaf to the priest as soon as it was cut, leaving the rest of the workers to finish with the harvest.

Did someone get it wrong translating either Leviticus or Deuteronomy about this time to begin counting?  Does the barley ripen the same day year after year so that it can be included on a pre-printed calendar? It's no wonder that Yahweh put specific people in charge of keeping watch on things like this! Leaving it up to us common folk has opened up a can of worms. Who do we trust?

We know on Day 50 Yahweh came down on the mountain and gave His Laws to the people. For the mixed multitude along with the Hebrews, their count began the day they were set free from Pharaoh on the 15th day of the first month. Fifty days later they were assembled at the foot of Mount Sinai. It was on Day 50 that the Apostles received the Ruach haKodesh as promised by Y'shua. For the Apostles, the count began at the resurrection of Y'shua, who died on the 15th day of the first month and was resurrected 3 nights and 3 days later. He was taken up to heaven forty days later as the First Fruits of the Dead; and in another ten days was Shavuot.

Counting is something our Creator would like us to do.  He counted six days and rested on the seventh. He instructed us to do likewise, counting in seven day intervals from each new moon, each reckoned as His day of rest for us. If something was date specific, He told us as He designated the specific day of the month in keeping Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Sukkot. Feast of Weeks is not date specific but relies on the harvests.

When we come into covenant with our Maker there are terms of that covenant we are to abide by. A section of those terms are instructions in observing specific set apart times, His moedim. There are segments of those instructions we are unable to fulfill these days because the temple no longer stands in Jerusalem nor is there the priesthood to handle the daily affairs of temple life. This includes the various offerings which were to be brought to the temple in Jerusalem three times a year: the passover offering, first fruits of the wheat harvest, Shavuot and the Feast of Ingathering, Sukkot. Neither are we to substitute what we think is right in the meantime. His Set Apart times are meant to be observed throughout the generations, which we can do in 'remembering' why they were done and realizing how they train us up for a future time. We still treat them as sacred times and observe them as the Sabbaths that they are, sans sacrifice, offerings and traveling to Jerusalem.

With that being said, I will give it a rest, the discrepancy between what was written in Leviticus with what was written in Deuteronomy, because the physical actions cannot be performed in this day and age.  The timeline is still observed in remembrance of the mighty and awesome power of the One who created us, and all praise and glory belongs to Him! 

If you have more you can add to this, please enter your comments in the appropriate space below.  I'll come back to this later with a fresh perspective and more study time.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Of the World vs Of the Spirit

John 3:5 ~ יהושע (Y'shua) answered, “Truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he is unable to enter into the Kingdom of Elohim. That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit. 12 ~ I have explained earthly things and you do  not believe. How then will I explain heavenly things?

Romans 8:7 ~ Because minding the things of the flesh is hatred towards Elohim: for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim, because it is not possible. And they who are in the flesh cannot please Elohim

1 John 2:15 ~ Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world — the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life —is not from the Father but from the world. The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of YHWH remains forever.…

From Ephesians 2 ~ And also you who were dead in your sins and in your offenses in which you before walked, according to the worldliness of this world and according to the will of the prince and power of the air (Satan), that spirit which is active in the children of disobedience: In which deeds we formerly spoke of in the cravings of our flesh; and we did the pleasure of our flesh and of our thoughts and imagination, and were altogether the children of wrath, like the rest.... Therefore, be mindful that you were formerly carnal Gentiles, without Y'shua and alienated from the Word of Elohim, not knowing His Instructions for Israel... without hope and without Yahweh... Because of His Son there is access for us, by His Spirit, to the Father... we become fellow citizens with the Set Apart believers and the household of YHWH Elohim.

Galatians 5:19 ~ For you know the works of the flesh, which are these: adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things. Those who do things like these, they will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim.

Matthew 22:30 ~ For in the resurrection, neither do they marry, nor are given in marriage, but they are like angels in heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:40 ~ And there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the esteem of the heavenly is truly one, and the esteem of the earthly is another....

We were once 'carnal gentiles' blind to the Truth of His Word, spiritually dead because of our sinful behaviors, living according to the ways of the world. Our rebellious disobedient ways made us feel good and free from any authority... we did not know we were only really pleasing Satan... Galatians 5:19 ~ For you know the works of the flesh, which are these: adultery, impurity and lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity (hatred), strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, treacheries, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelry and all like things. Those who do things like these, they will not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim."" 

In reading Ephesians 2 we see another way of looking at ourselves and our journey along His Path of Righteousness: We were 'dead in our sins' because we didn't know right from wrong. We were ignorant of the rules that our Creator provided for His creation.  We let the world dictate our choices (fads etc...) and did as we pleased, according to the way of this world which is strongly influenced by 'the prince and power of the air' (Satan). This spirit is what tempts the children of disobedience. Most of us have experienced that phase in our journey: cravings of the flesh; of our thoughts and imagination, and were altogether the children of wrath, like the rest.... We see no difference until we return to our Creator.

Therefore, we acknowledge that we were formerly carnal Gentiles, without Y'shua and alienated from the Word of Elohim, not knowing His Instructions for His people. We were without hope and without YHWH.  Since we have learned of His Son and his shed blood of atonement, by his Spirit which makes us one with the Father, we become fellow citizens with the Set Apart believers and the household of YHWH Elohim.

In the end our bodies will be changed from corruptible to incorruptible, like the bodies of those living in the spiritual realm of our Father.  

Stop Looking for Deeper Meanings Lest You Drown

I have heard it said that Scripture interprets itself and have found it to be true. Yet, there are still many who believe we are to search for 'deeper meanings' and peel away the 'layers' to uncover stuff that might be there. 

'Types and Shadows' are not deeper things. They are examples written of (foretold) in the OT and usually revealed (fulfilled) in the NT, or yet to be fulfilled - this would be an example of Scripture interpreting itself and why we read the book as a whole. 

The Father and His Son both spoke in parables in attempts to get our attention and inspire us to 'think'.  I used to harp on which version of Scriptures you should read from but have since learned that His Spirit will reveal the truth in all things as long as we spend time in His Word every day. There are still a few versions I would stay away from, but I'll save it for another study. However, there are a few things we should to take into consideration regardless of which version of Scriptures we read from, for example:
  • Some meanings have been lost in various translations
  • Hebrew idioms and poetic prose have been overlooked
  • Not all writings from the old days are included in the bible choices of today

Yahweh's Word has been messed with for a long time:
Mark 7:5 ~ The scribes and the Pharisees ask Y'shua, "Why don't your disciples walk according to the traditions of the elders? His short answer is: "You hypocrites... You have left the Commandment of Elohim and have embraced the tradition of men. ... And you despise the Word of Elohim because of the tradition that you have handed down..."

This entire chapter is a great discussion of 'oral versus written law' which would later be recorded in the Talmud some 200 years later. Matthew 15:3 records the same... the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem ask Y'shua why his disciples transgress against the traditions of the elders. He asks them, "Why do you transgress the Commandments of Elohim because of your traditions?"

Written Torah was pitted against the oral traditions of the Pharisees who were nullifying the Word of YHWH by their traditions - Yahshua would not instruct his followers to do likewise. What we have ended up with is Jewish Tradition and Christianity with all of its denominations.

The Talmud
Quoted from the Jewish Virtual Library:
The Oral Law is a legal commentary on the Torah, explaining how its commandments are to be carried out. Common sense suggests that some sort of oral tradition was always needed to accompany the Written Law, because the Torah alone, even with its 613 commandments, is an insufficient guide to Jewish life. For example, the fourth of the Ten Commandments, ordains, "Remember the Sabbath day to make it holy" (Exodus 20:8). From the Sabbath's inclusion in the Ten Commandments, it is clear that the Torah regards it as an important holiday. Yet when one looks for the specific biblical laws regulating how to observe the day, one finds only injunctions against lighting a fire, going away from one's dwelling, cutting down a tree, plowing and harvesting. Would merely refraining from these few activities fulfill the biblical command to make the Sabbath holy? Indeed, the Sabbath rituals that are most commonly associated with holiness-lighting of candles, reciting the kiddush, and the reading of the weekly Torah portion are found not in the Torah, but in the Oral Law. Without an oral tradition, some of the Torah's laws would be incomprehensible.
Can you see where the term 'legalism' was wrongly applied by Christians to Torah, the written Word of Yah, as an excuse to ignore the Old Testament, while at the same time being totally blind to the fact it was the acts of the scribes and Pharisees which made their opinions 'legal'? That is the foundation of Judaism, another religion that perverts our heavenly Father's Instructions for all of humanity.  Notice also how 'they' have added rituals to Yah's simple command in regards to keeping the Sabbath day set apart.  Our Creator's Instructions do not include lighting candles, reciting prayers or reading weekly Torah portions which are from Oral Law: traditions which Y'shua did not support.

I do not encourage the use of the talmud nor do I support folks who use it as a teaching guide. Rabbis believe "Without an oral tradition, some of the Torah's laws would be incomprehensible" and this is simply not true. As we continue to read and study Yah's Instructions, it is His Spirit that reveals the truth and teaches us how to apply His Word to our lives in today's world. The talmud provides insight to the 'Jewish mindset' (not the Hebrew mindset) via the early rabbinic system (the beginnings of Judaism = a religion). It is a collection of writings that covers 'Jewish law and tradition'. Rabbis believe we cannot understand "Torah" without it and that is simply not true. They were guilty of putting a 'fence around Torah' back in day and many religious leaders have followed suit. My main point is to advise caution when it comes to the traditions of man. When we continue to read and study Scriptures daily, His Spirit will reveal the Truth wherein we gain knowledge and understanding, without the influence of traditions or man's opinions about "God". Y'shua called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because they transgressed against the Commandments of Elohim by way of their traditions which later became recorded in the Talmud. This is a big reason why I do not recommend using the Talmud in an attempt to teach, shed light or verify the Word of YHWH.

The Mishna
Quoted from the Jewish Virtual Library:
Mishna is the name for the sixty-three tractates in which Rabbi Judah set down the Oral Law, where Jewish law is systematically codified. Indeed, in order to know everything the Torah said on a given subject, one either had to read through all of it or know its contents by heart. Rabbi Judah avoided this problem by arranging the Mishna topically. All laws pertaining to the Sabbath were put into one tractate called Shabbat. The laws contained in Shabbat's twenty-four chapters are far more extensive than those contained in the Torah, for the Mishna summarizes the Oral Law's extensive Sabbath legislation.
One of the Mishna's sixty ­three tractates contains no laws at all. It is called Pirkei Avot (usually translated as Ethics of the Fathers) ....  in which their most famous sayings and proverbs are recorded.
During the centuries following Rabbi Judah's editing of the Mishna, it was studied by generation after generation of rabbis. Eventually, some of these rabbis wrote down their discussions and commentaries on the Mishna's laws in a series of books known as the Talmud. The rabbis of Palestine edited their discussions of the Mishna about the year 400: Their work became known as the Palestinian (Jerusalem) Talmud.  More than a century later, some of the leading Babylonian rabbis compiled another editing of the discussions on the Mishna. By then, these deliberations had been going on some three hundred years. The Babylon edition was far more extensive than its Palestinian counterpart, so that the Babylonian Talmud became the most authoritative compilation of the Oral Law. When people speak of studying "the Talmud," they almost invariably mean the Babylonian version.
Did you catch that? They took the command to keep the 7th day set apart and turned it into 24 chapters! They would rather present their interpretation as proper and dissuade anyone from reading Torah for themselves. Heaven forbid we would have to read His Word to learn how to apply it to our lives today! What do you think it means to 'search for YHWH as if looking for treasure"? Maybe we are to read Scriptures for ourselves and, in faith, rely on His Spirit to reveal the truth that has been covered up by man's imagination. Division is a tactic used by Satan.  Here we have rabbis dividing the Word of Yahweh into two versions of the Talmud. Christianity has been divided into many denominations.

Quote from the Jewish Virtual Library:
Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant. There are many stories of places similar to Christian heaven and purgatory, of wandering souls and reincarnation. The Talmud contains vague hints of a mystical school of thought that was taught only to the most advanced students and was not committed to writing.
In the middle ages, many of these mystical teachings were committed to writing in books like the Zohar. Many of these writings were asserted to be compilations of secret ancient writings. Like most subjects of Jewish belief, the area of mysticism is wide open to personal interpretation. Some traditional Jews take mysticism very seriously. Mysticism is an integral part of Chasidic Judaism, for example, and passages from kabbalistic sources are routinely included in traditional prayer books.
The mystical school of thought came to be known as Kabbalah, meaning "to receive, to accept." The word is usually translated as "tradition." 
Kabbalah is one of the most grossly misunderstood parts of Judaism. I have received several messages from non-Jews describing Kabbalah as "the dark side of Judaism," describing it as evil or black magic. On the other end of the spectrum, I receive many messages wanting to learn more about the trendy doctrine popularized by various Jewish and non-Jewish celebrities.
I do not mean to suggest that magic is not a part of Kabbalah. There are certainly many traditional Jewish stories that involve the use of hidden knowledge to affect the world in ways that could be described as magic. The Talmud and other sources ascribe supernatural activities to many great rabbis. Some rabbis pronounced a name of G-d and ascended into heaven to consult with the G-d and the angels on issues of great public concern.  However, this area of Kabbalah is not something that is practiced by the average Jew, or even the average rabbi. 
(end quote)

In short: The Talmud is man's opinion over the Word of Yah; 
and the Kabbalah is a book of Magic tricks

And when folks say there are deeper things to be found in Scriptures and layers to be peeled away I cannot help but think that this type of thinking comes from Jewish Tradition, specifically mysticism.  One will not understand Scriptures the first time they sit down and start reading. It takes time to absorb all the information, make the connections and begin to see the Big Picture.  The Big Picture begins to emerge once we gain some understanding as Scriptures interpret themselves and that light goes on and we see something as if for the first time - that "Ah Ha!" moment. That moment is when the Ruach haKodesh reveals a truth. 
Thank you Yahweh! 

We are most capable of understanding the instructions left for us by our Creator and without the temptation of discovering deeper meanings.  He does expect us to make an effort, such as reading Scriptures and studying in fellowship with other Set Apart believers. When we show Him our intent and abide by His Instructions, best we can in this day and age, He gives us understanding as we are comforted with the truth revealed to us by His Ruach haKodesh. This would be akin to Y'shua explaining to his Apostles the gist of the parables wherein they gained understanding. Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, rabbis, preachers and all the church fathers lose their perceived power, importance, money and control over the common folk when the common folk start reading Torah for themselves.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Contradictions? On the Contrary...

This is my response to those who believe Scriptures contain "contradictions and blatant lies".  I have copied from a FB discussion several examples that 'they' say are in support of the contradictions and posted them here as the framework for this study to get to the truth of the matter.
My reply to Mr. RG: After reading your shared post by (FRR) I have to tell ya, she is only presenting a fraction of the whole picture, like picking up one piece of a puzzle and coming to a conclusion of the end result without considering all the pieces put together. Not providing chapter and/or verse is an effective tactic to deter folks from reading it for themselves, and as you will see, I did take the time to search them out.
"There are MANY contradictions in the text we know as the kjv. " FRR
(and I say avoid the KJV whenever you can)  
Quote: THE KING JAMES VERSION - The story gets interesting when King James I of England, or Queen James as he was often referred to because of homosexual lifestyle, decided to authorize his own translation of the Bible in 1611. The other versions fell to his disfavor because their footnotes failed to honor the King. To correct this, he gathered fifty-four scholars and gave them fifteen edicts to follow as they translated and published his Authorized Version. The first edict was that they use the Bishop's Bible (which used "congregation") with as few changes as possible. The third edict specified that, in select places, they were to use the word "church," and not "congregation," in place of ekklesia. His fourteenth edict stated that they could use the Tyndale, Matthew, Coverdale, the Great Bible (also called the Whitchurch, Cranmer, and Cromwell Bible), and the Geneva versions of the Bible wherever they were closer to their accessible manuscripts. (end quote)
FRR wrote: Abba says... we are not to shed innocent blood.
Deuteronomy 19: tells us about involuntary manslaughter = causing the death of another by accident. Yah had His people set aside three cities a manslayer could flee to in order to avoid being killed by one who wants to avenge the death of that innocent victim. Verse 11 tells us about premeditated murder = one who lies in wait and kills another then flees to one of these towns, the elders were to bring him back to the 'avenger' to be put to death, and show no pity. In this they would purge Israel of the blood of the innocent and it would go well with them. 
FRR wrote: He gave us care of the animals. 
Genesis 1:28 on the sixth day of creation Yah tells Adam and Eve they are to rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and all the living things that creep on earth. Mankind was given dominion over the animals, yes, to care for the domestic ones as tending cattle and flocks and herds and how to efficiently slaughter them when the time came. The wicked treated animals with cruelty.
FRR wrote: He hated the pagan practice of human sacrifice.
Yah hated all pagan practices of which human sacrifice was just one aspect. He hated Amalek, too, those who creep around the edge of the camp taking what they can. There were no human sacrifices by those who lived by the rules of the Creator. His Son was sentenced to death and left to die, being hung on a Roman death device - he was not a sacrifice.
FRR wrote: He said make no graven image of anything in heaven, on earth, or in the waters.
Nor to bow down to them. If they made these things it would become a temptation to worship them, as the pagans were doing. Yah was separating us from the rest of the world. The golden calf incident comes to mind.... and again it His rules are opposite of pagan traditions and their various trinkets and idols worn or set on shelves etc... Abraham's dad comes to mind, who was a pagan idol worshiper. The cherubim on the cover to the ark were made before the ten commandments were given at Mount Sinai Exodus 25:17 tells us about the cover for the ark which was made of gold and had two cherubim, one at each end of the cover. Yah commanded these to be made and it is where He would meet with Moses and tell him all that He would command concerning the Israelite people.  Are we going to argue with our Creator about His furniture? This object was hidden from view of the people most times and would not be an object of worship for them. The command not to make images was given after the fact.
FRR: We are to have no other gods.
None - zip - zero - nada along with or besides our Creator who is the only Living Elohim. But the pagans had a 'god' for any thing or reason. YHWH knew they would be out there. His Instructions are for our well being and protection.
FRR: And he detested the feasts and festivals.
He only came to detest these things when man started doing them his own way instead of Yah's way. It was all for show and nothing from their hearts. I refer back to Cain and Abel. Today we have many man-made holidays detested by our Father. He gave us feast days and set times to observe through the generations and most folks don't even give them a second thought.
FRR: He never commanded sacrifices or burnt offerings. And the eating of dead flesh was forbidden. 
Read Leviticus for all the reasons they offered burnt offerings, drink offerings, bread offerings, incense etc... much of which was to take care of the Levites, the priests and their families. After the flood is when meat was added to the list of designated clean foods of which to eat. Meat was to be roasted or boiled and not eaten raw or with the blood.

FRR: He also FROM THE BEGINNING created marriage for one man and one woman. Anything outside of that was adultery. 
Adultery did happen and had its consequences.  
FRR goes on to point out: Yet the very bible we have today not only says the above but ALSO says that Abba commanded...

  • The sacrificing of innocent animals and the eating of their dead flesh. 
  • The murder of men, women, children and animals as well as the rape of women. 
  • The making of an image of angels upon the mercy seat.
  • The worship of a man over him. 
  • Human blood sacrifice paved the way to redemption. 
  • Ritualistic feasts to be observed during which the very abominations Israel was punished numerous times for are committed. 
  • And adultery is acceptable in epic proportions.
Yeah... ya can't get past thou shall not kill when ur killing innocent animals and sacrificing people. 
You shall not commit premeditated murder is the better understanding and helps define the difference between to kill and to murder. Anyone who sacrificed their children to Molech were obviously not obeying His Commandment - human sacrifice is a pagan tradition. His Commandments apply only to the house of Israel and those who give up their old pagan ways and live according to His Instructions. All non-believers lived by their own rules.
Ya can't get past no graven images with angels on the mercy seat.
As I noted above, the ark of the covenant was made before the the command against making graven images. This seat was the place where YHWH would meet with Moses, and later only the High Priest would enter this set apart place once a year.
Ya can't get past no other gods when ya declare a man a diety and pray to him.
I understand this one as it is part of a false teaching if she is referring to Y'shua as a deity. And he was not a god on this earth.
Ya can't get past "one man one woman, two becoming ONE" with multiple wives.
Again, YHWH was setting His people apart from the pagan 'norm'. These things definitely did not gel overnight. And consequences befell believers who went against His rules.  
Ya can't rationalize these things away like they aren't there or say it's a lack of understanding when the blatantly obvious is before us. It just doesn't wash.
Only by reading Scriptures, Genesis through Revelation, paying good attention to what is written in Leviticus and summarized in Deuteronomy, can we begin to understand what's going on. The whole book is a harmonious cycle, from beginning to end and back again. 
FRR: And when Messiah himself tells us WHY he came and quotes the prophets who have ALL spoken of these contradictions and blatant lies... the picture is quite clear." - FRR
On the contrary, the picture is not at all clear in her eyes. I pray I have shared enough that you, too, can see the error of only choosing bits and pieces and ignoring the rest.

Update - 5/7/2018

Later, the next day ...  Mr. G challenges me to study more references - Yippee!

He says: "Here are some more scriptures for you to try to explain away. You should keep in mind Yahuah says He changes not."
"Then Shemu’ĕl said, “Does יהוה delight in burnt offerings and slaughterings, as in obeying the voice of יהוה? Look, to obey is better than an offering, to heed is better than the fat of rams."  Shemu’ĕl Aleph (1 Samuel) 15:22 TS2009
This should be self explanatory, key words: 'delight' 'obeying' 'to heed'. Being told that obedience is better than an offering is not saying the offering is done away with. If we are heeding His Instructions we would be keeping that which is laid out in Leviticus.  If we were obeying Him we would have no need of offerings to cover our sin or guilt etc... but we would keep in tune with His moedim. These offerings were, in part, to take care of the Levites and the priesthood. Yahweh's Instructions for His people have not changed. When He says forever and all generations, that includes His Set Apart believers in today's world. Obviously we need to adapt and there are many things we cannot observe physically in performing some rituals, but spiritually we have not forgotten our Father, nor His Instructions in Righteousness. And we are not to substitute what we think is right in place of what we've been instructed. It is better to obey and heed our Father than to think we need to run off somewhere and offer the fat of rams, thinking He will be pleased with us.  Nadab and Abihu come to mind. 

"I have hated, I have despised your festivals, and I am not pleased with your assemblies. “Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I do not accept them, nor do I look on your fattened peace offerings. “Take away from Me the noise of your songs, for I do not hear the sound of your stringed instruments. “And let right-ruling roll on like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. “You brought Me slaughterings and meal offerings in the wilderness for forty years, O house of Yisra’ĕl, but you took up Sikkuth your sovereign and Kiyyun, your idols, your astral mighty ones , which you made for yourselves!"  Amos 5:21‭-‬26 TS2009
The writings in Amos 5 tell us once again about the Creator's anger with the House of Israel because they have not turned back to Him. This is still true in this day and age for anyone who has turned away from Him. Fair warning has been given us throughout Scriptures and we know what happens to those who rebel. 5:18 ~ Ah, you who wish for the day of YHWH! Why should you want the day.... it shall be darkness... blackest night without a glimmer. Verse 21 (it is no wonder He loathes "their festivals", traditional holidays of man's own imagination.) I am not appeased by your solemn assemblies.  If you offer Me burnt offerings or your meal offerings, I will not accept them; I will pay no heed to your gifts of fatlings.  Spare Me the sound of "your hymns", don't let Me hear the music of your lutes. 24 ~ But let justice well up like water, righteousness like an unfailing stream.  Did you offer sacrifice and oblation to Me those forty years in the wilderness, O House of Israel?  
Deuteronomy 8:2 ~ You shall remember all the way which YHWH your Elohim has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.
"Of what use to Me are your many slaughterings?” declares יהוה. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats. “When you come to appear before Me, who has required this from your hand, to trample My courtyards? “Stop bringing futile offerings, incense, it is an abomination to Me. New Moons, Sabbaths, the calling of meetings – I am unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly. “My being hates your New Moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them. “And when you spread out your hands, I hide My eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I do not hear. Your hands have become filled with blood."  (Isaiah) 1:11‭-‬15 TS2009
I can totally understand why our heavenly Father said this in Isaiah 7:11 ~ "What need have I of all your sacrifices... I have no delight that you come to appear before Me - trample My courts no more. Bringing your offerings is futile, incense is offensive to Me. New moon and Sabbath you proclaim solemnities and assemble with wickedness I cannot tolerate. Your new moons (man's calendar months) and your fixed seasons (man's traditions and substitutes for Yah's moedim) fill Me with loathing - they have become a burden to Me, no longer a joy. When you lift up your hands in false praise and worship I will turn My Eyes away from you."

Satan has a counterfeit for nearly everything put forth by our Creator. The example of Jeroboam is what happened in 1 Kings 25 when he (out of fear of losing his position of power) convinced the Israelites (who had chosen him as king) that they did not need to go to Jerusalem to worship YHWH anymore. Jeroboam had built 2 temples, one in Bethel and the other in Dan, in which he had a golden calf placed in each, telling them 'this is your god'. He convinced them that 'God was Everywhere' and it was okay to worship Him anywhere. This is not according to the Word of Yahweh! Jeroboam also made cult places and appointed priests from the ranks of people who were not descendants of Levi. This same example applies to religious traditions of today when teachers and leaders and preachers convince folks of things that just aren't right in comparison to what is actually recorded in Scriptures.
Deuteronomy 8:2 ~ You shall remember all the way which YHWH your Elohim has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.Ezekiel 20:21 ~ But the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statutes, nor were they careful to observe My ordinances, by which, if a man observes them, he will live; they profaned My sabbaths. So I resolved to pour out My wrath on them, to accomplish My anger against them in the wilderness.
"And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off and have naught. And the people of a coming prince shall destroy the city and the set-apart place. And the end of it is with a flood. And wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end. “And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abominations he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste.”  (Daniel) 9:26‭-‬27 TS2009
One Of My Favorites in the study of the end time scenario!  The day is coming when the final world leader will avoid WWIII; will allow temple service including sacrifices again and the 'Jews' will be happy, either on the temple mount or nearby.  For 3-1/2 years this false sense of security will prevail until the abomination that causes desolation walks in and calls himself 'god'. I believe this is when Satan possesses this final world leader. This guy then puts an end to all the happiness and the final 3-1/2 years of tribulation play out.

"Guard your steps when you go to the House of Elohim. And draw near to listen rather than to give the slaughtering of fools, for they do not know that they do evil."  (Ecclesiastes) 5:1
Fools do not know that they do evil - Solomon should be well aware of that.
"With what shall I come before יהוה, bow myself before the high Elohim? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Is יהוה pleased with thousands of rams or ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my being? He has declared to you, O man, what is good. And what does יהוה require of you but to do right, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your Elohim?"  (Micah) 6:6‭-‬8 TS2009
"But go and learn what this means, ‘I desire compassion and not offering.’ For I did not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners.”  (Matthew) 9:13 TS2009
“And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire compassion and not offering,’ you would not have condemned the blameless."  (Matthew) 12:7

Hebrews 10... in (Yah's Instructions for His Creation) there was a shadow of the good things to come; not the substance (reality) of the things themselves. Therefore, although the same sacrifices were offered every year, they could never perfect those who offered them. For, if they had perfected them, they would have, long ago, stopped making offerings because they (would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But in those sacrifices, every year they recognized their sins). For the blood of bulls and of goats cannot purge away sins. Therefore, when Yahshua came into the world, he said:
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
but a body you prepared for me;
with burnt offerings and sin offerings
you were not pleased.
I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—
I have come to do your will, O Elohim"

Hebrews 10:11
For every high priest who stood and ministered daily, offered again and again the same sacrifices which never were sufficient to purge away sins. But this Priest (Yahshua the Anointed One) offered one sacrifice for sins, and forever sat down at the right hand of Elohim (where he waits for his kingdom to come). For by one offering he has perfected forever, them who are sanctified by him. After which the Ruach haKodesh testifies by saying, This is the covenant I will give them after those days; says Master Yahweh... I will put my Torah/Instructions into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and sins I will not remember against them.

Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded.

"I call upon you, therefore, brothers, through the compassion of Elohim, to present your bodies a living offering – set-apart, well-pleasing to Elohim – your reasonable worship." 
Hebrews 10 (lightly paraphrased)
We choose to accept Y'shua as our High Priest who offered a one time sacrifice for sins, who sits forever at the right hand of Elohim where he waits until his foes are placed as a footstool under his feet. For, by one offering (himself), he has perfected forever them who are sanctified (set apart) by him. And the Ruach haKodesh also testifies to us by saying: This is the covenant which I will give them after those days, says Master YHWH: I will put my Torah into their minds and inscribe it on their hearts and their iniquity and their sins I will not remember against them. Now, where there is a forgiveness of sins there is no offering for sin demanded. We have therefore my Brothers assurance of entering into the sanctuary by the blood of Y'shua and by a path of life.
For the most part, the practice of sacrifice stopped in the year 70 AD, when the Roman army destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, the place where sacrifices were offered. The practice was briefly resumed during the Jewish War of 132-135 AD, but was ended permanently after that war was lost.
It appears to me that which some folks believe are contradictions in Scriptures fall into a pattern of not accepting the fact that our loving Father, Yahweh, gets very angry with us and He verbalized His emotions through His servants, the prophets.  He gets so angry with us that He had to cause rainbows to show up so He would remember His promise not to destroy all flesh with a flood again. His anger is roused time and again, but He always offer a way out IF we repent of our wrong doings and return to Him. This was the deal right from the beginning and hasn't changed.