Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Last Day

John 6:39-40: (Y'shua is speaking) “This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all He has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

It is appointed for all of us to die, but when Y'shua returns to the earth at the last day, his followers who have died will be raised from their graves and given eternal life. Those Set Apart believers who are still living at that time will see this and be gathered up with them.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 ... you should not mourn over them who have fallen asleep (died), like other people who have no hope... :14 For if we believe that Y'shua died and rose again, even those who sleep, will Elohim, by Y'shua bring with him. :15 and this we say to you by the word of Messiah, that we who may survive and be alive at the coming of Messiah, will not precede them who have slept. :16 Because our Master Y'shua will himself descend from heaven with a mandate and with the voice of the chief Messenger (angel) and with the trumpet of Elohim; and the dead who are in Messiah will rise first and then we who survive and are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet our Messiah... And so comfort yourselves one another with these words...


It's been over fifteen years since I began the study Scriptures. I started with the book of Revelation, prompted by a website about fallen angels, aliens and prophecy which piqued my interest enough to see if 'their' conclusions were 'true'. They referenced the Word of God throughout the website, so I used those Scripture quotes as a place to start my own investigation. Little did I know that what I read in Revelation was a beginning which would lead me to the book of Daniel and eventually through the entire 'Bible', backwards and forward, beginning to end and back again!  In the course of these studies I learned about the pagan origins for almost all our traditional holidays one finds printed on calendars. I learned about the various lies we have inherited and how brainwashed we really are. It's not our fault, we were raised that way. But we don't need to remain that way.

One of the most misunderstood topics in regards to the 'end times' is called 'the rapture' and folks like to divide this event into three possible scenarios: Pre-tribulation; Mid-tribulation and Post-tribulation. When I became aware of these divisions I was inspired to study out the truth of the matter.

Most believe that the Tribulation is the final 7 years prior to the return of 'Jesus'.  This final time line begins with the signing of a peace treaty - an agreement with many - which apparently brings 'world peace' thanks to that final world leader and his world government system. This will actually be a false sense of security, yet every one will be at ease and life goes on. But, after 3-1/2 years go by, things take a turn for the worse, like nothing that has ever happened before. Life seems good the first 3-1/2 years and the bad times, the Tribulation time line appears to be the final 3-1/2 years. Realizing this, there is no way for a Pre-trib rapture to take place.  Also, after further study, there is not a Mid-trib rapture either. Yahshua returns at the Last Day.  We can find written in Scriptures the signs and wonders, the events and mindsets that will become very apparent prior to the return of Messiah, the Anointed One.  These things must happen first and then the end will come.

Tribulation is defined as:
distress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution 
: a trying experience
(This describes the state of things during the final 3-1/2 years.) 

Rapture is defined as
an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion 
: a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
: a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things
: the final assumption of Christians into heaven* during the end-time according to Christian theology

The main body of the rapture theory was invented by Ribera, a Catholic Jesuit theologian who published his work shortly after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. Protestants were pointing to the Vatican as the harlot beast system of Revelation. The blood of that horrific Catholic inspired massacre of French Protestants was still being washed off the streets of Paris when the Jesuits presented their rapture theory, designed to take pressure off the Catholic Church system.... The Jesuits also peddled that 'the saints' would not be on Earth during the time of tribulation....  (quote - Andrew Gabriel Roth)
The word 'rapture' is not found in Scripture. The word "rapture" comes from the Latin rapere used by the Vulgate to translate the Greek word harpaz, which is rendered by the phrase "caught up" in most English translations.
The Apostle Paul clearly teaches that the first resurrection and the 'catching up' will occur at the return of Mashiyach.  The sounding of a trumpet signals his return.  All eyes will see and understand that the day of wrath has come. Many things will happen before the sounding of that last shofar and the return of Yahshua.  We have been told these things so we will know what to expect, that we Set Apart believers will not be taken by surprise as if by a thief in the night.  Yahshua returns on the Last Day.
Joel 2
Blow a horn in Zion, sound an alarm on My Set Apart mount! Let all dwellers on earth tremble, for the Day of YHWH has come! It is close - a day of darkness and gloom, a day of densest cloud spread like soot over the hills. A vast, enormous horde - nothing like it has ever happened, and it shall never happen again through the years and ages. (The shofar/horn/trumpet is blown before the darkness and gloom*) 
Matthew 24:29
And immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shine its light. And the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then will be seen the sign of the Son of man in heaven... :31 And he will send his Messengers (angels) with a large trumpet (shofar/horn) and they will gather his chosen ones from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. (*His Set Apart believers are rescued before the darkness and gloom)
...the 7th Shofar is sounded. The earth is ready for harvest. Set Apart believers are removed from the earth temporarily for if their time was not shortened they would not be able to witness, understand and survive the heart breaking destruction to come, the final 7 cups of Wrath, which are:
  • Malignant and painful sores upon those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
  • The remaining 2/3 of the sea and all sea life dies. 
  • The remaining rivers and fresh water supplies become blood.
  • The sun scorches men with great heat but they do not repent
  • The existing world kingdom turns to darkness and those who belong to it suffer pain and ulcers
  • The Euphrates dries up so that kings from the east may cross. Demons that look like frogs leap from the mouths of the false prophet and the beast of prey and the mouth of the dragon. These spirits of demons go forth to all the kings of all the habitable world to gather them to the battle in a place called Armageddon. 
  • It Is Done. There are flashes of lightning, and thunders, and voices and a great earthquake like nothing before. The great city becomes three parts, and the city of nations fall; Babylon the great was remembered. Every island fled away and the mountains disappeared. A great hail falls from heaven upon men and the men blaspheme Elohim. 
Y'shua haMashiyach does return, as written, as prophesied, as promised. Set Apart believers will be protected during this time, when the cups of wrath are poured out upon the earth, as they have been gathered up into the clouds, changed from corruptible to incorruptible beings, prepared to be placed on their soil, the promised land as per Yah's covenant with Abraham.
Revelation 20:5- This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection; over them the second death has no dominion, but they will be and are priests of Elohim and of his Anointed One; and they will reign with him the thousand years.

For more details, click here for my study on Signs

So, if you think things are pretty bad now... they will get worse but we are not to worry ourselves to death.  Yahshua said these things must happen.  In the meantime, stay busy and continue to stand strong in the Faith and trust Him to do what He says he will do.
John 14:6 - Y'shua said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by me. If you would have known me, you would also know my Father."

2 Thessalonians 2:15 - Therefore, my brothers, be established and persevere in the Commandments which you have been taught, whether by word or by our epistle. And by our Master Y'shua the Mashiyach himself, and Elohim our Father who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope through his grace, comfort your hearts and establish in yourselves every good word and in every good work.
We must be firmly rooted in the Instructions of Yahweh as we have learned from knowing Yahshua so that we do not fall for the coming strong deception. His Spirit teaches us discernment and shows us The Way as he reveals The Truth wherein we receive our reward - the gift of our soul - Life eternal.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Faith and Salvation

Isaiah 12:2- Yahweh Elohim is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid. For Yah is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation (deliverance)."

What is salvation?

Definition from the Webster Dictionary-
  • deliverance from the power and effects of sin
  • liberation from ignorance or illusion
  • preservation from destruction or failure
  • deliverance from danger or difficulty 

What has Yahweh told us about being delivered from sin, liberated from ignorance, preserved from destruction and delivered from danger? 
Deuteronomy 4:35- YHWH has clearly demonstrated that He alone is Elohim and there is none beside Him - He is Elohim in heaven above and on earth below - there is no other. Observe His laws and commandments that it may go well with you and your children. 
Deuteronomy 6:3- Obey willingly and faithfully 
Deuteronomy 6:21- We obey His instructions because we were once slaves (to the world system, habits, traditions, doctrines of men etc...) and He freed us with a Mighty Hand... and will give us the land He promised to our fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). 
Deuteronomy 6:24- We are to observe all the laws, to revere YHWH our Elohim, for our lasting good and for our Survival, as is now the case. It will be therefore to our merit before YHWH our Elohim to observe faithfully this Whole Instruction (found in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) as He has commanded us. 
Deuteronomy 8- Yah tests us by hardships to learn what is in our hearts: whether we will keep His Commandments .... or not.

Here is an example in regards to the behavior of those who seem to choose to remain ignorant of His Word:
Ephesians 4:18- They (Gentiles/non-believers) are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of Yahweh Elohim because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts. Having lost all sense of shame, they have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity, with a craving for more.…

Acts 17:30
Although Yahweh Elohim overlooked the ignorance of earlier times, He now commands all men everywhere to repent.

What is repentance?
Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible, Herbert Lockyer, Page 908 – “REPENTANCE – a turning away from sin, disobedience or rebellion and a turning back to God (Matt. 9:13; Luke 5:32). In a more general sense, repentance means a change of mind (Gen. 6:6-7) or a feeling of remorse or regret for past conduct (Matt. 27:3). True repentance is a ‘godly sorrow’ for sin, an act of turning around and going in the opposite direction. This type of repentance leads to a fundamental change in a person’s relationship to God.”

Before Y'shua began his 'ministry' there was John, as prophesied by Isaiah (40:3) in the wilderness immersing folks in the Jordan River, and preaching the immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People came from Jerusalem as well as other areas in the region of Judah. He told about the coming of Y'shua who was more powerful than himself. He said "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh." (Mark 1)
In the book of Luke, chapter 1, we read that John was the son of a Levi Priest, Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth who was descended from the daughters of Aaron (brother to Moses and Miriam, Levites). Elizabeth, by the way, was cousin to Maryam, mother of Yahshua. Both John the 'baptist' and his cousin, Yahshua, were descendants of the tribe of Levi, making them both qualified to be priests.
So here we have John, son of a Levi Priest, teaching about the "immersion of repentance for the forgiveness of sins" - as he makes people aware of the arrival of Yahshua. Is it safe to say that John has been taught Torah by his father? Immersion was not uncommon among those who followed Yah's Instructions.

John’s 'immersion in the river' was an adaptation of the mikveh, or ritual immersion bath, that had been part of obedience to Torah for generations and symbolized a spiritual cleansing. It was part of the preparation for undertaking a new beginning. Yahshua came to John for a mikveh at the beginning of his ministry.

During the time of Yahshua, did he ever 'baptize' anyone? His teachings about how to have a relationship with the Father are recorded in the Renewed Covenant writings, but in none of those accounts does he tell anyone that they must be baptized. Yahshua never immersed anyone to our knowledge, although he had his disciples perform the ceremony:
Matthew 28:18 (after Yahshua's resurrection he meets with his disciples) "All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. And as my Father has sent me, I send you. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations and immerse them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Ruach haKodesh (that one name is Yahweh) and teach them to keep all that I have commanded you."
Yahshua often sent people off after being healed without any mention of immersion, and he told His disciples to immerse in "The Name".... Yet, read this:
1 Corinthians 1:14 (Paul is speaking) I thank my Elohim that I immersed none of you except Crispus and Gaius; and therefore that not any one should (accuse me of) immersing in my own name. Moreover I immersed the household of Stephan, but further, I know not that I immersed any other. For Mashiyach did not send me to immerse, but to preach.... 1 Corinthians 2:13- And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 
Did a water baptism become a tradition among religious leaders of his day? Is that what Paul was being careful about? The Gentile church was rising and already perverting The Word and trying to destroy the teachings of Paul. Is being immersed in water necessary when we were told by John, written in Mark 1: "I immerse you in water, but he will immerse you by the Ruach haKodesh."   Did we miss the trade off from water to the Spirit of Yahweh? Yahshua said to immerse people in the Name, he replaced John's immersion in water to the immersion by the Ruach haKodesh.  As John's act was an adaptation to ritual mikvehs, being immersed by the Spirit is an adaptation of that example of ritual cleansing.  Like everything else, Yahshua raised the bar, expanding definition on the Word of Yahweh.


John 3 in Context

Yahshua answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Yahshua answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, "You must be born again.' (John 3:3-7)

Note: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Being born of water is referring to being born physically (the water referring to the amniotic fluid that breaks as one is born). This is why he said "You must be born again." The first birth is the birth from the flesh. The second is to be born of the Spirit, which is of Yahweh.

In all of his interactions with people, Yahshua was never recorded as commanding anyone to be baptized, although he often commended people for their faith. It would seem that if baptism were required for salvation, Yahshua would have made some mention of it.
I John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  John 6:38- For I came down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me...  John 6:40- For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day.

Yahshua talked often about faith:

Matthew 8:10- I say to that not even in Israel have I found faith like this. 

Matthew 8:26- Oh you of little faith! Why are you fearful?

Matthew 9:2- Y'shua saw their faith and said to the paralytic, "Take heart, my son, your sins are forgiven."

Matthew 9:22- "Be comforted, my daughter, your faith has made you alive."

Matthew 9:28-29 ...the blind men approached him. Yahshua asks if they 'believed' he could heal them. They said yes. Then he touched their eyes and said, "As you believed let it be to you" and their eyes were opened.

Matthew 14:31- "Oh you of little faith! Why did you 'doubt' me?

Matthew 15:28- "Oh woman! Great is your faith. Let it be as you desire." And her daughter was healed. 

Matthew 21:21- Y'shua said, if you have faith and no doubt you can perform miracles, and move mountains 

Mark 4:40- Why are you fearful and why is there no faith in you? 

Mark 10:52- See! Your faith has made you whole. 

Mark 11:22- Let the faith of Elohim be in you.

Luke 7:50- Your faith has given you life. Go in peace.

Luke 8:25- Where is your faith? 

Luke 17:19- Arise. Go. Your faith has given you life. 

Luke 18:8- Nevertheless, the Son of man will indeed come, and will he find faith on earth?

Luke 22:32- And I have prayed over you that your faith may not weaken.

Could it be that Faith is the key to Salvation and not baptism by water? It appears that being immersed by the Ruach haKodesh would be to be immerse into the Name which is Yahweh, via the Son who told us no one comes to the Father except by him... and he gave us the Spirit of Truth as a Comforter as we wait for his return .... a lovely harmonious interaction as we repent and return to the One who created us.
Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope as if they were an actual fact, and it is the manifesting of the things not seen. For by faith we understand that the worlds were shaped by the Word of Elohim and that things seen originated from those that are not seen. (Hebrews 11)
We read in Matthew 19:16 that a certain man came and drew near to Y'shua asking what he should do to gain eternal life. Y'shua tells him to obey the Commandments (don't commit murder, nor adultery, don't steal and don't give false witness... honor your parents and love your neighbor as yourself). The young man says that he has obeyed these things since he was a boy - what else? Y'shua tells him if he desires to be perfect/complete to sell off his possessions and provide for the poor, then he will have treasure in heaven - "come, follow me!" That young man went away sad because he had many possessions and apparently he wasn't ready for a yard sale. Many of us have material possessions that we deem important because of sentimental value or actual monetary value.... we drag 'em with us each time we move. I say it is time to get rid of the baggage - clean house and make yourself presentable before Elohim. Part of that 'baggage' we carry around consists of false teachings, traditions and behavior unacceptable to our Creator.  Let's stop being ignorant of His Word, lighten that load and continue to move along His Path of Righteousness!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Revelation 12

Revelation 12, when I read it this is the image that comes to my mind - it is a 'what was and what will be' recap of prophecies found elsewhere throughout Scriptures.  

It is telling about the birth of Messiah, how Satan tries to defeat him, fails and wars against all Set Apart believers through the years, to the point of being cast out of heaven along with his fellow rebellious angels.  The woman flees to the wilderness where she is able to survive the final 3-1/2 years. Now she represents those in Judea who are told to leave when the abomination of desolation enters the 'holy place' and declares himself 'god'.  Satan possessing the final world leader happens at this time and the final 3-1/2 years are hell on earth.  Woe to the earth  - the Deceiver has come down to you, being in great wrath since he knows his time is short.  The Dragon was enraged against the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed who Keep the Commandments of Elohim God and have the testimony of Yahshua.

Now, reading Revelation 12 as a study, these are my notes, yet I still read it as what has happened and what is yet to happen:
The great wonder could be a sky sign just as there was a sky sign announcing the actual birth of the Son of Elohim, or it could be part of the vision. Verse 3 mentions another "wonder" in heaven referring to Satan, the fiery dragon, part of this same vision.  As a side note: In Joseph's dream, the sun and the moon represented his mom and dad; the stars his eleven brothers.  
The pregnant woman represents Mary about to give birth, she is in labor pains. This woman also represents Set Apart believers who endure til the end. Those are they who will withstand the pain, anguish and fears of those days to come.
Satan, that old dragon, that serpent called the Deceiver, did not want our Messiah to be born, and  was poised to devour him. (Remember, after he was born, Joseph and Mary left with Yahshua and stayed in Egypt because of Herod's decree to have all male babies 2 years old and younger killed). This Dragon also represents the future world system/government noted by the 7 heads and 10 horns.  He eventually loses the war in heaven, is cast out and he drags along with him the other angels (stars of heaven) he managed to recruit.  
The woman's child was caught up to Elohim God and to his throne.  Our Messiah was resurrected and now waits until his enemies are made his footstool. 
The woman fled to the wilderness where she survived 1260 days (equals 42 months = 3-1/2 years). As I noted above, those in Judea are told to flee to the wilderness when the abomination of desolation enters the set apart place.
The war in heaven is noted, Satan and his cronies are cast out upon the earth as the vision/wonder depicts the dragon using his tail to draw them along.
Satan the Accuser is cast out of the heavenly realm and those Beings are thankful and joyful, but woe to those inhabiting the earth.....
The same story line is repeated a third time: Dragon goes after to persecute the Woman who is taken to the wilderness hidden from Dragon for three and half years. Enraged Dragon goes after Set Apart believers to make war upon the remnant of her seed who Keep the Commandments of Elohim God and have the testimony of His Son Yahshua.

Folks, it ain't the end, yet....


My husband and I totally believe in Yahweh as the Creator of this Universe including the sun, the moon, the stars... We totally trust Yah when He says it is He who brings the constellations into their seasons and that He has placed the law of the heavens above the laws of the earth - of which both submit to His authority.

A common misunderstanding stems from this:
Astrology is not the same as Astronomy which is why we are given this warning in
Deuteronomy 4:19--
​​"And when you look up to the sky and behold the sun and the moon and the stars, the whole heavenly host, you must not be lured into bowing down to them or serving them. These Yahweh your God allotted to other peoples everywhere under heaven; but you He took out of Egypt... to be His very own people..."
​Psalm 147:4
He reckoned the number of the stars;
to each He gave its name. 
Great is our Elohim and full of power,
His wisdom is beyond reckoning...

Did you know that those who try to divine destinies from the stars (horoscopes for one example [astrology]) instead of waiting on Yahweh are the 'stargazers' who are condemned:

​​Isaiah 47:13 - You are helpless, despite of all your art (spells and enchantments). Let them stand up and help you now, the scanners of heaven, the star-gazers, who announce, month by month, whatever will come upon you. They have become like straw and fire consumes them; they cannot save themselves.

Indeed, the heavens declare the glory of Elohim, the sky proclaims His handiwork. (Psalm 19)


Example for Us

1 Corinthians 10

I would have you know, my Brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were immersed by Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual rock that attended them, and that Rock was the Mashiyach. Nevertheless, with most of them Elohim was not pleased, for they fell in the wilderness.
Now these things were an example for us, that we might not desire evil things as they did. Neither should we serve idols as some of them did; as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.”  We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. Neither let us tempt the Mashiyach, as some of them tempted and were destroyed by serpents. Neither should you complain, as some of them did and they perished by the Destroyer. 
All these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. Elohim is faithful, and he will not let you be tried beyond your ability, but will make an issue of your trial, that you may be able to sustain it.

Wherefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to the wise; judge for yourselves what I say. The cup of thanksgiving that we bless, is it not fellowship of the blood of Yahshua? The bread that we break, is it not fellowship of the body of Yahshua? Because there is one bread, so we are all one body, for we all partake of the one bread. Consider the people of Israel: are not those who eat the sacrifices participants in the altar? What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, I imply that what the Gentiles sacrifice they offer to demons and not to Yahweh Elohim. I do not want you to be associates of demons. You cannot drink the cup of Yahweh and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke Yah to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?

Everything is in my power; but everything is not profitable. Everything is in my power, but everything does not build up. Let no one seek his own things but also the things of his fellow man.

Eat (according to Instructions about clean foods found in Leviticus) what is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience. For “the earth is Yahweh's, and the fullness thereof.” If one of the pagans invites you to dinner and you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on the ground of conscience. But if they tell you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for the sake of conscience— I do not mean your conscience, but his. For why should my liberty be determined by someone else’s conscience? If I partake with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of that for which I give thanks?

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of Elohim. Give no offense to Jew or Gentile nor to the assembly of Elohim; even as I also, in everything, please everyone, I do not seek my own advantage, but what is profitable to many, that they may live.

Two Witnesses

  • Woe #1 is triggered by the 5th Messenger sounding his Trumpet and the opening of the abyss followed by the five months of torment of those who have not the seal of Elohim upon their foreheads. 
  • Woe #2 is triggered by the 6th Messenger sounding his Trumpet and the attack of the two hundred million man army and the Two Witness events.
  • Woe #3 follows quickly and the 7th Trumpet is sounded. The gathering of His people occurs at the return of His Son.

Revelation Chapter 11

In this part of the vision, instructions begin with John measuring the temple of Elohim, not unlike Ezekiel's temple vision of seeing it measured.  Also mentioned is 42 months, the time the Gentiles (unbelievers) tread down Jerusalem, that Set Apart city.  This is when we read about Yah's Two Witnesses who are clothed in sackcloth and will prophecy 1260 days = 42 months = 3-1/2 years - and then comes the end of the world as we know it.

When the abomination of desolation enters the Set Apart place and claims to be 'god' there will be 1290 days left. Of those remaining days, the 'lawless ones' will run amok in Jerusalem for 1260 days.  The Two Witnesses will prophecy 1260 days.

Who are these two witnesses?  They are described as the two olive trees and the two menorahs which stand before Master Yahweh. They have the power to stop the rain, to turn water to blood, and to produce all plagues as often as they please.  They can send fire out of their mouths and consume who ever attacks them.  And they will be giving testimony for 3-1/2 years = 42 months = 1260 days.  Then the Beast that came up from the abyss will make war with them and overcome them.  They will leave their bodies in the street for 3-1/2 days while folks celebrate their death. And then Yahweh will call them up - in that same hour an earthquake destroys part of the city and killed 7,000 people - the rest gave glory to Elohim.
Note: 1 Kings 19:18 I will leave in Israel only seven thousand- every knee that has not knelt to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him (aka worshipped the beast)
Who else is described as an olive tree? We read a description in Zechariah 4 of two olive trees on either side of a gold lamp stand. The angel who has been talking with Zechariah tells him these are the two anointed dignitaries who attend Yahweh of all the earth. And as we know Yah requires at least two in order to be a witness.

A dignitary is one who possesses exalted rank and we know that Yahweh's host in heaven have their ranks. Both Enoch and Elijah were taken up to Yahweh without physical death and seem the likely candidates for the end time witness scenario as the two witnesses will be killed at the end of their testimony yet resurrected 3-1/2 days later. From the writings found in the Book of Enoch one can see the importance or stature Enoch achieved in the heavenly realm. Elijah did not taste death, either. Would it stand to reason that he achieved the same status as Enoch?  Yah had a purpose for them and this could very well be it.
1 Kings 17
Elijah the Tishbite who lives in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As Yahweh Lives, the Elohim of Israel whom I serve, there will be no dew or rain except at my bidding. 
Here we read that Elijah has the power to hold back the rain as he sees fits. This is one of the powers the two end times witnesses have.
And here is the biggie! Malachi ends with:
I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of Yahweh. He shall reconcile parents with children and children with their parents, so that, when I come, I do not strike the whole land with utter destruction.
This sounds akin to the command to paint the doorposts and lintels with the blood of the lamb so that the messenger of death would pass over those places.
Pure olive oil represents the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh. It is the anointing oil for kings and for ritual use. This is also the oil used in the menorah. It is the oil seen in Zechariah's vision indicating the two dignitaries are full of the Ruach haKodesh. We may try to figure out who these two are, but we most certainly will recognize them when that day comes, because we have read the words in Revelation.
Revelation 1:3 - Blessed is he that reads, and they who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep the things that are written in it; for the time is near.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Gifts of the Spirit

1 Corinthians 12
Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Therefore I inform you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Y'shua be cursed,” and no one can say, “Y'shua is Lord,” except by the Ruach haKodesh. 
There are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Elohim. There are different ways of working, but the same Elohim works all things in all men. 
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in various languages, and to still another the interpretation of languages. 
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, who apportions them to each one as He determines.
The body is a unit, though it is comprised of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body. So it is with Y'shua. For in one Spirit we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free, and we were all given one Spirit to drink.

The body does not consist of one part, but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
But in fact, MarYah has arranged the members of the body, every one of them, according to His design. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you.” Nor can the head say to the feet, “I do not need you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts we consider less honorable, we treat with greater honor. And our (private) parts are treated with special modesty, whereas our presentable parts have no such need.

But Yah has composed the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its members should have mutual concern for one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
Now you are the body of Y'shua, and each of you is a member of it. And in the assemblies Yahweh has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, and those with gifts of healing, helping, administration, and various tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? (NO) But (we still) eagerly desire the greater gifts.
Chapter 13
If I could speak every language of men and that of Messengers (angels), yet there be no love in me, I should be like a brass that resounds, or the cymbal that makes a noise. And if I had the gift of prophecy and I understood all the mysteries and every science; and if there should be in me all Faith so that I could move mountains yet love was not in me, I should be nothing.  And if I should give to the poverty stricken all I possess, and give my body that I may boast, and there is no love in me I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; it is not envious; love does not shout loudly and is not boastful; Love does nothing that causes shame and seeks not her own; is not passionate; and thinks no evil; it does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the Truth; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes for all and endures all. Love will never cease but prophesying will end; and tongues will be stopped; and knowledge will disappear.

We know things, but partially and we prophesy, but partially. But when completeness (perfection) comes, that which is partial shall disappear.  When I was a child I talked, reasoned and thought as a child; but when a man- protector and responsible leader- I laid aside the things of childhood. And now we see, as by a mirror, in dark reflection; but then face to face; now I know partially but then will I know completely, just as I am known. For these three things are abiding: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest is Love.

Follow after Love and be searching for the gifts of the Spirit.

Acts Chapters One and Two

In regards to whom was "speaking in tongues during Pentecost" I have learned from reading Scriptures that Acts Chapters 1 and 2 are two separate events: 
  • Chapter 1 relates to the 40th day after the resurrection of Yahshua and the remaining nine days until Shavuot
  • Chapter 2 relates to the 50th day, Shavuot (Pentecost) after the resurrection of  Yahshua and the events of that day

Y'shua and his followers did live according to Yah's Instructions (Torah) and would have observed the celebration of Shavuot per His Instructions:
Exodus 34:22- "Feast of Weeks" is one of the three set times Yahweh commanded His people to observe, coming from their homes to Jerusalem. This is the time of the counting of days (49 days = 7 weeks) from the barley harvest. Day 50 is Shavuot.
Exodus 34:23- He specifies that those three times a year only all the men gather in Jerusalem bringing the appropriate first fruit offerings from the wheat harvest to the priest at the temple.

Leviticus 23:15- gives more detail on procedures, pointing out that on day 50 was when the new grain offering was made.
Deuteronomy 16:9- offers a recap.
This clears up a misconception and shows that only the men gathered at the temple on this day- there were no women in or around the temple during Shavuot, in obedience to the Instructions of Yahweh.  Maryam, the mother of Y'shua, was not there and did not speak a foreign language.  She was, however, gathered with the Apostles and other women in an upper room, according to Acts Chapter 1 a few days before Shavuot.

Chapter 1 is the account of Y'shua giving his final instructions to his Apostles. He tells them not to leave Jerusalem, to wait there for the promise of the Father.  He lets them know that in a few days they would be immersed by the Ruach haKodesh, and when it does they would receive power and be witnesses for Y'shua in Jerusalem, and in all of Judah, also among the Samaritans and to the ends of the earth.  It was after these things he spoke of that they, the Apostles - the men from Galilee - watched him as he was taken up and concealed in a cloud. They were standing there, looking up, when 2 men (angels?) asked, "Galilean men, why are you standing and staring into heaven? This Y'shua who was taken up from you to heaven, likewise he will come just as you have seen him who ascended into heaven."

They, the 11 Apostles, return to Jerusalem and went up into an upper room where they were in steadfast prayer. There were also the women who were with Maryam the mother of Y'shua, and his brothers.  In those days (the 10 day span from when they saw Y'shua taken up and not yet Shavuot, the 50th day) about 120 men had gathered and Simon Peter stands up to speak. He realizes that Scriptures were fulfilled in regards to Judas and also Matthias is chosen as the 12th Apostle.  This ends Chapter 1 of Acts.
  • Matthew 13:55 (the brothers of Yahshua: James, Joseph, Simon and Jude)
Note: It makes sense that during this time that there would be a gathering of Set Apart believers seeking out the Apostles, as men were making the trip to Jerusalem from throughout the territories to bring offerings to the priest at the temple. They were hearing about the death and resurrection of Yahshua.
Chapter 2 Verse 1 begins with the fifty days of Shavuot fulfilled (it is now the 50th day), all were assembled as one in the Father's House = the temple in Jerusalem. A sound from heaven like a roaring wind was heard and the entire House was filled. And it appeared to them like tongues divided and fire sat upon everyone of them, the Apostles, who were then filled with the Ruach haKodesh and were compelled to speak in different languages - just as the Spirit had given them to speak.
This was the promised fulfilled, the one Yahshua had told the Apostles to wait for, written in Chapter 1.
How do we know at this time is was just the 12 Apostles that were being filled with the Set Apart Spirit from Yahweh?  Because those who were hearing them speak in different languages referred to them as Galileans.  (They were also referred to as Galileans in Chapt. 1.) Act 2 verse 7- "... these, all of them who are speaking, are Galileans." It was an astonishing event! Although there were those who were mocking them, and once again Simon Peter stands up to speak and gives testimony. (Verse 14 through 36). Some readily received his word and believed and were immersed - about 3,000 souls that day.  We do not read of anyone else speaking in tongues that day.

From that day onward they were all steadfast in their teaching of the Apostles and were in fellowship in prayer and breaking of bread.  Signs and mighty deeds were performed by the Apostles in Jerusalem.  And all those who had believed shared everything they owned with one another. Those who had a possession would sell it and divide evenly to each according to their needs. Every day they were steadfast in the temple as one soul.  While they received food and rejoiced in the simplicity of their hearts, they were praising Elohim and finding favor with the people. Everyday Master Yahshua would add to those who lived among the congregation.  That ends Acts Chapter 2.