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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query judge. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Who's Judging Whom?

Some folks think we who make it into the Kingdom to Come will sit as judges and even judge angels.  Well, you know me, I had to look into it, especially the judging angels part.

What does it mean, to judge?
: to form an opinion about, after careful thought : to regard (someone/thing) as either good or bad : to make an official decision about
Who is a judge?
One who makes judgments, such as
: a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court: one who gives an authoritative opinion
We have learned about the Messengers/angels being kept in chains until the day of Judgment: Jude 1:6 ~ And the Messengers that did not keep their first estate but left their station, He has reserved in chains unknown under darkness to the judgment of the great day." (These are the ones we read about in Genesis 6:2- the divine beings who took human women that pleased them).  

We have read in Matthew that Messiah said the 12 Apostles will be given positions at his return, so that they may judge: Matthew 19:28 ~ Y'shua said to them, Truly I say to you, that you who have come to follow me in this world, when the Son of man sits new upon the throne of his glory, you will also sit upon twelve seats and you will judge the twelve tribes of Israel..."

The twelve Apostles judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Does this include the entire generational line of Jacob, the commonwealth of Israel, both native born and adopted in? If the Apostles are given the authority to judge, who are we to judge? And who judges the 200 angels who have been kept in chains?

Click Here to go to my study about Nephilim
and Scroll down to "According to Enoch..."

1 Corinthians 6:1 ~ Would any of you, when you have a controversy with a brother, litigate before the sinful, and not before the sanctified? Or don't you know that the sanctified will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you (the sanctified?), are you unfit to decide trivial causes? Don't you know that we (the Apostles?) will judge Messengers? How much more the things that are of the world?" 

Who are the sanctified? Those who are set apart, consecrated, made free from (bondage to) sin, purified, dedicated.

It is only the set apart believers from the beginning of time that will be gathered together just before the Day of Wrath scenario when the plagues are poured out upon those left behind. These who are gathered are they who are sanctified, His Set Apart people. The sanctified judge worldly things. The Apostles judge the 12 tribes. The Messengers being held in chains are judged by whom, come Judgment Day, when worldly things cease to exist.

At this point in the study I don't see that it will be you and me who sit in those seats judging angels, but Y'shua and the twelve Apostles are definitely designated judges, and it is only the 'angels' prior to The Flood who left their station in the spiritual realm that are being kept for judgment day. We know of no others that have fallen or are being kept in chains in darkness. Yet, this raises another question: Is the Day of Wrath the same as Judgment Day, or are these two events separated by the thousand years?

Revelation 20 tells us Satan is locked up in the abyss for the next thousand years which brings us to Ezekiel's prophecy recorded in chapters 38 and 39.
Revelation 20:7 says when the thousand years are completed Satan will be released from his prison and goes forth to seduce the nations, to assemble them for battle. This army, the vast horde, will eventually 'encompass the camp of the Set Apart believers and the beloved city (Jerusalem).
Ezekiel 38:8 notes 'after a long time' YHWH will summon Gog (Satan has been release from the abyss and starts working on summoning/seducing nations/peoples).
Ezekiel 38:10 says Gog gets this idea to attack a people gathered from among nations now living at the center of the earth (Jerusalem, that beloved city). My note here is that those people who are gathered together and living secure whom Gog desires to attack are the camp of Set Apart ones and those living in the city, same ones mentioned in Revelation 20:7.
We are judging now, aren't we?  It's beginning to look like we, as His sanctified people, are judging the things of this world, the here and now. We gain knowledge the further we move along His Path of Righteousness. After careful thought, we form opinions about (something or someone). As we continue to abide by His Instructions, we are able to regard (someone or something) as either good or bad, and through discernment given us by His Spirit, we judge the person or situation and make an official decision about it, according to His rules, laws and commandments. That is how we judge this world, within the bounds of Torah and only those who are part of the body of Y'shua. YHWH takes care of those unbelieving Gentiles.
Second Timothy 4 ~ I charge you before Elohim and our Master Y'shua who is to judge the living and the dead at the manifestation of his Kingdom. I have fought a good fight, I have completed my race, I have preserved my faith; and from now on there is preserved for me a crown of righteousness with which my Master Y'shua, the righteous Judge, will recompense me in that day; and not me only, but them also who love his manifestations.

Y'shua is the judge of the living and the dead.... the first resurrection is of those who chose the Blessing: Set Apart believers from the beginning of time who have died and are seen rising by the Set Apart believers still alive when that time comes. This is the gathering of Yah's people after the 7th shofar is sounded. This is the 'living' time line we want to be part of, as this is eternal life.  The second resurrection, the Curse, is after the thousand years come to an end, and is known as the second death.

Revelation 20:5 ~ This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection; over them the second death has no dominion, but they will be and are priests of Elohim and of his Mashiyach and they will reign with him the thousand years. 20:14 ~ And death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, namely, this lake of fire. And if any one was not found enrolled in the book of life, he was cast into this lake of fire.

Daniel 7:9 ~ As I looked on, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took His seat. His garment was like white snow, and the hair of His head was like lamb's wool. His throne was tongues of flame; its wheels were blazing fire (Ezekiel's vision). A river of fire streamed forth before Him; myriads upon myriads attended Him; the court sat and the books were opened.

Revelation 20:11 ~ And I saw a great white throne and Him who sits upon it; from whose presence the earth and heaven fled away, and were not found. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged from the things written in the books, according to their deeds.  And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Sheol gave up the dead in them. And they were judged, each one according to his deeds.  And death and Sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, this lake of fire. And if any one was not found enrolled in the book of life, he was cast into this lake of fire.

(Both the above quotes from Daniel and Revelation refer to the same event which happens at the end of the thousand year kingdom of Y'shua. The 'dead' are being judged. Anyone not found in the book of life will be thrown into Fire Lake).

John 5:24 ~ I (Y'shua) say to you that whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has life that is eternal, and does not come into judgment but has passed from death into life. 29 ~ And those who have done good things will go forth to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil things to the resurrection of judgment.

Matthew 12:36 ~ I say to you for every vain word that the sons of men speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be made righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.

First Corinthians 4:4 ~ I am not conscious in myself of anything flagrant; yet I am not made righteous by this; for Master YHWH is my judge. Therefore do not pronounce judgments before their time or until MarYah comes, who will pour light upon the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the thoughts of men's hearts; and then will each one have due praise from Him.

Hebrews 9:27 ~ As it is appointed to men that they must once die, and after their death is the judgment; so also the Mashiyach was once offered and by this, he burned away the sins of many; and a second time (at his return) he will appear for the life of them who expect him.

John 5:21 ~ For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, likewise also the Son will make alive to those whom he desires. For the Father does not judge man, rather all judgment He has given to the Son, so that every man who honors the Son also honors the Father who sent him.  

It all comes back to the beginning when YHWH Elohim gave us a choice between the Blessing and the Curse: Life or Death.
Deuteronomy 30:15- See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity. For I command you this day to love Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that He may bless you... But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods, I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish... I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Chose life by loving Yahweh Elohim, heeding His commands and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure...

To be continued.... 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

To Judge or Not to Judge

For all the times your hear someone say something to the effect about 'not judging' one another, here is the example of how we are to judge:

John 7:24-
Do not be judging by hypocrisy, rather judge with a just judgment.

I Corinthians 5:11
But this is what I wrote to you, that you don't mix (with anyone who is) ...called a brother (believer) and is also a sexual sinner, or avaricious (materialistic), or an idol-worshipper, or a charlatan, or a drunkard, or rapacious, with him who is such, not even to eat bread. For what business have I to judge them who are without (the body/assembly of those who follow God's instructions)? But those within the body, you judge. And those without, Elohim judges... remove from you the wickedness among you.

This is a hard lesson yet an instruction we must accept. YHWH warns us of the consequence of 'mixing and mingling' throughout Scriptures, which is why we are told to remove the wicked from among us, or in turn, remove ourselves from such people, so as not to give in to temptation.

How many of you belong to an assembly of professing believers and know there are folks in that same group who are heavy drinkers or drug users? those who follow after the flesh and turn away from the Spirit? a person who falsely claims to have a special knowledge? greedy? or one who has 'idols' in their homes? (an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship or adoration.) Do these people bring unity to the assembly? I doubt it. We are not to 'tolerate' this behavior, nor even invite this type of person to dinner! We are to remove the wicked from among us. Likewise, we leave a group who allow this division to exist.

YHWH our Elohim has not made it difficult to adhere to His Instructions, nor is it a burden to walk the path following Y'shua, who did the Will of his Father. It has been, however, hundreds of years of man's ideas and traditions that have become the stumbling block, thanks to deceptions cast about by Satan.

Romans 2:1 lets us know we better not be guilty of the same thing we are judging another of. YHWH judges according to truth and we are to act accordingly. There's no excuse for one who judge another, yet is guilty of the same things and thus we condemn ourselves to the same style of judging from YHWH.

We are called to be Set Apart because our Creator is Set Apart.
The choice is ours.

Matthew 24:9
Then they will deliver you to afflictions and they will kill you and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. Then many will stumble and will hate one another and will betray one another. And many false prophets will arise and deceive many. And because of the growth of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. But whoever has patience until the end, he will have life. And the Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

The 'Love that Grows Cold' is that Love Y'shua spoke of, quoting from Torah :

Luke 10:27
Love Master YHWH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.

Deuteronomy 6:5
You shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

Leviticus 19:18
You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself...

Monday, November 28, 2016

Deuteronomy 29

Deuteronomy 29
Have we chosen to enter into the covenant of Yahweh our Elohim, with its sanctions (the curses that violations of the covenant will entail), not with us alone, but all who stand with us and those who are not here this day? To the end that He may establish us as His People and be our Elohim, as he promised us and swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
We know about those who dwelt in the land of Egypt. When Yah set them free they were led through the midst of various nations where they saw detestable things and the fetishes (idols) of wood, stone, silver and gold that they kept...

Perchance there is among us some whose heart is even now turning away from Yahweh to go and worship the gods of those nations... 

After agreeing to His Covenant, we will not be immune to the sanctions. We will not be safe if we choose to follow our own willful hearts... breaking the terms of His contract.

Yahweh's anger and passion will rage against those of us who turn away from Him to follow after idols and no-gods, until every sanction recorded in this book of Teaching comes down upon us who chose to follow our own ideas.

From 1 Corinthians 10... all our fathers were under the cloud, and they passed through the sea, and they were all immersed by Moses in the cloud and in the sea. The all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink... from the spiritual rock that attended them and that rock was the Mashiyach. But with a multitude of them, Elohim was not pleased. These things are an example for us so that we won't covet after evil things as they did. Neither should we serve idols as some of them did nor commit sexual sin. Neither let us tempt the Mashiyach as some of them tempted and serpents destroyed them. (Numbers 21:4) Nor should we complain as some of them did and they perished by the destroyer. All these things that befell them were for an example to us and they are written for our instruction on whom the end of the world has come; Flee from idolatry... do not associate with demons... we cannot partake at the table of our Master Y'shua and sit at the table of demons.
After the 7th Shofar is sounded is when His People are gathered prior to His Wrath, and - the sanctions recorded in the book of Teaching - shall be poured out upon those left upon the earth.

Why will Yahweh do these things? Because people will forsake the everlasting covenant that He made when He set His People free from Egypt; they turned to the service of other gods and worshiped them, gods whom they had not experienced... Concealed acts concern Yahweh, but with overt acts it is for us to apply all the provisions of this Teaching.

What does it say about the final world leader? In Daniel 11 we can read this - He will do as he pleases; exalt and magnify himself above every god and speak awful things against Yahweh Elohim. He will have no regard for the god of his ancestors or the one dear to women. He will honor the god of fortresses with gold and silver, precious stones and costly things, a god that his ancestors never knew (never experienced)...

""Concealed acts concern Yahweh, but with overt acts it is for us to apply all the provisions of this Teaching''" triggered this memory, from 1 Corinthians 5:11, thereabouts... But those within the body, you judge. And those without, Elohim judges... remove from you the wickedness among you.

He has told us the End from the Beginning. 
What else could we possible need? 

When all these things befall us - the blessing and the curse - and we take them to heart amidst the various nations (where we find ourselves living in these days) and we return to Yahweh and heed His commands (Teaching) with all our heart and soul, then Yah will restore our fortunes and take us back in love, bringing us together again from all the peoples of the world. He will set us down upon our soil, the land of the promise and we shall possess it. (Deuteronomy 30)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Who Is the Bride.... Really

One of the Messengers said:
Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.... and he showed me the Set Apart city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from Elohim; in which was the glory of Elohim, as a brilliant light, and resembling a very precious gem; like a jasper stone, resembling crystal. 
Y'shua is the light of the world, in him is seen the glory of the Father 
(This New Jerusalem has) a wall, lofty and great. This wall has twelve gates, and the names of the twelve tribes, descendants of Jacob/Israel, are inscribed on the gates. (three gates on each side, north south, east and west). The wall has twelve foundations on which were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
When this New Jerusalem descends from heaven a great voice is heard which said: 'Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is with men and He dwells with them; they will be His people; and He will be their Elohim.'  This reminds me of how it was with Moses and the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt. Yah gave instructions for building the tabernacle so that He could be in the midst of His people.  Look how far we have strayed from our Creator! It now seems all symbolic of returning to and becoming one with the Creator.  He takes us back.


We have been invited to the Wedding Feast which is akin to those who had the chance to enter into the ark before the door was shut, after which it became too late to 'be saved'. The symbolism is also revealed in the parable of the 10 Virgins (invited to the banquet as guests) of which 5 ran out of oil and went to buy more.  While they were gone, the doors to the banquet hall were shut and no one else could enter.  It was too late.

Matthew 25:10- And while they (those 5 foolish virgins) went to buy more pure olive oil for their lamps, the Bridegroom came, those who were ready entered with him into the banquet hall. And the door was locked.

Matthew 22:2- The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.

We have been called to this banquet, the one prepared by the Father for His Son. We are invited guests, not the bride, and we've been given plenty of time to get ready to attend.

Let us be properly prepared to Meet the Bridegroom- to be full of the Ruach haKodesh = The Spirit of Truth = prior to the return of Y'shua.  If we are full of His Spirit (pure olive oil) we will not wander off in search of who-knows-what. We shall enter into the banquet hall with him before the door is shut and locked. After that it will be too late.

Revelation 19:7- Let us rejoice and exult and give glory to Yahweh Elohim for the marriage supper of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. And it was granted her to be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean; for fine linen is the righteousness of the Set Apart believers.
Revelation 19:9- Blessed are they who are called to the supper of the marriage feast of the Lamb.
John 6:39-40: (Y'shua is speaking) “This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

That last day is when those alive will see the resurrection of those believers who have died since the beginning of time, and then be caught up with them being changed from corruptible to incorruptible bodies- given robes of fine linen?

1 Thessalonians 4:16- Because our Master Y'shua will himself descend from heaven with a mandate and with the voice of the chief Messenger (angel) and with the trumpet of Elohim; and the dead who are in Messiah will rise first and then we who survive and are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet our Messiah... And so comfort yourselves one another with these words...
We enter together with him.  We are gathered together with him. After which no one else can enter. Those left behind on the earth suffer the Wrath of Elohim as the Seven Cups are poured out upon the earth.  It is too late for them to be saved.

In Revelation 19-
Verse 7 says the marriage supper of the Lamb has come*
Verse 11- the heavens open and Y'shua rides in
Verse 14- the army of heaven follows him
verse 17- the invitation is given to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven to assemble to this 'great supper of Elohim'*. This is after the armies are defeated at Megiddo and these birds feed on carrion. Continue reading and learn this is the time frame when the false prophet and 'the beast' are cast into Fire Lake; Satan is bound for a thousand years. The 12 Apostles are seated prepared to judge the tribes of Israel.... all part of the First Resurrection.  Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection. 
* are these referring to the same supper? is this the symbolic wedding feast?
Ezekiel 39:17- ....say to every winged bird and to all the wild beasts: Thus says Yahweh Elohim; Assemble, come and gather from all around for the sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you upon the mountains of Israel
Verse 25- .... I will now restore the fortunes of Jacob and take the whole House of Israel back in love...
Verse 29- I will never again hide My face from them for I will pour out My spirit upon the House of Israel

Through our continued study and reading of Scriptures we shall become spiritually prepared to recognize the Good Shepherd when he calls and ready to accept this invitation to his wedding feast, a most glorious occasion. 

If the wife of the Lamb is the New Jerusalem, who is this Jerusalem?
Isaiah 62- For the sake of Zion I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still, till her victory emerge resplendent and her triumph like a flaming torch. Nations shall see your victory, and every king your majesty; and you shall be called by a new name which Yahweh Himself shall bestow.  You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of Yahweh and a royal diadem in the palm of your Elohim.
Nevermore shall you be called "Forsaken" nor shall your land be called "Desolate" but you shall be called "I delight in her", and your land "Espoused." For Yahweh Elohim takes delight in you; and as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your Elohim rejoice over you.
What better symbolism to express the type of love one has than to compare it to marriage, a wedding feast and the joy as two become one. New beginnings. When Yahweh restores all things it may be more glorious than we can imagine.

Yah delights in Jerusalem and she shall never be called "Forsaken" again, and her land no longer desolate but "Espoused'.  That land is the land of Canaan, the promised land in the covenant He made with Abraham.  Jerusalem is the last place Yahweh attached His Name.
As a side note: The word "Jerusalem" can be traced to its roots as something akin to 'Foundation in Shalom' (Shalom means Peace). The first mention of this town is in Genesis 14:18, after Chedorlaomer and the other kings with him were defeated by Abram and the 'army' he had mustered. King Melchizedek of Salem, who was also the priest of Yahweh Elohim, blessed Abram.  Another connection to Jerusalem is that Y'shua is said to be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. (Psalm 110:4 depending on which translation you read from; Hebrews 7:1; Hebrews 6:20) Which means Y'shua will be our King and Priest in the world to come, with its foundation in peace.  We are instructed to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem (good) has been a focal point of Yahweh our Creator and is referred to as 'her'.  Satan counterfeited with Babylon (evil) who is referred to as Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots, in Revelation. From the beginning -when Satan influenced Eve and Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil- we see Yah's timeline ending with that same Good and Evil scenario. Good represented by Jerusalem with all her ups and downs; and Evil represented by Babylon and all its abominations.
Genesis 2:15- Then Yahweh took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. And He commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.”
This New Jerusalem is beyond our immediate understanding just as the temple of Ezekiel's vision represents something of such grandeur it becomes more than we can comprehend. Consider them 'unsearchable riches' for the time being.  All we are told outright is that the New Jerusalem is the bride.
Ephesians 3- To me, Paul, who am the least of all the Set Apart believers, has this grace been given that I should announce among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of the Mashiyach, and should show to all men what is the architecture of the mystery which for ages was hid in Elohim the Creator of all things, so that by means of the assembly (of Set Apart believers) the manifold wisdom of Elohim might become known - which He arranged ages before and worked it through Y'shua our Master. Therefore I pray - and I bow my knees to the Father of our Master Y'shua from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit; that in your inner man the Mashiyach may dwell by faith, an in your hearts by love while your root and foundation increases greatly in strength; and that you may be able to explore, with all the Set Apart believers, what is the height and depth and length and breadth, and may know the greatness of the Mashiyach's love and that you may be filled with all the fullness of Elohim.
Yahweh's love is such that He promised not to wipe us out with a flood, that when His anger with us reached such a level He would relent.  We are still a stiff necked breed in His Eyes, I'm sure, but His patience wins out, yet time as we know it will come to an end.

Yahshua Mashiyach is well known for his teaching technique of using parables in an attempt to get folks to 'see' what he was getting at. He used many variables to get the same one point across. Where did he learn this from? Since the Son came to do the will of the Father, it makes sense that his Father had the same manner of speaking- like Father like Son.  Yahweh spoke through His servants the prophets and used metaphors and symbolism back then.  Maybe we should keep that in mind.

Yahweh's love for His Creation is expressed in parables that include examples of joy, marriage, divorce, steadfast love and taking us back. Scripture is full of these same examples. It is all about Him- Yahweh Elohim. He is the Master and we are His servants. He made us; we rebelled; He offered His Plan of Redemption which we can choose to accept and obey or not. He renewed the Covenant with the shed blood of His Son. Yah has gone to great lengths for our sake, yet only a remnant will respond.
Matthew 13:10- Then the disciples came to Y'shua and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them."
Part of Seeking Elohim is trying to understand the parables. They are not mysteries and can be solved. Parables are like bread crumbs leading us along His Path. He wants us to 'think', use our brains as we seek truth and understanding. I've been told that Scriptures interpret themselves and have found this to be true, which is why we each need to read and study them for ourselves. Not everyone will recognize the Good Shepherd's voice because they lack understanding. We gain understanding by putting Yahweh first in all things, every day. We read His Word every day so that the Spirit within us has something to work with! None of this is by ourselves, but through the will of the Father. We shall not be destroyed for lack of knowledge as we continue our study of His Word and Instructions. Those mysteries are solved if we make a sincere effort to understand our Creator. We cannot know Him completely for the Spiritual Realm has yet to be revealed, but if we continue to seek His Face we will receive the Blessing, which is Life. We shall be made incorruptible, given garments of pure linen that we may be gathered up and enter into the banquet hall, together with him in the clouds.

Yah spoke creation into existence and all was good. Satan rebelled against the Creator and brought evil into this world. Yahweh's love for mankind is such that He wants no one to perish and His Plan of Redemption was enacted. Throughout it all Yah continues to test us with various trials and tribulations to reveal what is truly in our hearts; He refines us and sets apart those who are worthy to receive the promise, be partakers of the covenant He made with Abraham. Just as the Apostles were realizing prophecy had come to life before their eyes, we, too, are living proof that prophecy is being fulfilled. There is still time to prepare, to have plenty of oil and to put on the fine linen garments that we may entered with Y'shua who said 'no one comes to the Father except through me'. No one enters the banquet hall until Y'shua returns.
One thing is for certain... if you don't trust that Yahweh Elohim created the universe, gave us an Instruction Manual (Scriptures) and then provided us an escape plan by following His Son's example of obeying those same Instructions... if you don't have Faith in the Good News of His Kingdom to come and life eternal, it becomes very difficult to see the big picture of what is happening in the world today - and the imaginings of man have become very entertaining and enticing.
We have been told beforehand all these things that will take place somewhere in the future, whether near or far. The rules and regulations apply to each and everyone of us and it is our choice to take heed and act accordingly, for our well being; or we choose not to pay attention and go on living, drinking, eating and letting ourselves be distracted by daily life, until its too late. Just as the door to the ark was closed in the days of Noah, and no one could enter afterward, so shall the door to the banquet hall be closed and locked. It will be too late for those who ignored all the signs and wonders, who did not study and learn His Instructions in Righteousness, who did not recognize the Good Shepherd's voice. We Set Apart believers have been invited as guests to this Wedding Banquet which occurs after the return of His Son. We are not the bride of the Lamb. We are His Chosen people aka the House of Israel, native born and adopted/grafted in. The New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of the Lamb Yahshua Mashiyach. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Story

 That evening, Yahshua ate a meal with his Apostles.

After this pass-over meal was eaten, Yahshua and his Apostles took a walk to the Mount of Olives. The sun has already gone down, so according to Yah's perfect timing, it is now the 15th day of this month (still dark), this also being the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.

While they are at the Mount of Olives, Yahshua tells his Apostles things that will happen soon and they can't believe they could ever be offended by him. He tells them there is sadness in his soul. They continue walking to the place called Gethsemane. The Apostles eventually fall asleep during the time Yahshua is praying to his Father.

This record of events makes it possible to conclude that Yahshua was not killed during the time that the pass-over offering lambs were being slaughtered. Otherwise he could not have eaten with his beloved twelve that evening, taken a walk afterwards and had more time in fellowship with them. 

When they arrived at Gethsemane, Judas came back and betrayed Yahshua to the chief priests and elders. After a scuffle all the Apostles left their Teacher - they ran away. Those who seized Yahshua wanted to take him to Caiaphas (Matthew 26:50-59) but they could not find him. So they took him to Pilate.

We read in Matthew 27 when it was morning the chief priests and elders took Yahshua to Pilate, who tries to argue for his life as he finds no guilt with him. Pilate realizes the accusers do so out of envy. The angry mob wins. Yahshua is scourged with whips and delivered to be put to death on a stake. He dies around the 9th hour.

When we read the accounts recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we can sum up the day's events.  Please read Scriptures for yourself when you have time.
(Matthew 26:57; Mark 14:53; Mark 15:15; Luke 22:54; John 18:28; John 19)
The chief priests and elders with scribes were taking Yahshua to Caiaphas who was the high priest, but they could not find him.  Scribes and elders were gathered trying to find witnesses against Yahshua, but only false witnesses came forward.  At daybreak, the chief priests and the elders all took counsel against Yahshua, bound him and delivered him to Pilate.
Pilate sent Yahshua to Herod to deal with because Yahshua was from Galilee. Herod was in Jerusalem in those days. Herod questions Yahshua but gets no answers, gives him back to Pilate.
Pilate calls to the chief priests and rulers of the people and says to them: You brought me this man as a deceiver of your people - I have examined him and have not found any fault with him nor has Herod... nothing that is worthy of death has been committed by him. Pilate desired to let Yahshua go but the people were crying out and saying 'Nail him to the stake!' 

Pilate tells the mob to take Yahshua and judge him according to 'their own' Torah and the Yehudeans reply, 'it is not lawful for us to kill a man' this day..... (it was a Shabbat, the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, so of course those religious men couldn't kill him that day.)
Pilate went as far as to offer them a choice of 'criminals' to be executed.  They chose to let Bar Abba (Barabbas) go free.  Yahshua was scourged, and delivered to be executed on a stake.
The Son of God was scourged and mocked. At about the 6th hour Pilate turned him over to be executed. In Matthew it reads Yahshua died about the 9th hour.  The 6th hour is equivalent to mid-day, the 9th hour would be 3:00 pm.

The pass over meal was eaten at twilight, the 14th day of the first month on God's calendar. The accounts agree it was morning, as the day dawned, when Yahshua was bound and brought before Pilate. It is now the 15th day. The 9th hour when Yahshua died is during the 15th day.
This year, 2023, the pope inspired Gregorian calendar days equivalent to the Hebrew calendar days of Passover and Unleavened Bread are April 4th at evening and April 5th with the following six days as the Days of Unleavened Bread.  Do you see how various religions have totally corrupted the events surrounding the death of our Messiah?  There is no Palm Sunday or Holy Week; no Good Friday or sunrise worship; no Passover Seder or stations of the cross.  Just remember how our God freed that mixed multitude from slavery in Egypt by the blood of the lamb; and by faith believe our freedom from our old sin nature was made possible by the shed blood of our Messiah. We observe God's Set Times best we can in this day and age without inventing rituals we think are a good thing to do.
Matthew 27:57 - Now when it became evening, a rich man from Ramtha whose name was Joseph, who had been taught by Yahshua, asked Pilate for the body, to be removed from the stake.  And he wrapped it in a shroud of fine linen and laid it in his new tomb.
Yahshua the Anointed One was placed in a tomb before sundown on that 15th day; where he spent three days and three nights before being resurrected.  He now sits at the right hand of God until the day he returns to gather up believers on the last day.  Then we inherit the promised land on this old earth with the Son of God as our king.
Did you know after his resurrection:
Acts 1:3With numerous signs for 40 days he was seen by them, and he spoke concerning the Kingdom of God ... And while he ate with the 12 Apostles he commanded that "You should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, He whom you have heard about from me. John immersed with water, and you will be immersed by God's Set Apart Spirit.  When His Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and be witnesses for me in Jerusalem and in all Judah and also among the Samaritan and to the ends of the earth."  After these things he was taken up and a cloud received him and he was hidden from their eyes. 

Ten days later during the set time of Shavuot (Pentecost) the Apostles were immersed (baptized) by God's Spirit, as promised.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fairy Tales

I was born in 1955. As a child I loved stories, especially fairy tales.  Mom had a book by The Brothers Grimm in which were stories like Rapunzel, The Three Billy Goat Gruff, Hanzel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, which I would read over and over - I had such an imagination that these stories played out in my head like a movie as I read them!  The pictures drawn to depict different scenes in each story intrigued me as well. I was fascinated and completely drawn into the stories which is why they were so popular - almost every child was enchanted by them!  These stories introduce fairies, gnomes, ghosts, goblins, giants, good witches and bad witches into our creative young minds.  And with that we were led away from God the Creator before we even got a chance to know Him.  This is the handiwork of Satan, the deceiver, that old serpent the devil.  With all this fantasia, who needs a god?

In the mid-sixties, for me, fairy tales gave way to a love of science fiction (fairy tales for grown ups).  Dad had a collection of paperbacks, some by Isaac Asimov, and I read many of them. Sometimes Dad would plug in the small TV in our bedroom so we could watch late night sci-fi shows (in black and white) on Friday or Saturday nights. I remember watching the Twilight Zone, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still and One Step Beyond. Mom didn't approve... she knew we'd have bad dreams!  But she didn't know how deeply those fairy tales and science fiction were forming my world.  

Outer Space was big food for my imagination! And there were more TV shows that kept me hooked- The Time Tunnel, Lost in Space, The Jetsons, The Thunderbirds, Superman, My Favorite Martian and many more.  Life on other planets beyond our galaxy was real to me.  I would stare out into the sky trying to see as deep into space as I could, both daylight hours and nighttime, wishing a starship would come and take me away. I use to draw pictures of flying saucers, beaming down a ray of light that would levitate frightened young girls, still in their night gowns, taking them up into their ships. I believed that aliens came to earth, genetically impregnated the apes, mixing their DNAs and created man, the man of evolution stature. Of course, at that time, I had no idea I was standing at the doorway and peering into the occult - a world without God the Creator.

As I got older- marijuana, alcohol and a mix of recreational drugs helped to fuel my already colorful imagination and push me through that doorway. The New Age movement became the next attractant for me, taking me deeper into science fiction, offering a way to 'live it' while embracing the Alien/Evolution theory (another fairy tale for adults). In my quest of self enlightenment I could even have 'out of body' experiences (one such event scared me so much that I never attempted to go further in that area).  Mom had a couple of books, one by Edgar Cayce and another by a channeler, Elizabeth (I forgot her last name) who were both psychics. They gained popularity in the late 60's early 70's, if I remember correctly. So ESP and other paranormal abilities fit right in with my conditioning. Television programs still played a part with shows like I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched, Star Trek... my brain was ripe for the picking, but it was Satan doing the harvest.

Even though I'm using my own life as an example to put forth this 'pre-conditioning' idea as a technique to take us away from our Creator, I am not an isolated event... almost every child has been told fairy tales, but I cannot prove that every child found them as a Great Escape, as I did. Speaking of 'escapes', who didn't love the movie 'Wizard of Oz'? Innocent enough story, eh?  Consider this:

L. Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society, which is an organization based on occult research and the comparative study of religions.  Baum had a deep understanding of Theosophy and, consciously or not, created an allegory of Theosophic teachings when he wrote the Wizard of Oz.
The Theosophical Society is an occult organization, mainly based on the teachings of Helena P. Blavatsky, which seeks to extract the common roots of all religions in order to form a universal doctrine.


The three declared objects of the original Theosophical Society as established by Blavatsky, Judge and Olcott (its founders) were as follows:
“First —To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.
Second — To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science.
Third — To investigate the unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in man.”

This is only one example of fairy tales being used to alter the thinking of young minds, but I believe all stories that ignore our Creator and dishonor Him are not beneficial for the development of a child.  And YES I enjoyed the movie Wizard of Oz and I'm no longer afraid of the flying monkeys, but... this is just one more fairy tale in a collection of many that are aimed at young minds with a possible controlled result.  Today we have Harry Potter, Avatar, Contact and other movies promoting transhumanism, without God or mixing Him with aliens.

What brought this on was, we watched 'Hook' the other night, (Robin Williams finds out he is really Peter Pan - Dustin Hoffman plays Capt. Hook) and in the back of my head I'm criticizing the flick for not honoring the Father. Sure it's an enjoyable film, a funny twist on an old fairy tale, harmless! But- as with most fairy tales, fables and other children's stories, belief in the One True God is absent. Is this by accident? Of course not. The Father of Lies, Satan, deliberately eliminated Adonai our God from these stories. We call it 'entertainment' - but it's nothing but a pack of creative lies.

Now, consider this:

The Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) if full of colorful events that would make wonderful stories to tell children. Each event is its own story: The Creation, Eden, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, The Nephilim, Noah and the Flood, Nimrod and Babylon, the life and times of Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, Ishamel and Isaac... these are but a fraction of the Word and barely touch the Good News of the Kingdom of YHWH our Creator. The gospels are historically true happenings as exciting and mesmerizing as any fairy tale and they honor Him! The stories include demons, witches, amazing feats, signs and wonders, tragic events and miracles that stir every emotion. When you tell these stories to your children they are given a sound foundation from which to develop into honest, fair and just adults who love God their Creator. Imagine the type of community that would arise from good folk like that?  There is no deception, no lies, no tricks to cause one to stumble and fail, rather, the gospels well equip one to survive against the constant attacks made by Satan and his minions. In other words, these stories prepare us for life!

I am ashamed that I wasted so many years avoiding Yahweh our Creator. I certainly would have been spared many unnecessary heartaches and pains.  Since that is not the case, my past is the basis for these writings - a comparison to ponder.  Yahweh our Creator will forgive us the follies of our youth.  His Son, Yahshua, shed his blood to atone for our sins. Together they shine their Light on the Path of Righteous Living on which the Set Apart Spirit of Father Yahweh leads us to understanding, wisdom and truth.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Nephilim - Then and Now

In this study I use Scriptures, the books of Enoch and the historical accounts found in Jasher to research the topic of giants.  Many folks today refer to 'Fallen Angels' as relating to the 'alien deception' and other possible scenarios of the end times.  From what I have read so far it is the Nephilim who are a part of the signs of the end, so I figured a deeper look into these events was in order.

I'd like to note that I recommend one be fully grounded in the Word of God before using other writings such as Enoch and Jasher so that one can discern that which lines up with Scriptures.  I do not substitute anything for the Word of our Creator yet find these sources help describe scenarios which are only alluded to in Scriptures.  Yahweh is our final word on all things.

How the Nephilim Came to Be

Genesis 6 -- When men began to increase on the earth and daughters were born to them, the Divine Beings saw how beautiful they were and took wives from among those that pleased them.  It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on the earth (as a result of sexual relations between the Divine Beings and human women).  They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

From then on man's wickedness pervaded the earth and every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil.  Yah was so saddened - He regretted that He made them. Then came the Flood.  

I understand the Nephilim being renown: the condition of being known or talked about by many people - but I never quite got how these genetic mutants could be referred to as 'heroes': someone who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities - were they cute little half-breed babies who grew up to hero status but when they didn't stop growing (upwards to 300 cubits = 450 feet!) is that when folks became intimidated by them?

The Flood swelled upon the earth and the mountains were covered, then the waters swelled another 15 cubits (another 22 and half feet above the tallest mountain). Makes sense that this much water would be needed to drown giants along with the rest of the unsaved souls.

This same event is recorded in the Books of Enoch with more detail of just how bad things had gotten.  Not only were these angels (divine beings) attracted to the human women, they desired to create progeny - descendants of mixed marriages - in other words they wanted to be like 'God'.  Satan deluded Eve with this same concept.

According to Enoch there were 200 of these angels who left their station in heaven to achieve their desires on earth.  They defiled themselves by having sexual relations with these women.  They also taught these women charms, pharmacies, root cutting and uses of plants - secret knowledge humans weren't suppose to know.  These women became pregnant and gave birth to what is called the Nephilim, who grew to 300 cubits in height. They ate every thing produced for them and when that ran out they turned against mankind and ate them.  The Nephilim sinned against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish (more genetic manipulations? crossbred mutants?) and began to eat each other's flesh and drink their blood (cannibals and vampires?).  They were lawless ones. They taught men metallurgy in the making of swords, shields, knives and breastplates as well as bracelets and ornaments.  They taught the use of antimony (A metalloid element having many forms, the most common of which is a hard, very brittle, shiny, blue-white crystal) and the use of paints and dyes, the use of make up to beautify eyes, the use of gemstones - then did all godlessness increase and everything was corrupt.

Here is where we find out those we call the 'fallen angels' are the 'Watchers' because they were made to watch the destruction of their loved one, those genetic mutants, the Nephilim.  YHWH tells Gabriel to:
"Go to the bastards and to the reprobates and to the children of fornication, and destroy them, the seed of the Watchers, from among the sons of men and send them one against one another so that they will perish by killing each other... And when they (the Watchers) have seen the destruction of their loved ones, bind them for 70 generations in the valleys of the earth until the day of their judgment and of their end..." He goes on to say, "Destroy all the lustful spirits and the seed of the Watchers for they have wronged mankind. Let all oppressors perish from the face of the earth and let every evil work be destroyed..."

Then came the Flood to cleanse the earth from all unrighteousness, from all sin, from all godlessness and from all the uncleanness which is committed on it.

Reading from Jasher we find a similar account. In the latter days of Methusalah, men were turning from God in rebellion, and corrupted the earth, robbed each other and transgressed and corrupted themselves, up to the point Yahweh thought to destroy and annihilate them.  The earth was filled with violence. The difference in Jasher is there is no mention of 'divine beings' but 'judges and rulers' who took wives by force from their husbands and that the 'sons of men' (Nephilim?) in those days took cattle, beasts and fowls and taught the mixture of animals of one species with another in order to provoke YHWH.  This could relate to what is written in Enoch about the Nephilim sinning against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish. Sin is living according to one's own imaginings, turning against the teachings of YHWH our God.  
Yah saw all flesh was corrupt, all men and all animals... and Noah found grace in His sight.

I made mention earlier that Scriptures - the Word of God - is the final authority.  I now refer to what we can read in The Forgotten Books of Eden, the story of Adam and Eve. I must say that if you can read this account with Scriptures running in the background, a lot of it makes sense.  I will only touch on what seemingly relates to the Nephilim who came on the scene during the time of Jared. Satan was the culprit in instigating snares and traps via the descendants of Cain using ravishing music, strong drink, and colorful clothing to entice the descendants of Seth to come off the mountain, away from God and into the sinful corrupt life below. This always makes me think of the 60's when 'sex, drugs and rock-n-roll' were the temptations.

In this version it is Satan who teaches Genun, the son of Lamech, to bring strong drink out of corn by which Genun multiplied sin exceedingly. He was prideful and taught others to commit all manner of the grossest wickedness that had never known before. Satan was very pleased with all this and taught Genun how to make weapons of war from iron. Sin continued to increase: a man married his own sister or daughter - there was no more a distinction of relationship... the earth became defiled with sin.  They angered God the Judge who had created them.  Satan entered into Genun and taught him to make dyes for garments of diverse patterns... Only three righteous men are left in the world.  The evil continues up until the Flood.

If the purpose of the Flood was to cleanse the earth of all wickedness, how do the Nephilim become part of the post-flood time line?

In the writings of Enoch we read: 
Yah said to Gabriel, "Go to the bastards and to the reprobates and to the children of fornication and destroy them, the seed of the Watchers... Bind the Watchers for seventy generations until the day of their judgment (when they will be taken away to the abyss of fire and torment and shut in prison forever and ever more).  

They chose to leave the high and set apart heaven and defile themselves with the blood of women, acting like men instead of Divine Beings and they begat Nephilim as their seed.  God did not appoint wives for His Spiritual Beings because they were immortal - no need to procreate. Because they were Spiritual Beings, heaven was their intended dwelling place.

The Nephilim were produced from the spirit and flesh and on earth were called 'evil spirits' and they would dwell on earth, there was no place in heaven for them.  Evil spirits proceeded from their bodies, spirits of the wicked.  The spirits of the Nephilim oppress, afflict, destroy, do battle and make destruction upon the earth. When the Nephilim were destroyed their spirits went forth from their bodies.
The angels who were defiled with women stand at the end of heaven and earth but their spirits will assume many different forms and will defile mankind and lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods.
Evil, wicked, unclean, demonic spirits do exist in this world and are passing themselves off as extraterrestrial lifeforms channeling enlightenment to anyone who will tune in. These are the 'Nephilim' of today.  Not necessarily the physical giants of old testament days but definitely beings of renown who many consider 'heroes', expecting ET to save us from ourselves.  Nephilim were genetically modified beings and as it was in the days of Noah we can see it in today's world.

To the best of my own investigation these photographs of skeletons are legit.  The Nephilim were buried in the ground during The Flood that covered the entire earth, even the highest mountain tops, and that was about 4,000 years ago.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

That Beastly Mark

There is a lot of guesswork in regards to what the 'mark of the beast' will be, but Scriptures tell us exactly what will happen to those who accept this mark:

Revelation 13:13 (The end times False Prophet has been bringing about great signs, even to make it appear that fire comes down from heaven) - And he seduced them that dwell on the earth to erect an image to the beast who had the wound from a sword and recovered from it. And it was given to him to put life into the image of the beast and to cause that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be slain; and to (instruct that) all people should receive a mark on their right hands or upon their foreheads so that no one might be able to buy or to sell, except those who had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: let him that has intelligence compute the number of the beast of prey for it is the number of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty and six.

Revelation 14:9 ~ And another, a third Messenger (angel) followed the other two, saying with a loud voice: If any man will worship the beast of prey and its image and will receive its mark upon his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim which is poured undiluted into the cup of his indignation, and will be tormented with fire and sulfur before the Set Apart Messengers and before the throne. The smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever and there is no rest, by day or by night for those that worship the beast of prey and its image.

Revelation 15:1 ~ I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: Seven Messengers having seven plagues, the last in order, because with them the wrath of Elohim is completed. I saw as it were, a sea of glass mixed with fire and they who had been innocent over the beast of prey and over its image and over the number of its name were standing on the sea of glass. They had the harps of Elohim and sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb*.

Revelation 16:1 ~ I heard a voice which said to the seven Messengers: Go forth and pour those seven cups of the wrath of Elohim upon the earth; (this caused) a malignant and painful sore upon those who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped its image.

Revelaton 19:20 ~ The beast was captured along with the False Prophet who did those amazing things before him, whereby he seduced those who had received the mark of the beast and who worshipped his image. They were both cast alive into the lake of fire which burns with sulfur. The rest were slain by the sword of him that sat on the horse (at the return of Messiah), by that sword which issues from his mouth and all the fowls were satiated with their flesh.

Revelation 20:4 (It is the beginning of Y'shua kingdom on earth; Satan is bound and cast into the abyss for a thousand years) I saw thrones and persons sat on them and judgment was given to them and to the souls that were beheaded for the testimony of Y'shua and for the Word of Elohim, and these are they who had not worshipped the beast of prey nor its image neither had they received the mark upon their forehead or on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Y'shua the Anointed One those thousand years.


After reading what happens to those who receive the mark, for whatever reason or whatever the mark will be, why o' why would we choose to accept it? How can anyone justify being marked knowing that decision condemns us to the second resurrection**?  As far as we can tell by Scriptures, anyone who decides to receive the mark of the name of the beast or the number will not be gathered with Messiah at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. These folks will remain with the others who refused to repent and continue to blame God for their problems.

Preparing for the days ahead is not a bad thing to do. Storing emergency supplies is not a bad thing to do. Stocking your pantry with water, assorted canned goods, rice and beans is not a bad thing. Moving out of big cities is a good thing to consider.  Remember, Noah was the first prepper whilst stocking the ark. He had enough supplies to last at least a year. Joseph was a prepper, stashing extra grains for the hard times coming their way, which would last seven years. Both these men knew what was coming and prepared to endure. They knew because Yah told them and by faith they did what needed to be done. The same goes for us now. We read and study Scriptures, the Word of Yahweh Elohim Almighty, and know what is to happen, so we should prepare for it, now. By faith we prepare and rely on our Creator to see us through. 

For us, the event that triggers the final 3-1/2 years is when the world leader steps up and claims to be 'god'.  This is when those living in 'Judea' are told to head for the hills and don't look back.  So it would be best to be prepared before then. Yes, we are still a ways from that timeline but it gets closer every day. If we have enough set aside and stand strong in our faith, we will get by. Start downsizing now so its not that big of a challenge when time runs out and chaos is king. Be prepared and knowledgeable now so as not to think it's going to be alright if you stand in line in order to be marked.

Y'shua tells us it will be like the days of Noah, preceding his return. Folks back then were living life as usual, eating, drinking, getting married, raising families, and ignoring the reason Noah and his family were preparing as they obeyed the instructions given by Elohim. The Nephilim walked the earth, too, back then and evil had permeated the earth. Those other folks kept on keepin' on right up until the Noah Family entered the ark. The others did not know until the flood hit and took them. It was too late to be saved, too late to enter the ark. This is why we are told the signs before the return of Messiah, so we will prepare before it's too late to be saved from the coming flood of Wrath from Elohim, which is contained in the final 7 Bowls of Plagues.
*They sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are your deeds, Master YHWH Elohim Almighty, just and true are Your ways, O King of the worlds. Who will not fear You, O Master YHWH, and glorify Your Name? Because You only are Set Apart and just; because all nations will come and worship before You, since your righteousness has been revealed.
**Y'shua is the judge of the living and the dead.... the first resurrection is of those who choose the Blessing: Set Apart believers from the beginning of time who have died and are seen rising by other believers still alive when that time comes. This is the gathering of Yah's people after the 7th shofar is sounded. This is the 'living' time line we want to be part of, as this is eternal life. The second resurrection, the Curse, is after the thousand years come to an end, and is known as the second death. 
Revelation 20:5 ~ This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in this first resurrection; over them the second death has no dominion, but they will be and are priests of Elohim and of his Mashiyach and they will reign with him the thousand years. 20:14 ~ And death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, namely, this lake of fire. And if any one was not found enrolled in the book of life, he was cast into this lake of fire.
