Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mystery of the Evil One

We have been told:
2 Thessalonians 2:9
For the coming of that Evil One is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all the deceptiveness of iniquity in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth by which they might have life. Therefore YHWH will send upon them the strength of a deception that they may believe a lie, and that they all may be condemned who believe not the truth but have pleasure in iniquity.
2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the mystery of the Evil One already begins to be operative and only if that which now hinders will be taken from the midst, then at length will that Evil One be revealed who Master Y'shua will consume by the breath of his mouth and will bring to nothing by the visibility of his coming.
Will this deception build in strength until that time, and what is this strong delusion that befalls those who do not seek the truth?  What is it that hinders this evil mystery from going into full operation?  After that which hinders is taken from the midst, the Evil One will be revealed.  I believe Mr. Evil One is the final world leader who brings a sense of world peace at a critical time, who will be fully revealed 3-1/2 years into the final seven years when Satan possesses Mr. Evil One and he claims to be 'god'.  The deception is building as it is written that it is already in operation.

Folks have been brainwashed from birth (me included) and the time has come for the end times scenario.  Those who search out the truth see this and those who have fallen into one religion or another have been blinded to His Truth.  What was the very first tactic Satan used against Yah's creation?  He caused Eve to Doubt the Word of God.  The example in The Garden is of one doubting the command given by the Creator and causing another to do the same. Would it be fair to apply this same tactic to us? I would say 'Yes' because that exact thing has been going on for years: Christians believe The Law has been nailed to the cross in effect making Torah, Yah's Instructions in Righteousness, null and void and have been teaching others this same false doctrine. They have called into question the truth of our Father and caused people to be uncertain of what is written in Scriptures.

2 Thessalonians begins in regards to the return of Y'shua and our standing strong in our Faith in him, that we should not be uprooted in our mind nor be troubled or deceived. Paul writes that before the Son of Elohim returns, first will come a defection and that man of sin will be revealed; the son of perdition; who is an opponent and exalts himself above all that is called praiseworthy; so that he also sits in the temple of (God) as a deity and displays himself as if he were a deity.

The defection is also called the 'falling away' or the 'great apostasy' which is the fallen state of Churchianity as a whole.  Even in Paul's day there was an all-Gentile church forming which aimed to throw off God's Instructions and reinvent Messiah to put him more in line with Hellenism, polytheism and paganism.  The Defection (which is already in progress) will become most evident when the Final World Leader takes his place.  The Truth of the Matter will be fully evident 3-1/2 years later.

A 'delusion' is something that is falsely believed or propagated. It can be a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary.  It is the act of tricking or deceiving someone. 'Doubt' makes one call into question the truth; to be uncertain and consider something unlikely. If we have been deluded into believing something (lies) while ignoring proof to the contrary (truth) then we have been tricked and deceived which causes us to doubt the truth, becoming uncertain of its reality: if we do not love truth we will be content to accept lies.  That is how Satan, the father of lies, has succeeded and will continue to conquer people right up until the return of Messiah.  I see the first big-time obvious end times result of those who have fallen for the delusion is when they line up to receive the 'mark' in order to continue shopping, buying, selling and all things that require 'money' to complete the transaction.  This will be a strong test for all Set Apart believers; remember, it was money that convinced Judas to betray Y'shua. Remember also that Yahweh removed His hedge of protection from Job so that Satan could test his faith. 
Our love of the truth and our faith in our Creator will see us through these coming trials.  (Read Job again to get an idea of the horrible times we will be facing in the future end times scenario)

Here is a list of a few items that I think are some of the building blocks used in that deception, the strong delusion, which grows in one's mind the longer they go without seeking the truth or ignoring it; they become delusional. These same topics have been successful in causing great divisions amongst all who consider themselves believers, making it easier for Satan to continue his plan.
Our Creator is not slow to keep His Word yet is giving everyone time to repent and return to the faith once delivered - the Way it once was.  He does not want anyone to perish but knows only a remnant will be saved at the return of His Son.  He will, some day, remove His hedge of protection and it will seem we will be fending for ourselves, but never forget, it is always true: with Him all things are possible.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Yehuda Skaryota aka: Judas Escariot

About the only thing that comes to mind about Judas for most people is that he was the one who revealed Messiah to the authorities and committed suicide soon afterwards. We know that Y'shua was in conversation with the Father before choosing his twelve apostles and quite possibly knew the reasons why they were chosen and what part they were to fulfill.

Luke 6:12
And it happened in those days that Y'shua went out to a mountain to pray and there he had spent the night in prayers with YHWH. When the day broke he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, those who he named Shlichim:
Simon who he named Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James and his brother John; and Philip and Bartholomew. And Matthew and Thomas and Ya'akov (James) son of Khalpai; and Simon who is called the Zealot; and Yehuda (Judas) son of Ya'akov and Yehuda Skaryota.

Luke 6:16
.... and Yehuda Skaryota, he who was the betrayer.

John 6:71
He was speaking now concerning Judas Escariot, the son of Simon, for he was about to betray him, being one of the twelve (apostles).

John 13:2
And when supper was done, Satan placed it into he heart of Judas, the son of Simon Escariot, that he would betray him (Y'shua).
Y'shua knew that the Father had given everything into his hands, that he came from the Father and was going back to Him.  Y'shua knew the role Judas was to play.
John 12:3
And Maryam took an alabaster vase of very expensive perfume of the choicest nard and anointed the feet of Y'shua and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. Yehuda Skaryota, one of the disciples (who was to betray Y'shua) said, "Why was not this oil sold for three hundred denarii and it be given to the poor?" (He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief).  He carried the treasury bag with him (he was the financial officer for the group). Y'shua said, "Leave her alone! She has kept it for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor with you but you do not always have me."

Matthew 27:3
Then Yehuda the traitor, when he saw that Y'shua was convicted, he repented and returned those thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and to the elders. He said, "I have sinned because I have betrayed innocent blood." They said, "What is that to us? That's your problem." Yehuda threw the silver into the temple, departed and went and hanged himself.
The priests cleverly cover their own crime by considering the silver Judas threw at them as an offering. These were the same thirty pieces they had paid him, but they also knew it was blood money so they purchase some land for a cemetery with it.
It seems possible that Yehuda was a thief prior to becoming a follower of The Way eventually being named by Y'shua as one of the twelve and put in charge of the money bag. Money was the temptation dangled in front of him by Satan which led to the betrayal of Y'shua. After the fact Yehuda was remorseful and repented but was shunned by the chief priests and the elders.  He ran off and killed himself.  

In Matthew 27 we read that Judas hung himself yet in Act Chapter 1 verse 18 we read:
This is he who obtained a field for himself from the reward of sin; fell upon his face on the ground and burst from his middle and poured out all his insides.

The act of throwing the silver back at the priests did indeed result in the priests buying some land and turning it into a cemetery for strangers (a field for himself). It is possible that after he hung himself and died, he fell resulting in the description given in Acts; that he fell face first into the ground, the impact causing him to split open and his guts fall out. I don't see any real contradiction here; just a lack of detailed information which doesn't affect the matter at hand.

Can one repent and be forgiven their sins yet turn around and commit suicide and expect salvation? I don't think so because suicide is the murdering of one's self, is it not?  And we are commanded not to commit murder.  I shall put this on the list for further study but share it now as thoughts to ponder.



For all who claim to 'stand with Israel' should read the chapter from your copy of Scriptures titled Lamentations to gain a better understanding of the relationship our Creator has with His people.
The Book of Lamentations may not be the most popular book in the Bible but it is an essential ingredient for helping humans to understand an important aspect of their relationship with The Creator – the expression of grief and distress. This special book is a collection of five lament poems recounting the tragic fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.
I provide a paraphrased (shortened) version here and ask that you read from your copy of Scriptures for the full length version.

A city once great among nations sits lonely.
All of her friends and allies have betrayed her and become her foes.
Judah has gone into exile because of misery and harsh oppression.
Zion's roads are empty of festival pilgrims and her gates are deserted.
Her enemies are now the masters and her foes are at ease because
YHWH has afflicted her for her many transgressions.

Gone from fair Zion are all that were to her glory; her leaders were like stags that found no pasture, they could only walk feebly before the pursuer.

Jerusalem recalled all the precious things she once had and in her days of woe and sorrow there was no one to help her.  Jerusalem had greatly sinned and became a mockery and those who once admired her have seen her disgrace.  She has seen her Sanctuary invaded by nations which Yah had once denied entry.  He has afflicted her on His Day of Wrath.  He delivers her into the hands of those she cannot withstand and sets a time against her to crush her young men. Jerusalem has become an unclean thing.

YHWH is right and Jerusalem acknowledges that she has disobeyed Him and sees how wrong she's been to rebel against Him. In His Wrath Yah shames Fair Zion and casts down the majesty of Israel, in blazing anger.  He destroyed His Tabernacle bringing to end festival and sabbath; spurning king and priest; He resolved to destroy the wall of Fair Zion.

Jerusalem's seers prophesied to her in both delusion and folly.  They did not expose her iniquities so as to restore her fortunes. Instead they prophesied oracles of delusion and deception (lies).  She was once called Perfect in Beauty, Joy of All the Earth but now her enemies jeer at her and cry "We've ruined her!"

Yahweh has done what He purposed, that which He ordained long ago.
In all that happens, under His rod of wrath; leaving us numb as we become the laughingstock to all people, the butt of their gibes every day and we begin to feel bitterness as if sated with wormwood.  We feel bereft of peace and forget what happiness is.  But this do I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The kindness of YHWH has not ended, His mercies have not run out - they are renewed every morning - how ample is His Grace! He is my portion I say with a full heart; therefore I hope in Him.  He is good to those who trust in Him. To those who seek Him it is good to wait patiently for rescue.  We bear the yoke, sit alone and be patient.  YHWH does not reject forever, but first afflicts then pardons in His abundant kindness for He does not willfully bring grief or affliction to man, crushing prisoners of the earth. He does not deny us our rights. Of what shall a living man complain? Each his own sins!
Let us search and examine our ways and turn back to our Father; let us lift up our hearts with our hands to our Father in Heaven:
We have transgressed and rebelled, and You have not forgiven. You have clothed Yourself in anger and pursued us, You have slain without pity. You have screened Yourself off with a cloud that no prayer may pass through. You have made us filth and refuse in the midst of the peoples.  My eyes shed streams of water over the ruin of my poor people.
I have called on Your Name O Yahweh, hear my plea; do not shut Your ear to my cry! You have told us not to fear and have redeemed our lives. You see the wrongs that are done.

Those who were once valued as gold are now earthen pots and have turned cruel.  Those who feasted on dainties lie famished in the streets; those who were reared in purple have embraced refuse heaps. The guilt of my poor people exceeds the iniquity of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment without a hand striking it.  With their own hands tenderhearted women cook their children; such has become their fate.  His cup of wrath will also be passed to Fair Edom who dwell in the land of Uz.

O Yahweh, remember us. Our ancestors have sinned and we bear their guilt.  Gone is the joy from our hearts as we mourn; woe to us that we have sinned.  But You are enthroned forever, through the ages. Take us back! Let us come back; renew our days of old for truly You have rejected us, we have made you bitter.