Friday, November 21, 2014

Part of His Plan

Armageddon to Magog Timeline
(condensed version of a study I am working on  - ckc)

Here's what Scripture says about the return of Y'shua: 
--- Matthew 24:27 All eyes will see the return of Y'shua... :29 immediately after the suffering of those days... :30 Y'shua comes upon the clouds of heaven with great power and glory. He sends his Messengers with a large trumpet and they gather his chosen from the four winds. 
--- First Thessalonians 4:16 confirms Y'shua will descend from heaven with the voice of the chief Messenger and the shofar (large trumpet) of Elohim. His Set Apart believers (his chosen) are caught up together to the clouds to meet Y'shua Messiah and be with him forever.
--- Revelation 6:12 tells us the 6th Seal is opened and because of the earthquake, darkened sun, red colored moon, falling stars and mountains and islands being moved out of their places Every One Will Know the great day of wrath has come.
--- Revelation 11:15 tells us the world becomes the kingdom of Y'shua after the 7th shofar is sounded. (the last trumpet before the final plagues)
--- Rev. 11:19 the Temple of Elohim in heaven opens, the Ark of His Covenant is seen...
--- Revelation 16 tells us the 6th cup of Yah's wrath is poured out upon the Euphrates to make a way for the kings of the east to cross. :13 from the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet came out unclean spirits like frogs - they are the spirits of demons who work signs and they go forth to gather all the kings to the battle of the great day of Elohim... :16 and they collected them together at Armageddon
--- 16:17 the 7th cup is poured out and a voice from the Temple and from the throne said It Is Done.
--- Revelation 19: Babylon has been judged and with that the blood of the souls under the altar has been avenged (Seal 5 vision). 19:7 the marriage supper of the Lamb has come... :11 heaven opens and Y'shua rides out upon a white horse and in righteousness he judges and makes war. :13 the army of heaven follows him, also riding white horses. From the mouth of Y'shua issues a sharp two-edged sword with which he can strike nations. He will rule with a rod of iron, and he treads the winepress of the wrath of Elohim Almighty.
--- Revelation 19:19 The Beast (final world leader) and the kings of the earth and their armies assemble to wage battle with Y'shua Messiah (Rev. 16:16). The Beast is captured and the false prophet that was with him are cast into Fire Lake and the rest were slain by the sword of Y'shua -- all the fowls were satiated with their flesh.
--- Revelation 20 tells us Satan is now locked up in the abyss for the next thousand years which brings us to Ezekiel's prophecy recorded in chapters 38 and 39.
--- Revelation 20:7 says when the thousand years are completed Satan will be released from his prison and goes forth to seduce the nations: Gog and Magog, to assemble them for battle. This army, the vast horde, will eventually 'encompass the camp of the Set Apart believers and the beloved city (Jerusalem).
---Ezekiel 38:8 notes 'after a long time' YHWH will summon Gog (Satan has been release from the abyss and starts summoning/seducing nations).
---Ezekiel 38:10 says Gog gets this idea to attack a people gathered from among nations now living at the center of the earth (Jerusalem, that beloved city). My note here is that those people who are gathered together and living secure whom Gog desires to attack are the camp of Set Apart ones and those living in the city, same ones mentioned in Revelation 20:7. 

This time line is toward the end of the thousand year reign of Y'shua's earthly kingdom (way after Armageddon event). Satan is released at the end of those thousand years and I read it as he influences Gog, the chief prince of Turkey (Meshech and Tubal) just as he influenced the final world leader during the final seven years of life as we know it. Revelation 20:7 also notes that 'fire came down from Elohim and consumed them, just as Ezekiel 39: notes that YHWH sends fire against Magog and those on the coast lands.
I read this as Two separate events, two different endings. At the Armageddon event, the AC and the False Prophet are captured and thrown into the lake of fire and Satan is locked up. We rule and reign with Messiah a thousand years (our final testing and refining). At the Magog event, after Satan has been released for a little while - long enough to deceive the very elect and gather forces against the Camp and the City - YHWH sends fire to consume the armies and then Satan is cast into the lake of fire, where the AC and false prophet have been. And then the dead are judged by YHWH, the books are opened, death and the grave are cast into Fire Lake... and then FINALLY we can live happily ever after!

King and High Priest of Elohim

Consider this: Although Y'shua was caused to exist by the Ruach haKodesh (Spirit of God), he is a Levite by blood. Mary his mother, was cousin to Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptizer/Immerser), descendant of the daughters of Aaron (tribe of Levi) and this fact qualifies Messiah to be High Priest as well as our future king, just as Melchizedek was king and high priest of Salem, old Jerusalem. Y'shua is a Yehudean (Jew) by location only, being born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. So the priesthood was and will be the same from the time Abraham gave tithes to the king and high priest in Salem to the time Y'shua Messiah takes his throne and authority when he returns.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Shabbat Shalom, Y'all 

Our Creator rested on the seventh day after He saw all He created was good. 

The 4th Commandment of the Ten tells us to Observe the sabbath day and keep it Set Apart (holy). Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to Elohim (God); you shall not do any work, none of you.  Remember you were a slave in Egypt  and YHWH freed you from bondage, therefore observe the sabbath day.

He set His people free from slavery in Egypt back in the day. In the time of Messiah, He set His people free from bondage to sin, as it is with us today if we choose to follow Y'shua Messiah.  By keeping the seventh day set apart God will see the intention of our heart and He will begin to reveal the Truth that will makes us free from bondage to the world system.

"Shabbat is primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The Hebrew word 'Shabbat' comes from the root Shin-Beit-Tav, meaning to cease, to end, or to rest. "

The seventh day is what most know as satur-day, but don't stop there! Learn how our Creator counts the days and the months - click here.

So how did this change? Who changed God's day of rest from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week and teach us that was the correct day?  He warned about taking from or adding to His Word which turns His Truth into a deception. His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I have read that the Catholic church takes credit for changing our Creator's sabbath day from the 7th day to sun-day. 

Sun Worship was the official religion of the Roman Empire, known as Mithraism. It had its own organizations, temples, priesthood etc... and the first day of the week was when special homage was given to the sun, called The Venerable Day of the Sun. It is where the name Sunday comes from.

Now, Emperor Constantine, after seeing a 'vision' felt he must become a Christian and claimed all his pagan soldiers were, too, although they remained pagan at heart. In order to get all those pagan sun worshipers into the church, he accepted their day of worship, sun-day, instead of the seventh day sabbath kept by believers in God, followers of The Way taught by Y'shua Messiah.

So let's get back to the Truth of the Word of Yah and obey His commands. Changing what He says to fit man's perceived needs is wrong and probably an abomination to Him. False teachings have led many astray for many years. How on earth can we keep His commands if we won't take the time to discover what they are? Satan hopes we're too complacent to take notice.

Seek and ye shall find.