Saturday, May 21, 2011

Part of His Creation

This world shall pass, but every word of Yahweh lasts forever.

His Instructions are being written upon our hearts via His Spirit.  He has given us instructions on how to live physically so we may learn how to live spiritually.  We choose to become servants and recognize that we belong to our Creator, the Elohim of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Eve is our example of yielding to temptation as she did not trust the Word of YHWH. This brought sin upon us all, as Man fell from grace.  Abraham is our example of trusting whole heartedly in YHWH.  Noah is our example of faithfulness and willingness to obey Elohim.  Y'shua is our example of living righteously and Yah is our example of love.

Although we are born sinners, His Plan allows us to learn the Way of redemption.  As we learn and repent, we are instructed to share this Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven with others so they, too, can travel the straight path to the narrow gate that leads to Eternal Life.  Realize we are all children of Yahweh Elohim.  It is by choice some deny Y'shua as Son of Yahweh, that He is our only hope for survival.  Yahweh our Elohim will forgive ignorance as He wants everyone to have the opportunity to find the Truth and come out of the darkness (I am a good example of that).  Once we've had our eyes opened by Truth, Faith will guide us on the path of righteousness as we grow spiritually.
Love your neighbors as yourself and love our Heavenly Father with all your heart, soul and might.  If we accomplish this, all else falls into place.  For it is the Love of Yahweh that put us here in the first place and it is that same Love that will restore all things when the time comes, at the end.

We are to forgive those who have done us wrong and YHWH will forgive us for our wrong doings.  Pray for others to soften their hearts so the Word of Elohim can come in.  Y'shua is the Light of the World, the Way and the Truth and no one comes to the Father except through the Son.  Seek Him sincerely and let Him into your life - your life will change when you willingly hand it over to Yahshua, the Son of our Creator and King of the Universe!  Halleluyah!

Many have the attitude 'you're born, you live and then you die' and believe they have no control over the outcome of their lives.  Therefore, they don't feel responsible for their actions.  Few realize there is a spiritual battle going on for our souls that began long before we were physically born into this world.  In the long run, YHWH has already won, but you and I are in the midst of this battle which is playing out.  Temptations and Deceptions are everywhere and most people don't recognize them for what they are- Diversions from seeking the Truth, the Way and the Light of the World.  We also face trying times in our lives which are necessary, for some, as a test of faith, to strengthen it.  Some need these challenges in order to bring about a keener awareness of the bigger picture.  If we stay in our own little corner of our own little world, how are we to know what to do when events take place during the end times?  How will we know who to trust if we haven't been paying attention all these years?

It is very important now to dust off the cover and read your bible from Old Testament through the New Testament, again and once more, each day.
There is purpose to our lives and that is to Love Yah, Love our neighbor as we love ourself and treat others as we'd like to be treated.  Do all our work and chores in six days, then rest on the seventh day count from each new moon, Yah's Sabbath day rest made for man.  Don't tell lies or be envious of others. Don't take what doesn't belong to you.  Don't plan on murdering anyone as Revenge belongs to YHWH.  Don't let your actions bring dishonor on your family.  Behave yourself and control your animal lusts! Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.  Don't misuse the name of Elohim, Yahweh, and don't try to replace Him with carved statues of other so called gods and idols. YHWH is the one true living Elohim!  He cares for us, His creation.  

To protect us from The Adversary, Satan, the devil, Yahweh gave us His Son, Y'shua who was killed, sacrificed not only to save us from sin but to fulfilled Torah/Old Testament prophecy.  The blood shed by Y'shua is what symbolically washes us clean from our sins. He is Yah's weapon against Satan and his temptations, demons and deceptions and reminds us that that old Dragon makes us slaves to the world system.  And the worse is yet to come.  That is why hardships befall us in our life time, to prepare us to be strong in faith in Yahweh.  What we have gone through will seem like small potatoes in comparison to the final three and half years.  Those with the seal of Elohim in their foreheads will be saved, protected from the end time events designed to convince the remaining Gentile, pagan, non-believers to get on board or choose eternal torment.  Some of us need minor prodding to see the difference between good and evil, others will simply refuse to see and believe.
If you know about our Creator, whose name is Yahweh (YHWH) but haven't chosen to belong to Him, time is running out.  If you've heard about salvation but haven't sought it out, now would be a good time.  The Son of Elohim was born to Hebrew parents who were told by an angel of Yahweh to name the child 'Yahshua'.  Call upon His Name and have a conversation with Him in the quiet of your mind.  The words will come, you'll see.  You don't need to wait until you're in dire straights to reach out to Him.  Drop your pre-conceived notions, be earnest and willing to receive His Love and Forgiveness.  There's plenty of room on the path back home, but there is not plenty of time left for you to make that decision.