Thursday, January 29, 2009

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

Ezekiel 12:1 - Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, “Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house.

There is so much to heed these days that it can seem overwhelming, but we cannot give in lest we become slaves to Satan in one of his many disguises. Remember- he is the father of lies and the master of deception. In smooth talk he deceived Eve and turn her against Yahweh's command- one simple request! Do Not Eat of the Tree in the Center of the Garden! One simple rule to abide by in the Garden of Eden. 

Our president (Obama) was not especially forthcoming about his birth certificate and never did publicly admit where he was born, for example. A little white lie - by not saying anything, he convicted himself. And what if he is a believer in Islam? That does not bode well for our future. He is pretending to get friendly with the middle east muslims which could open the door for them to solidify their infiltration of the USA via Sharia Law (apparently legal) and build more terrorist cells throughout the land so they can force their hand when needed.   (Update 3/13/2017- I am leaving this in here as a reminder of days gone by ~ Candus)

A lot has happened in the world since the days of Adam and Eve, boy howdy!! But I believe, sadly, America has seen her peak and is on the way down. She began backsliding in 1960 when God was removed from the public school system and hasn't stopped since then. I read a comparison of women as shown on TV from the 1950-60's to today. It started with wholesome June Cleaver and ended with degenerate Ellen. How true that the modern day media/art reflects humanity as a whole. How true that without Yahweh we are nothing, yet with Him anything is possible!

Learn to tell the difference between a lie and the truth - stop pretending everything is O.K. and start living by the Instructions given us from our Creator.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Painful Story

Abortion is murder, but I didn't know it back then. This is all in hindsight, mind you, otherwise I would have a child enjoying life today.

It was the late 70's. Women's Lib had already freed us from many 'responsibilities' and I was determined not to have 'his' child, not assuming any of the blame. He didn't even offer to help me out when I told him what I wanted to do and that made me dislike him even more. I was acting selfishly by not accepting the role of motherhood and didn't think any man would want me if I had a kid. (I just shook my head as I typed that, Yashua forgive me Again!) I thought I was doing the right thing.

Back then I was nothing more than a plaything that belonged to Satan and that is because I didn't belong to anyone and disregarded our Creator. I didn't believe in anything so I fell for everything. I was a 'free spirit' blowing in the wind, without direction, a pot smoking, 'recreational drug user' who could party with the best of them! I dabbled in New Age beliefs, felt drawn to the 'spirit world', tried to find god in peyote and LSD all to the tune of rock and roll.

Sounds cool? I thought I was! But it was an ugly waste of years and a waste of my health and a loss of friendships. I was blind to reality, in a satanic delusion, if you will. I was in a big delusional escapism of life while all the time thinking I was living it. (I will go into an analysis of 'why' that was happening in a later post, again in hindsight, in regard to what we understand about ourselves as we get older).

Such was my mindset which allowed me to see an abortion as a reasonable alternative.

Several years later did I learn the truth, of many things, and not just the killing of unborn children. I saw frames from an 'x-ray' movie, of an abortion taking place, you could actually see the child's face express pain as it was being sucked out, torn to pieces. Oh How I Cried! and tears still appear whenever I think about this, that I took part in such a procedure and that people can actually support this procedure!

It is a fact that abortion is an act of murder. There is no excuse for it. Lack of education from parents to their children is a fault. Lack of YHWH our Creator in our lives is a fault. But there is no excuse for murdering an unborn child. It is so bad that I have to go as far as to say a 'partially born' child, as well... I have seen a diagram of that procedure (WARNING!! Diagram of partial birth abortion), too, and it is just awful that anyone can agree with it.

So, now that I have shed more light on this awful procedure, pass it on to others.  Children are a gift from Elohim and society has turned it around as a bad thing.