Friday, November 14, 2008

Traditions of Men - Hard habits to break

I think one of the hardest things for any professing Christian is to give up the traditional holiday festivities. 

We are raised believing in Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Ghosts and Goblins, sunrise service and other distractions put in our way by Satan. We don't know any better because that's what mom and dad have done and their folks and their folks before them. Innocently enough, little white lies and fairy tales have kept us off His Path.

That's how it was for me until I started asking questions, and I only started asking those questions a handful of years ago. What, why, who and when.... 

None of it will make sense unless you are pointed in the direction of life on a straight path that leads to a narrow gate. It ain't easy but we do it out of love and gratitude for our heavenly Father and His Son. We must choose to participate in His plan else we get nothing out of it. 

I think the main reason we look forward to the holidays is because they are so festive with all the lights and colors and good food and drink. Families get together, make time for one another and no doubt there is love there, too, but it's all performed beneath the pagan decorations of another lifetime. To YHWH it has the outward appearance of pagan worship. It smacks of Babylonian ways which He warned us to stay away from more than once. 

Some facts are: 
There is plenty available for historical research about the origins of what we think are American, Christian holidays. We have been lead astray and by that I mean Satan has taken us by the hand and walked us in the opposite direction from which YHWH desires us to go. It would be wise to choose to remain on that straight path that leads to the narrow gate. That means turning our backs on these pagan festivals. We do so with the help of His son, Y'shua, because with out him, we are fair game for the Adversary- Satan.

This is just one of many steps in the spiritual journey that returns us to the King of the Universe, YHWH, our Creator.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

1995 ~ My New Beginning

I came to repentance in 1995, tearfully asking for help from the very God I had been ignoring all those years. 

I was Channel Surfing TV than actually watching anything. I stopped on a program because the man looked like my Grandpa Bryan. This man on TV was a preacher sitting behind a wooden desk with the American flag behind it. There was a small statue of an eagle on the desk along with some other things and his big old Bible. His voice was calm, his demeanor firm, and the words weren't what I was expecting from a preacher. I continued to listen to him.

I was listening to every word out of this preacher's mouth as if he was in the room speaking directly to me! I was embarrassed and ashamed as my was life laid open before "God and Everyone". I prayed for the first time ever, asking for salvation, asking Jesus to come into my life and forgive me my sins. By this time I was bawling! I was a mess! My life was at a dead end until that day.

I had no idea...

I cried and confessed and asked several times to be forgiven that afternoon. I was bewildered when I realized I had been Satan's plaything for all those years! I became disgusted at my behavior back in those days! It's as if it were another person who did all those bad things. Oh, and the joy of knowing salvation had me floating on air for days to come! And I confessed and cried for a few more days after that! I had a lot of sinning to fess up to and it wasn't easy. My heart had been opened and the process of cleaning began.

The Holy Spirit got a foot hold in me that day and my journey began. Realizing our sinful nature is only the beginning. There is a whole lot of learning that follows. Each beginning will be different for other folks - not everyone needs to hit rock bottom, like me, in order to have their eyes opened.

So many have gone before us! There is nothing new under the sun, it's just that our eyes get opened and we see more clearly than before. Our Father is continually refining us, as the day He gathered His People and led them out of Egypt. He continues with each test he put before us in our individual lives today. It is a wonderful feeling knowing our Messiah! I love this path that I am on, that we are on.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quoted from Mike Clayton

B'resheet is the Hebrew word for
"In the beginning"

The account of Genesis begins with how the heavens and the earth were created. Scripture tells us that it took six days for all the work to be done. At the end of those six days, Our Creator gave everyone a day off, including Himself. The world, the creatures and even the people were perfect in that day. It was a life you and I can only dream of, but never fully understand. It is a time we long to be restored to.

Into perfection came a lie from the enemy which when accepted by Eve brought doubt into her mind. Until this time she had never wondered for a moment if Yahweh really had done what He had said. In those cool-of-the-evening conversations she had just accepted the how and why He had created everything. Why should she have any doubts, because after all He was the only one she knew who had been there and witnessed these things.
When satan came to Eve his trickery was not about getting her to eat a piece of fruit, it was to plant a seed of doubt in her spirit. It was to make her doubt the words of her Creator. The words, "Did Elohim really say?" would not only cause her to eat of forbidden fruit, they would cause her and all her descendants to forever ask the question, "Did He really say?" It is a question which still plagues His family today.
No other passage of scripture has been picked apart and ridiculed as much as Genesis One. In this chapter we read of the creation of the heavens, the earth and all that is in them. We read the order of creation and the astounding words that it was done in six days. We then count from this time period using subsequent scripture and find all this was accomplished about six thousand years ago! Could that really be so? Could He really mean it as He states it here? Is this not merely code language for six million days or maybe six billion years? Did He really mean what He said? "Did He really say?"

Men have done their best through the years using junk science and fuzzy logic to ridicule and prove wrong the words of Genesis One. They have come up with evolution (which makes a monkey out of them), big bang theories and any number of ridiculous thoughts to place doubt in the words of Scripture. This so called teaching has produced a generation of Godless thought and Godless actions in the world around us.

Now you can call me simple if you desire, but I choose to read Genesis One the same as I do all of scripture. I choose to read it and believe it just as it is written. I am of the opinion that if Yahweh had meant six thousand or six billion years that is what He would have written. If He had chosen to bring us from slime ponds and monkeys that is what He would have said. If He had used a big bang, He would have told us so.

But “What is the difference?” you may ask. “Is it really important to believe Genesis one the way it is written?” “What about science today?” Let me take these one at a time.

Does it make a big difference how we treat the words of Genesis One? I believe the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” The attitude you take toward the first chapter is the attitude that will direct your thoughts through the rest of Scripture. If you have doubts about the first chapter, it would be safe to say you are still walking in that same doubt when you get to the words of Revelation. The only difference is the seed of doubt will have now been able to grow into a full size tree of doubt.

What about science today? Scientists today break their own rules when it comes to the creation of the world. In order for a scientific principle to be called true, it must be observed by the scientist. We do have some old scientists around today, but not one of them is six thousand years old. The only One we have Who was around at the time of creation states the world was created in six days and records it as being about six thousand years old. He is the only eyewitness we have. I choose to believe the One Who was there!

Through the years scientists have changed their theories and books every few years. Every time they are proven wrong, they simply come up with another theory to get them through to the next blunder. The Word of Yahweh has never been proven wrong nor has it ever needed a revision. What He said has always proven the test of time and always will.

Today, we may not understand all that went on during the days of creation, but one thing we have a choice in. We have a choice to begin our time in scripture with faith or with doubt, with faith in His Words, or with doubt based upon man’s words. The choice we make today will affect us from the very first chapter to the very last. (End Quote)

Update 09/11/2018 ~ I am keeping this quote because it is a great lesson, but I no longer follow the teachings of Mike Clayton.  He has gone the way of many other popular teachers who, after realizing that Torah was for everyone and reveals the Hebrew Roots of our Faith, have gone 'Jewish' by following the traditions of man.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

YHWH is the name of our Creator

I grew up thinking that "God's name was God", but come to find out, God is what He is and YHWH is His name. He is known by various attributes, but Yah-weh is His Name.

I grew up thinking the name of His son was Jesus when in reality, his name is Y'shua, and he is our Messiah. His mother was instructed to name her son Yah-shua.

If we have accepted their names as 'God' and 'Jesus' without question, what else has been handed down through generations that we accept as true?

It is the traditions of man that we blindly follow because it's what our families have done for generations. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, to name a few. Scripture says we have inherited the lies of our fathers and I am seeing this to be true.

Update 10/27/2017 -- This was my opening post for this blog, published in 2008! I give thanks to Yahweh for the path He put me on and allowing His Spirit to Comfort me with the Truth.  It's a path that we move along, learning and gaining understanding each step of the way.

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